Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 39: HER VISIT I

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One month later, Serina met with her classmates and the five of them went to their school together. They had to attend one month of advance class which was only about basic etiquettes and things that you need to watch for when roaming around France. Basically, it's learning about their culture in order not to offend any locals.

At the same time, Serina was learning from Elder Alina. She's a water dragon. Although, the two of them have opposite properties, it wasn't a problem since the basic enchantments were applicable to both of them. The only problem was once she upgraded her ability to the complex part. There wouldn't be anyone who can supervise her because she's the last fire dragon that has lived to this year.

The other fire dragons chose not to exist anymore because of the human greed. They have decided to shatter their spirits in the mortal world and return to their own realm.

Nicholas has returned back to their city as well. He was only given to months to find the dragon but the creature was very elusive. He never associated such creature to the woman that he likes but the truth was already before his eyes, he just chose to be blind. He went home empty-handed but his father didn't scold him for it. He knew that it's difficult to find anyone from the dragon tribe. How much more the dragon princess who offended them?

As time went by, Serina has learned a lot. She learned how to mask her scent which was always done by her father and Brittislava before. Now, without their aid, she can do it on her own. She was able to use her ability without anyone detecting her energy. She had been doing this experiment with Natalya who was now staying back in Carcassonne. The two of them still communicated but she still never said what kind of spirit she has. She cannot tell her yet.

She also postponed the idea of going to Carcassonne to learn about werewolves and vampires since she has Nicholas to tell her the information that she wanted to learn. She made a mistake, though. She asked him if he knows about dragons and that question brought them to another silent war. It's been four months since he last contacted her. The longest time that they haven't talk at all.

'Natalya, do you have any idea of the Blue Moon Pack?' Serina asked Natalya during the night that she was trying to learn a new skill which was to erect a barrier around a huge area.

'I have heard of them. I heard that they're one of the strongest werewolf pack. However, something happened to their current Luna. I think it's a curse that was placed on her hundreds of years ago.'

'Who cursed her?'

'A dragon bearer. I have a little knowledge about this stuff but that's the fact. The dragon princess fell in love to the Alpha of the pack but he already found his mate that time. The dragon princess got angry and placed a curse on her. After that, no one saw the dragon princess again or anyone from their clan. They have gone into hiding.'

'What if that dragon princess has died? There will be a new dragon bearer, right? Will she be blamed for what happened hundreds of years ago?'

'I'm not sure about that. In fact, I have heard that the dragon princess appeared six months ago. Someone from the Blue Moon pack came to investigate it as well but they found nothing. She just disappeared like a bubble.'

'Does everyone from the werewolf pack hates her?'

'Not just the werewolf pack, the caretakers or guardians of wolves hate her, too.'

'No wonder Nicholas got angry.'

'Nicholas? Why? Did you ask him about the dragon and stuff related to it?'

'Yeah. I was just wondering and wanted to know his opinion but I didn't know we would end up not talking for month. Well, exactly four months.'

'Why did you even have to ask him? His family is considered guardian of wolves and they knew some werewolves, too. He must hate that dragon princess.'

'How about you? Do you hate her? If you knew who she was, will you tell the werewolves?'

'What are you talking about? I don't hate her and what happened to her and the werewolves has nothing to do with me? I'm a lone being from the leopards. I don't even know where I can find the rest of my kind. Instead of thinking about those things about dragons and werewolves, I'd rather think about my well-being. At the end of the day, werewolves have their pack and dragons have their tribesmen. And me? I have no one.'

'You have me.'

'Right. I have you and my master.'

The two of them talked for another hour about little things and stuff related to supernatural creatures and Serina even felt the impulse to tell Natalya of her spirit but she still held back. When the call ended, she lay down on her bed and stared on the ceiling.

"What are you going to do now?" Elder Alina asked as she sat on Serina's bed. "It seems that everyone hates our clan and specially the dragon princess."

"Why do I have to bear the brunt of their anger when I am not the one who placed the curse?"

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"Because the curse comes from the dragon not from you. Whoever is getting that dragon will be the one to suffer. If your late auntie didn't have the dragon, will she have the power to curse the Luna of the Blue Moon Pack? She won't, right?"

"That makes sense." Serina responded with least enthusiasm. "Today is the fourth month since Nicholas stopped sending me messages and to think I only asked him about dragons and the dragon princess. If he knows that I'm a dragon bearer and the bearer of the dragon princess at that, he'd probably block me off from his entire life."

"Probably, yes. Probably, not. Who knows?"

Serina just shut her mouth and closed her eyes. She just wanted to disappear and never appear in front of anyone again. At first, she was happy for getting such unique ability. Then, she felt worried because of the spirit she was carrying which will cost her of her life in the future. Now, she just wanted to hide away and erase everyone's memory of her.

"That's right!" Serina got up from bed and looked at the elder beside her. "I can erase everyone's memory of me and just go into hiding, right?"

"No, you cannot. You are depriving yourself of your future happiness."  Elder Alina replied. "Don't worry Serina. Everything will change once you are of legal age. Few months from now, no one will hate you anymore."

"You mean, I'd be able to cure the Luna of the Blue Moon Pack?"

"Yes, you will. And you don't have to learn those complex spells and other things. Just learn the basics and practice the curse-lifting power that I told you."

"How would I know if this will work?" Serina questioned. She didn't have anyone to experiment after all.

"I'll bring you somewhere tomorrow." After saying these words, Elder Alina disguised herself as one of the professors and left the school dormitory under the pretense that she was just checking her students.

Serina went to sleep with so many things in mind.

The next day, when she woke up she was no longer inside her room. She opened the door, she was no longer within the school campus. What greeted her was a vast mountain range with wide expanse of meadows below. There was a huge waterfall and a long stretch of river below it which was truly magical in Serina's view. She has never seen such things in her life before.

And what was more amazing were the dragons flying over her. She blinked her eyes several time and pinched her cheek to see if she was dreaming but she wasn't.

"Welcome to the dragon clan's hideout." Elder Alina greeted her who just came out of nowhere.

"Stop appearing so suddenly behind me. You'll give me a heart attack."

"Enemies like to appear without warning. You should be vigilant wherever you are. I won't be with you every second of every day."

"Fine. Fine. I understand. So, which part of the world are we?" Serina questioned since she had no idea where she was.

"If you want to keep your normal life, it's better that you don't know the location of this place."


"Follow me. I want you to meet someone." Elder Alina walked ahead of her and brought her to where everyone lives. There were houses made of straws and some were built on trees. Some children were playing on tree branches and there were some elders who were knitting clothes. 

One thing that they all did in common was to stop whatever they were doing and bowed at her. 

"Welcome back, princess."

"Welcome back!"

They all welcomed her with words but Serina could feel how unhappy they were of her presence.. "I take it that I have offended a lot of people here."

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