Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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Instead of going somewhere to enjoy herself, Serina went back to the hotel with Natalya following behind her. True to her words, Natalya was indeed staying on the room across where Serina was staying.

"Uhm…would you like to talk in my room?" Serina asked. She'll have the advantage if they talk inside her room because she can use her powers under the barrier and she knows the layout of her room in case she needed to move around.

Natalya knew that the other woman was still wary of her so, she agreed.

Serina opened the door to her room and let Natalya come inside. She closed the door as soon as the other woman settled inside and she placed the books on the coffee table.

"I can sense something from you." Natalya mentioned before Serina could even start speaking. She leaned a little bit closer, trying to find the source of the power that really attracts her senses. "I've had encountered this scent before but I cannot remember where."

"You must be mistaken. I just arrived in this town not long ago."

"No, I couldn't be wrong." Natalya retorted and finally focused her eyes on the necklace that Serina was wearing. "Where did you get that necklace?"

"Oh! This?" Serina held onto the pendant and smiled. "This is given by a close friend of mine. He says it will protect me and such because this was chosen by the wolves."

"Wolves? Werewolves?"

"Ah? No. Not like that. Just normal wolves. There were so many wolves at the forest near his home and we played with the cubs, making me grow fonder to them."

"Serina…I…do you believe if I tell you that I can smell the werewolf scent coming from that necklace?"

"No way!" Serina exclaimed in excitement. "How could that be possible? I've only seen wolves not werewolves."

"But, do you believe they exist?"

"Of course." Serina answered instantly with no trace of hesitation in her voice. "I believe they exist and I believe that you're from a different being as well."

"So, you figured." Natalya stood up and turned around to show Serina her back. She lifted the hem of her clothes and what Serina saw really surprised her. "Can you see it?"

"Yeah. You are…your back…"

"And now I can confirm that we are similar in a sense that you have your own secret identity, too. " Natalya stated as a matter of fact. Serina wanted to deny it but seeing how brave Natalya was in exposing herself to newly-found 'friend' in town, she couldn't muster the strength to lie anymore.

"We are similar but I cannot tell you the details of my identity. I'll be in danger if others accidentally stumbled upon my hidden spirit. So, I take it that you are from the leopard clan?"

"Leopard clan? I don't know that."

"You don't know? How is that possible? You never searched for origins."

"That is why I'm talking to you because I'm trying to figure out what kind of being I am. I'm an orphan. I don't know who my parents are because I grew in an orphanage. I just knew that somethings wrong with me when I started hearing things and others don't. When I turned 18 years old about two years ago, I discovered these spots behind my back but other people don't see it. They even thought that I'm hallucinating. They sent me to a mental institution and there I met my master. She's a doctor and just like us, she can hear things as well but she's hundred percent sure that she's human. She can't see the spots behind me, either."

Serina tried to process everything that she has heard so far and somehow, it excites her that she finally found someone she can talk to about these things. "So, you're staying with your master?"

"Yes. She works in a hospital and she adopted me as her sister. I got my name from her. She's married already and has a kid but she still continued to help me."

"That's so nice of her." Serina commented. "I'm glad that we met. I have so many things that I have yet to learn and I'd be happy if you can share your knowledge to me. I'm very fond of wolves and I'd like to know how I can identify werewolves from real wolf."

"In that case, would you like to come with me to meet some people I know. They're close friends to my master and they would surely help you to learn a lot of things."

"Sure. Sure. I'd love to." Serina replied happily. "Would you like to have a sleepover in my room? We can share some of the things we know. I have lots of knowledge about dragons."

"Dragons? They exist?"

"Yeah. They exist. My father told me a lot of things related to them and sometimes, he'd tell me about vampires and werewolves, too but I have never met one before."

"You have not?" Natalya questioned with a look of surprise on her face. "You are not using your powers to check on people, aren't you?"

"No. Why?"

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"You are so vulnerable to dangers. It's probably true that you'd be in danger if you expose yourself to other beings but even without exposing yourself to them, you are still in danger. Not only can I sense the werewolf coming from the necklace but I can also smell the scent of a vampire from you. Who did you go out with ever since you arrived here?"

