Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 43: HUNTERS I

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"Serina, why have you been avoiding me? I haven't seen you in a while and I feel like you hate me." Damon commented as he sat down opposite to her.

"I wasn't avoiding you. I just have other important things to do. And I don't hate you."

"Then, can I have the chance of having dinner with you tonight?"

"Ah? No, sorry." Serina refused almost automatically. "I have made prior plans with my friend already and I don't know when I can get another chance like this to spend it with her."

"I see. I will not take much of your time, then. Have a great time with you friend."

"Thank you." Serina watched him stand and leave the cafe. He didn't look angry but Serina could feel the displeased look coming from him.  She pretended that she didn't see it and just minded her won business. If worse comes to worst, she would just expose herself to him and fight him off. She would never submit herself to the vampire.

Another half an hour has passed when Natalya finally showed up. The two of them hugged each other for a little while before leaving the café to look for a restaurant where they could eat.

Serina shared little things about her and Nicholas which would always make Natalya smile meaningfully. She wasn't sure if Serina was aware that she was in love with that man but as what she can see when Nicholas traveled from their city to France, the two of them were obviously in love with each other.

"I'm glad that he started talking to you again. I was really worried as well when you told me that he stopped talking to you for several months."

"What's there to worry about?"

"I was worried because you seemed sad. You were always enthusiastic whenever we talk about him but in the past few months that you guys weren't talking, it felt like you have drained your energy. You looked sad and lonely."

"I was? I didn't realize it."

The two of them continued to talk while walking around town to find a good place to eat.

On the other hand, Nicholas and Gregory woke up very early to observe the human's camp in their forest. There wasn't any noise coming from the human but they could hear their faint breathing coming from the tents. The two of them walked slowly around the campsite, looking for an opportunity to attack them.

As for the wolves, Nicholas already communicated with them, asking them to move closer to his house in order to keep them safe. Nicholas could understand why this people found excitement in hunting because he felt the same thing as well whenever he comes home to hunt for their town's gathering. 

However, it's their territory and he can do whatever he wanted with it unlike these trespassers who do not own an inch of this piece of land. Nicholas hates people who covets his properties the most.

Seeing that none of them have shown signs of waking up, Nicholas shifted back to his human form an stole the match that was just lying on the ground next to the campfire. Since no one was watching, he lit up a match and burnt a piece of paper before bringing it closer to the tent.

It wasn't his intention to burn the humans but if they don't leave the place, he might do it next time. One after another, Nicholas set the tents on fire and left silently after transforming back to his human form.

"What's that smell?" one of the hunters woke up groggily and sniffed around to get a sense of what the smell was. "It smells like somethings burning." He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Ahh! Fire! The tents are on fire!" another man shouted which caused everyone to be awake  except Jonas, the person who led them all to the forest. They instantly left their tents and tried to salvage as much supply as they could. "Where's Jonas? Quick! Help me get that man out of his tent. He must be sleeping like a log after that hang over."

Three men went to another burning tent and tried their best to open it as quick as the could. From another side of the tent, they could already see Jonas but he was still sleeping deeply.

"Get some water and pour it on the fire. Let's put out the fire first."

"No. Splash the water to Jonas instead to wake him up." another person stated.

Some pulled out a bottle of mineral water and splashed them on the man's sleeping face, Jonas just stirred from his sleep and went back to his sleep again. Some parts of his tent were falling on the ground already, leaving holes on the tent's cloth. Some of them fell close to his body and his face.

"Jonas wake up! The tents are on fire!" someone shouted while the others were still panicking to save some of their things from the tent. "Jonas!"

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The man was still sleeping but soon after, he was screaming as he woke up from his sleep. "It hurts!" He said while touching his legs. Jonas  looked around and found many people were looking at him from another side of his tent. "Since when is my tent transparent?"

"Idiot! You will be burned to death if you won't realize it soon. Come out of your tent now! It's on fire."

Jonas still looked around, dumbfounded of what was happening. Another small portion of burning tent fell on his foot which caused him to be fully awake. Without bothering anyone anymore to worry about him, he grabbed his bag from the tent and jumped outside from the side, not from the main small door of his tent.

They all worked together to put out the fire but they weren't able to save any tent at all. Everyone's tents were burned down.

Nicholas and Gregory were watching everything from the side as these people started to panic for their things and for their lives. 'If they won't leave after this, I will steal their guns and asked one of the bears to attack them.' Nicholas told Gregory while keeping his eyes on the humans.

'We cannot kill them.'

'I won't kill anyone. I will leave them hanging on to their breaths and make it back to the hospital but I'll make sure that they'd be paralyze in fear for the rest of their lives.'

'I think we'll have to wait for that to happen. As of now, I can see that other wants to back out.'

Just like what Gregory has observed the other men looked really disappointed as well. They were sitting on the ground with their guns ready. Some were just brooding over with what just happened, not really moving.

"It must be the werewolves." Everyone looked towards Jonas who started spouting this werewolf nonsense again. "Aside from them, who else can set our tents on fire."

"Isn't it because you guys were careless." Another man retorted. "Look at the fire that we made last night, it's possible that you didn't put out the fire last night and some of the fire debris were carried by the wind, hit our tents and caused it to burn down. How could someone come in and go without our notice. That's just impossible."

"That's not impossible. We were all sleeping because we drank too much last night. The werewolves must have taken advantage of this fact and set our tents on fire."

"And why would a werewolf come here? They didn't like getting exposed. They didn't like people seeing their kinds. Why would they show up close to us?"

No one refuted this statement because it sounded real and plausible.

The group sank into another minute of silence. "I'm going back. I don't think it's worth it to stay here anymore. Our supplies aren't enough to last us several days more and we've been walking and observing the forest in the past few days; still there was no interesting thing in this forest. If those town's people find out that we're trespassing, I don't think we could get away with it."

"A coward." Jonas muttered.

"What did you say?"

Soon, a brawl between Jonas and this man broke out. Their colleagues tried their best to separate this two who took several hits from each other, earning them bruises and little wound on their bodies and faces.

Nonetheless, this didn't stop the other person from leaving. When he left, another two hunters followed and soon, the other three followed as well.

Now, only Jonas and other four hunters remained.

"Hmp! Foolish! I never lied. Later, I'll bring you to the heart of this forest. That's where we caught the huge moose last time. It can be our trophy once we get back home." Jonas promised to the other hunters just so they couldn't leave him alone.

"How are we going to bring it back home? They will be leaving with our car."

"No worries. I have other friends who can lend their truck once we get a moose or an elk. Let's find something to eat first. Just leave these tents. They're useless now."

Nicholas and Gregory secretly watched these people as they walked away from their camp to find something to eat. 'I guess we can start looking for Mr.. Bear now?' Gregory told Nicholas who only chuckled next to him.

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