Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 38: AN OLD WOMAN

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Happy moments will always come to an end. Nicholas spent three days with Serina alone and has enjoyed every moment with her. But then again, his purpose of coming to France wasn't to have a date with her. He must leave and investigate he matter as soon as he can or his father will be mad at him.

"I'll have to leave for Carcassonne." Nicholas told Serina during their dinner. "I have some matters that I need to deal with."

"O-okay. It's not really a problem. When will you come back?"

"That's the problem. I won't be coming back until I get the issue resolved. I'll have someone check on you from time to time just to make sure that you are safe."

"Thanks. I appreciate the concern." Serina replied but deep inside she was curios about Carcassonne once again. Last time she went there with Natalya but before they could even do what they wanted to do, they postponed it because of his arrival. "Honestly, I went to Carcassonne few days ago?"

"You went there? What were you trying to do there?"

"Uh. Sightseeing?" Serina answered in question as well. "Well, you know that I've been curious about supernatural beings, right? Natalya told me that someone she knew is living in Carcassonne and that person knows a lot of things about werewolves and vampires. I just want to learn a little."

"What you were trying to do is dangerous. You are a foreign student who came here with the purpose of studying. Did you really think werewolves and vampires would want people snooping around their information? You'd be killed for that."

"That's if they can kill me." Serina muttered but Nicholas still caught her words clearly.

"I don't know where your confidence came from but Rina, stop doing such thing. It's dangerous. If you want to know more about werewolves, I will let my mom call you. She can tell you a lot of things because she knows a lot, too."

"You don't have werewolves living in that estate of yours, do you?" she asked in a teasing manner but she didn't expect for Nicholas to turn all serious on her. And what was more, she didn't expect for him to confirm her wild guess.

"It's a secret in our estate." Nicholas mentioned. "Rina, I trust you in this matter so don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

"Of course, not. I will forever keep this confidential information." She leaned closer on him and looked at him in the eyes. "You are not joking with me about this, right?"

"I'm not. I'm telling you the truth. Weren't you curious why we have so many wolves in our estate, it's because there are werewolves staying in our place. They're like the guardian of the estate." Nicholas stated where in truth, almost everyone leaving in that place was a werewolf. He wasn't worried talking to her about this matter in a public place because he already set up a barrier between them.

To other customers, what they're seeing is that the two of them were whispering to each other but only Serina and him knew how loud their voices were.

"Hey! You are telling me to talk to your mom all about this weird stuff that I'm interested with, wouldn't she feel awkward about it?"

"I don't think so and I believe she won't tell you everything but just some general information."

"How about you? You told me that you know a werewolf. Why don't you tell me about it yourself?"

"If that's what you like, I can do that, too. I'll give you a call when I'm in Carcassonne and we can talk about this stuff that you like to learn."

"You're the best." Serina responded happily before finishing the food on her plate.

After dinner, the two of them strolled in the street for a little while before going back to the hotel. They still wanted to spend a little bit more time with each other before he leaves the city for Carcassonne tomorrow.

At nine in the evening, the two of them finally went back and bid farewell. 

The next morning, Serina was still sleeping when Nicholas checked out of the hotel.

'Rina. Rina.' Brittislava tried waking her up since it was already 10:00 in the morning. 'Why are you such a sleepyhead today? You always wake up early to learn from me.'

"Sorry." Serina mumbled while rubbing her eyes. "I'll get up now." She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face. "We have few more days left before going to the campus."

'I know and it's good.' Brittislava responded. 'Anyway, I want you to learn how to heal using enchantment.'

"I can do that, too?"

'Of course. I'm one of the most powerful dragons. Since you are the person I chose, you will also be powerful. Until I am sure that you are powerful enough to go against vampires and werewolves and other supernatural beings, you are not allowed to face them head on. Unless we have no other choice but to unleash yourself.'

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"I like the sound of that. I wonder how would Nicholas react if he knows."

'You can't tell him. When the right time comes, he will know for sure but do not tell him voluntarily.'

"O-okay. If that's what you want. I won't let him know."

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Serina ordered some food for breakfast while combing her hair. Just as she put down the telephone, someone knocked on her door.

"Natalya? What's the matter? Why didn't you – " Natalya covered Serina's mouth and pushed her back inside the room. Shock with what's going on, Serina tried to remove the hands that were covering her mouth. She felt afraid. The woman in front of her was completely different to the woman she befriended with.

"Ahh!" Natalya shrieked when Serina bit her hand. Blood were dropping on the floor one after another but in less than ten seconds the wound was healed and the blood stopped oozing out. "You wretched woman!"

"You are not Natalya!" Serina exclaimed when she realized what was wrong. "Where the hell did you bring her?" Serina wanted to go out of the room but the woman kept blocking her. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"Who I am doesn't matter to you but who you are and what you are matters to me."

"What do you mean? I don't understand what you are talking about." Serina was taking steps backward to get to her phone which she placed on the bedside drawer of her bed. "If you kill me now, a lot of people will come after you. I know a vampire, a very strong one and he will kill you. I know a werewolf, too. He…he is…he is the leader of the pack and he is very, very strong. He will snap you into two without batting an eyelid."

"Honey, the question is, would they come to save you right on time?"

Serina didn't answer, just taking slow steps backward. 'Hey! Brittislava! Do something! How is this person here? Why didn't you notice that someone has breached the barrier!'

'Alright! Stop playing around. You are scaring her.' Brittislava stated which puzzled Serina the most.

"I am not scaring her. She's scaring me!"

'That's what I said.' Brittislava retorted. 'Anyway, don't be afraid, that's one of the elders from the dragon tribe.'

Serina's eyes never left the woman's face and as she stared at her, she noticed the slow ripples of her skin and soon, what appeared in front of her was just an old lady with white hair and hunch back. "Eh? EEEhhhh?! What's happening?"

"We were just trying to put you on a test." The old lady stated as she walked to the nearest couch in a calm manner. Serina was still moving backwards to get her phone. "Why are you so afraid? Didn't she tell you that you are one of the most powerful dragons?"

"Uh. She did. She just told me few minutes ago before you came knocking and scared the hell out of me." Serina retorted and sat on another chair, far, far from her intruder. "So, you didn't do anything to my friend?"

"No. She's still sleeping in her room." The old lady answered while looking outside the window. "You are very reckless. You don't even close the curtains of your windows, letting vampires have a great view of you."

"Wh-what? Vampires? They were checking on me? Like I'm a meal?"

"Anyone can be their meal."

'That's right. If you are weak, you will be the next meal.' Brittislava also added.

Serina was even more worried now for her life. "So…uhm…are you here to help me become a strong dragon bearer?"

"Hn. I have made a deal with the dragon princess. You will know about it when the right time comes. As for now, you will learn everything that you can in the shortest time possible."

"How much time do I have?"

"One year." 

"One year?" Serina questioned with her eyes blinking in disbelief. "You are asking me to learn everything in one year? Do you really think that I am that smart?"

"No more, no less." The older woman answered. 'Because everything will each when you reach eighteen..' The last message was directly sent to Brittislava and Serina has no idea of the future that's coming for her.

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