Serina was stunned at this question. Nicholas gave her the necklace and he was very close to the wolves. Damon was the only man she ever went out with ever since she arrived in the country but she also met a lot of people along the way.

'Nicholas can't be a werewolf, right?' Serina asked mentally but her dragon didn't answer her question.

'Do you think Damon is a vampire?' she asked again but Brittislava was still silent.

Natalya saw the worry in Serina's eyes and she felt bad for pointing out the truth as well. 'But, if I won't say anything, who knows what could happen to her?' Natalya thought to herself.

The two of them turned silent as they ponder over their thoughts.

Outside the hotel, Damon was looking at the room where Serina was supposedly staying. He was running his power to pry over her but there was a force that was stopping him. 'That damn Nicholas! I'd be sure to get that necklace and threw it away.' He told himself as he walked away from the place.

He went to a silent and dark alley, and transformed himself to a raven. He can shapeshift and become whatever animal he wants without any worry. He flew to the sky and perched on an electric tower across the hotel room where Serina stayed. He can see her smile as she talks to a woman who looked beautiful with blonde hair.

Since he cannot pry over Serina's mind and deal with barrier that he thought Nicholas left using the necklace, Damon shifted his attention to the other woman instead. However, no matter how much he tried to intrude on the girl's mind, he couldn't do it either. He has no idea that Brittislava was working silently to protect Serina and the other girl.

How would he know that a dragon spirit has suddenly came back to the world? It was known to most supernatural beings that the most powerful clan has gone into hiding after what their princess did.

'It's that brat's fault. I didn't know he's close to this woman but seeing that she has no mark of a werewolf, it's obvious that she has no knowledge about the mate and stuff.' Damon was contemplating as he watched the two women talking inside the hotel. 'Let's leave her for now.' He thought and flew away.

Serina and Natalya became good friends and they shared about the knowledge they have about other clans that exist in this world. Since Natalya didn't know of her origin, Serina told her of the little information she had. They also established a private mental communication link.

Three days later, the two of them set out to meet Natalya's master and friends. She wanted to learn more about wolves and werewolves and she will never let this opportunity go.

"I will be studying here in the next two years but I will be staying inside the campus dorm. Would you like us to meet once in a while?" Serina asked as they walked in the street to get to the nearest bus station.

"That's not a problem for me. Let's meet whenever you have time."

"Also, about what we talked let's – watch out!" Serina pulled Natalya away and raised her hand to stop the bus which was coming their way. It was an instinctive action which resulted to time stopping and a release of her energy wave.

Serina looked around at the people that stopped moving and Natalya who was just staring unblinkingly at her. 'Brittislava, you got to do something about this.' She mentally stated while looking at her surroundings.

'Crouch low on that pole and bring Natalya with you."

"I don't think that pole can save us.'

'Just do what I say.' Serina moved quickly and dragged Natalya behind a 12-inch lamppost and ducked low. When Brittislava let receded her power, the bus continued to move forward and hit the pole.

"Oh my god! Save the girls!"

"Help them quick!"

Serina looked around and found people running towards them. The bus hit the pole and she was saved from death. 'I told you it will be alright.' Brittislava stated, proud to herself.

'Your solution is really mind blowing.' Serina responded mentally as she accepted the help from other people.

"Are you alright? That was a close call."

"Miss, your friend seems to be hurt." Serina looked at Natalya and found a small wound on her arm. "You should bring her the hospital in case she's traumatized from the incident."

"I'm fine." Natalya stated. "Let's go and find a clinic nearby." She pulled Serina away from the crowd and they walked to a place with few people. The incident caused people to flock on the accident site but the two of them hurried to leave the place. 'I sensed it. I sensed a very strong power in you.'

'Ah. Hahaha. I'm quite powerful, am I not? That's what my father told me, too.' Serina responded with faint chuckles tracing her words.

In Southern France's Languedoc area, you will find an amazing town on a hilltop. It's called Carcassonne. They were miles and miles away from Paris but the energy wave that Serina released caused many werewolves and vampires to open their eyes. Not just that, they even caught a glimpse of her dragon form.

"Report to the Alpha of Blue Moon Pack.. Tell him that we've seen the dragon princess who caused harm to their Luna."

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