Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 52: SHE'S HOME

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A month later, Serina finally got her first vacation after almost a year of staying in Paris. She was excited to see her family and friends, and of course, she wanted to see Nicholas as well. Talking through phone wasn't enough for her. If possible, she wanted to put him inside her pocket and bring him wherever she goes to.

"I'm at the airport already. I will arrive around 3:00 in the afternoon." Serina told her father on the phone while waiting for her flight. "Make sure to come and pick me. I don't want to take a taxi. Ah?.. Yeah. I'd be coming back with my schoolmates...No, their parents will be picking them up. See you! Mwah!"

Serina reminded her best friends and parents not to inform Nicholas about her arrival. Her parents thought that the two of them fought but after she explained, her parents understood.

Their daughter was no longer the baby girl who depended on them. She's far capable on her own and even though she's young, she's able to train herself without asking so much help, except from Alina.

So far, her father didn't know that she has awaken her dragon. Although she can depend on him, Brittislava didn't want Serina to tell her father.

Few minutes later, Serina finally boarded the plane to her country. For a month now, she felt a dull ache in her chest whenever she thought of Nicholas. She didn't know why and every time she called him, she didn't find anything wrong with him.

Serina sighed for the nth time as she looked outside the window. She could see the clouds outside and if it was another time, she'd probably be happy seeing the fluffy thing but now, she felt troubled.

"You have been sighing a lot of times since we left. If you keep doing that, you'd chase away your happiness." Damon told her.

He wasn't supposed to come with her but he suddenly told his father that he wanted to check their business in C Country where Serina lives. Seeing that his son volunteered to go there, Damon's father didn't stop him at all. He had no idea that Damon was just making excuses.

"Do you think I should tell Nicholas this time?" Serina questioned, facing Damon with worry on her face. "What if he can't accept me?"

It was Damon's turned to sigh now. She had been asking the same question and he was patient enough to answer her again and again.

"If you tell him during your vacation this time, you will find out his answer whether he accepts you or not. If he won't, you will have the escape route of going to Paris because of your study. Isn't it better to have an escape plan?"

"You have not changed your answer."

"You have not changed your question." Damon retorted and flicked her forehead. "Anyway, it's all up to you."

After a long flight, the plane finally arrived and Serina's parents have waited for her. Damon suddenly disappeared but knowing him, she knew that he'd come and find her the following days.



Serina looked around and found her parents and best friends standing among the crowd, waiting for her, just as excited as she was to see them. She disregard the stares of many people as she ran towards her parents, hugging them as tight as she could.

"Mom. Dad. I miss you guys so much."

"We miss you, too sweetheart." Her father replied, kissing her head again and again.

"You look thin." Irene told her daughter, scanning her from head to toe. She had not seen her daughter for almost a year and now that she did, she found so many changed in her. "You've grown your hair. Don't you trust their salons their?"

"I didn't bother trying because they're expensive. I don't want to waste my money." She said so while letting go of her parents and turned to see her best friends. "Who the heck called me Rinrin?"

"Not me." Hillary denied outrightly with her arms wide open to welcome a hug.

"If you aren't my best friend. I'd kick you now."

"What's wrong with Rinrin. It sounds cute." Hillary prodded even though she knew why.

"It's horrible."

"You just don't want to remember Sesshomaru with Rin." Brigette commented while hugging her two best friends.

"Exactly!" Serina agreed without the slightest hesitation. Sesshomaru and Rin were two characters from the anime series Inuyasha. She grew up watching this anime and silly as she was, she imagined herself to be the woman for Sesshomaru. When Rin came, she stopped watching the anime. She hated the thought that Sesshomaru would end up with someone else other than her. Up until now, even though she likes the anime and she likes Sesshomaru, she still didn't have the courage to continue watching the series.

"Let's not crowd the place. We can continue our chit-chat inside the car." Michael pulled his daughter's luggage and led them to his car.

Serina waved goodbye to Lambert and the two other students, scanning the surrounding one more time to find Damon.

'Why did you suddenly disappear?' Serina questioned through mind link.

'I met someone and I couldn't tell if he's a friend or a foe. It would be better if we don't see each other for now.'

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'I understand. You take care of yourself. If you need something, just let me know.'

'Darling, you are talking to a hundred-year-old vampire, not to a ten-year-old child.'

'Whatever. You are my friend and friends count on each other.'

'I'll remember that.'

Serina felt the disconnection from their link and she didn't pursue the matter anymore. She followed her family to their car and continued chatting with them with almost a year-worth of information.

Nicholas was having a meeting when he felt Kiro stirring restlessly inside him. He knew that the wolf wants to find Serina but they needed to wait for several days more. He had no idea that at this moment, Serina was on her way to her home.

'She'll turn 17 next month.' Nicholas told Kiro while noting information on his tablet. He appeared to be paying attention but in truth, he was talking to his wolf. He was just very good in multi-tasking.

'What gift did you prepare for her?'

''Dad gave me another heirloom. I'll be giving it to her.'

'What about your sister? Isn't she getting any heirloom from your parents?'

'She did. If I guess it right, she'll have another one next week during her birthday.' Nicholas sighed making everyone inside the meeting room look at him. "Just continue. I'm taking notes of everything."

"Okay, sir." The presenter continued as if nothing happened. They were all used to the way Nicholas holds a meeting. Unlike other people, he doesn't argue or yell at his subordinates. He would just listen to everything and give his feedback at the end. He never interrupts anyone so, they were a bit bothered when he sighed.

'Shall we tell her information about us?' Kiro inquired. They knew that Serina loves wolves but it would be completely different if it's a werewolf. Most people fear them and even if they're friends now, she might take things differently later on.

He feared that she'd be afraid of them.

'If she's our mate, which I think she is, she should understand us. There's no way she'd hate us. Maybe liking a wolf is already a mental preparation that the Moon Goddess has given her. Maybe it was to help her deal things a little better. There's not much of a difference between werewolves and wolves after all."


Everyone turned their heads to look at Nicholas once again. They all looked nervous and worried. They didn't know which part of the meeting he was agreeing to.

"Sir, I'm done with my presentation." His subordinate announced and Nicholas nodded his head.

"Thank you for that presentation. I like the first half of your report, regarding the sales and marketing strategy. With the adjustment we will be able to..." Nicholas started talking, showing that he was really listening during the meeting. He wasn't the type of person to waste time just because he was busy talking to his wolf. And all credit was due to his incomparable sense of hearing.

At the Wentworth's home. Serina's family held a small homecoming party. They wanted to invite Nicholas over but Serina stopped them again and again.

First, she wanted to avoid him for the meantime. She didn't know how to face him with all the unfamiliar emotions she felt. She didn't want to scare him away if ever she make a mistake of exposing her obsessive feelings to him.

Second, she wanted to have few more days of emotional and mental preparation before she confess.

Third, she wanted to surprise him.

"Mom, I didn't really have a fight with him but we cannot invite him to this small party."

"Since you didn't want him to know that you are home, does that mean you won't join us to attend his sister's birthday party?"


"Don't worry, auntie. We also have plan for that day. There's this place that we wanted to show her and maybe we can take that day to go out and have fun."

"When's the birthday?" Serina questioned, weighing the choice of going and staying.

"Next week Wednesday."

'Damon, are you attending Yiran's birthday?' Her questioned was answered with a deafening silence. She tried reaching out for him again but there was no answer from him. "Did he really disconnect from me?"

"Who disconnected? What connection?"

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