Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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Serina and Natalya traveled south, stopping sometimes to get a meal since it's a long ride to Carcassonne. Knowing full well that she's considered a minor, she gave updates to her parents from time to time.

Her finger hovered to Nicholas' name and number, wanting to send him a message, too. However, she remembered their last conversation that didn't end up well. Thinking that she might get another scolding from him, she decided to put away her phone.

They left in the morning and they arrived early afternoon in Carcassonne. Serina was awestruck by the place. 'So, France has this hidden gem, too. Why didn't I hear anyone talk about this place? It's all about Paris -this and Paris – that. Look at this place.'

'Well, to start with, Paris is the capital city and the most striking Eiffel tower is located there. Although this place is beautiful, it's still way too far in comparison to Paris.'

The two of them continued their conversation through mind link, giving people the illusion that they weren't talking at all. When they arrived in this far city, Serina suggested that they travel the remaining distance by foot. She wanted to instill the amazing place in her memory.

'Are we still far from the residence?' Serina asked in mind while taking pictures of the place.

'Almost there.'

'This place is far different from all those modern-styled cities. In this place, you can feel the ancient vibe of the older era. It feels like history stopped here.'

'Is it so different from your place?'

'It is. I wish I can take you to my place, too. It's a lovely city with beautiful places. I love the forest within the Vallardi estate. They have wolves and other protected wild animals. It's just amazing.'

As they spoke, Serina felt her phone buzzed inside her pocket. When she pulled it out, she was surprised to see the message from Nicholas. 

"Heh?! Eehh? Is he serious? No way, he's not." Serina stopped walking and quickly sent her reply, asking if Nicholas was really being serious. Not long after, another message from him came. "You must be kidding me!" Serina yelled and turned around. She was retracing her steps.

"Where are you going?" Natalya questioned upon seeing Serina's unexpected reaction. "We're almost there to where my master's friends stay."

"We can't. We have to go back now."

"Huh?" Natalya scratched her head from confusion but seeing how determined Serina was about going back, she has no other choice but to follow her and make sure that she's safe. In terms of knowledge, she's got more compared to Serina and she's also older than her. She felt that it was her obligation to protect this girl.

Meanwhile, in Vallardi estate, Nicholas was grinning from ear to ear. He just received the flight confirmation to France. Few hours ago, his father received a call from one of their relatives who stayed in Carcassonne that they have seen the form of the dragon princess. To investigate the details, Riordan decided to send his son there. Of course, this brought happiness to Nicholas. He can finally see Serina again.

Nicholas: My father is sending me to France. I should arrive there tomorrow morning.

Serina: Really? That's not a joke?

Nicholas: Of course, not. Since when did I joke around you. Attached: Flight details.jpg

Serina: ????

Nicholas: I hope you can pick me at the airport tomorrow. See you ????

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

Nicholas opened the door and found his sister and mother standing there, outside his room. "Come inside."

"Have you packed your things, bro?" Yiran asked while looking around.

"Hn. I placed my luggage in the car already."

"Excited, aren't you?" Zalia questioned teasingly. "Did you inform her that you are coming over?"

"Yup. I just sent her the information." Nicholas answered which brought a raised brow from his sister. "Why are you looking like that? You can't be mean to the future Luna of this pack."

"She doesn't even know anything. Are you sure she'd be able to accept your identity? Aside from that, we can't even tell if she's a regular human or not because you kept stopping us from scanning her."

"Whether she's an ordinary human or not, it has nothing to do with you. Respect her because she's going to be your future sister-in-law. Stop playing tricks on her."

"None of my tricks even work."

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"That's because she's smart."

"But what if she's from the dragon tribe? What is she's just hiding her identity from us? Have you forgotten what they have done to our mom? If she turns out to be one of those horrible creatures, what would you do?"

Zalia looked at her daughter and then to her son. She could see how troubled he was at this question coming from his sister. "Ranran, don't be like that. What happened years ago has nothing to do with Serina. Don't give your brother a hard time."

"Hmp! I am just stating the possibilities." Yiran retorted, not backing out at all. "Anyway, just be careful when you're in that country." She said and left without looking back.

Zalia took a deep breath and sighed as she gave her son a faint smile. "Just forgive your sister, okay. Don't think too much about what she said. Whether Serina is from the dragon tribe, the vampire clan or whether she's a she-wolf or not, I don't mind. As long as she's your mate, that's all that matters."

Nicholas nodded his head in understanding while also hoping that Serina wouldn't turn out as one of the dragon tribe's men.

Back in France, Serina went back to Paris after receiving the message from Nicholas. It didn't matter if she has to postpone her prior plans. She just wanted to be there when he arrives.

When they got back to Paris, the beautiful sunset can be seen on the west. The striking sunset rays gave warmth to her heart and Serina felt so blessed for being able to see such beauty. "Let's have dinner and call it a day. Let's reschedule our plan of going to Carcassonne."

"Sure. We can do it anytime." Natalya answered.

"Where have you been?"

Natalya and Serina was startled from the sudden question coming behind her. They never noticed that someone has been standing there. "Da-Damon. Don't just stand there without telling me. That was really startling." Serina stated while patting her chest.

"Where did you go? I was planning to invite you to watch a theater." Damon reiterated his words while giving Natalya a once-over look.

"I went somewhere with my friend Natalya." Serina answered. "You should have called me before deciding things on your own."

"Oh? Do I have to?"

"Of course. Duh!" Serina responded and rolled her eyes at him.

Damon just looked at her with hooded eyes and because he looked down on the ground, Serina wasn't able to see the scarlet glow in his eyes.

'Rina!' Natalya called out mentally with voice laced in fear. 'This guy is dangerous. How did you get close to him?'

'He's an acquaintance. I've meet him in our city before.'

'No way! He's a vampire!'

"What?!" Serina's voice came out loud from the shock. Damon looked at her and she also looked back at him. This time, she could really feel the danger coming from him. "What are you looking at? Are you angry that I couldn't join you?" She started asking him just to hide her fear from him.

Damon could smell the scent of her fear. This is the scent that his kinds like the most. They loved to instill fear to their victims but as of lately, to make sure that his kinds won't be deeply impacted, he had to charm his victims instead.

"You look afraid of me." Damon mentioned, not moving an inch towards her but Serina felt like he was looming over her.

Natalya took steps in front of Serina in order to protect her but Serina only smiled faintly. "You look angry and I didn't know what I did wrong. I'm new to this place, of course I'd take my time exploring it. And you are a busy man. I don't want to impose on you. Natalya is with me so, you can do whatever business you have to do."

"I don't mind you imposing on me."

"But I mind." She said. "Anyway, I'm getting inside now. I'm tired from all the walking and running. I'll see you around." She was about to leave him when Damon spoke again.

"Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? I don't think so. Nicholas is coming over and I'll be spending my time with him."

Damon just nodded his head in agreement but deep inside he was cursing Nicholas over and over again. 'Damn that werewolf! I would have killed him if not because of my father stopping me!' The angrier he became, the redder his eyes were. Serina was wanted to say something else when she finally caught sight of the changes in his eyes.

"I'll see you next time when I have the chance." She said as she tried to calm her nerves. 

Damon thought that he was able to keep his identity a secret.. He had no idea that Serina already found out that he's a vampire.

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