Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 54: NO HARM DONE

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"Nicholas." Zalia rushed towards her son, hugging him while feeling the flow of his energy. "What happened? You look so pale."

"Let's get inside the mansion first." Nicholas responded cooly even though he felt so hot deep inside him. He didn't know what's happening but he knew that the dragon has something to do with it.

Only his father came to fetch him when he was having trouble earlier. His mother had to stay home or no one would look after his sister. Even though he's a grown man, strong enough to survive whatever disaster is coming at him, his parents wouldn't just leave him alone. They were all afraid that the curse which was placed on his mother would also affect them.

Every day, they were living in caution, vigilant to their surroundings, worried that in the next second, something bad could happen; like death knocking on their doors.

"Bro." Yiran came out of her room, tears falling on her face as she ran towards her brother. "Are you okay? I was worried when I heard something happened to you?"

"I'm fine." Nicholas brushed his hand on his sister's face and wiped away her tears. "You are such a crybaby." He joked but this made Yiran burst into tears even more. She was relieved that her brother was fine, could even make a joke with her.

The driver opened the door to Nicholas' room and his family came inside with him. Not waiting for anything to be said, they settled on the available chairs, obviously waiting for him to talk about what happened.

"I'll get you a glass of water." The driver said and went out of the room, giving the whole family some space.

Nicholas was sitting on his bed, his face looking grim as he looked outside the window. "I saw a dragon."

"What?!" All three of them couldn't stop raising their voice when they heard his statement. His mother even stood up, only to sit back again to calm herself.

"I didn't see it physically." Nicholas added. He turned to his bedside drawer and unlocked one of the compartment which contain several important documents. At the bottom of those papers was a drawing of the dragon that he had seen years ago, and the same dragon he saw earlier. "This is what I saw." He handed it to his parents knowing that they needed to know the truth.

"This is her." His father muttered while looking at the drawing. "She's back. Is she going to place a curse on you, too?"

"I'm not sure about that. Also, I haven't seen this dragon personally. I have only seen her in my imagination. I can feel that she's real. Her power is strong and overwhelming. I didn't even detect it until I was having a difficult time to breath. I couldn't guard against it."

"No one can guard against her unless it's another dragon bearer." Her mother commented in worry.

"But mom, this may sound absurd to you and you might hate me for this but I think, this dragon meant no harm at all."

"What do you mean? Have you forgotten what she did to our mother?" Yiran retorted, anger rising from the bottom of her heart and she was red from the explosive emotion. "She placed a curse in her! She killed our siblings!"

"Calm down, sweetie. Let's listen to what your brother wants to say." Yiran kept quiet because of her mother's words but she was still angry and disdainful.

Nicholas cleared his head and looked at his hand in front of him. He could see the dragon from his memory. He can still feel the strong power but he wasn't feeling nauseous anymore. "When I first saw the dragon, I was afraid. I was worried that she'd come and find us to do harm again. At that time, it was just a glimpse of her. She didn't do anything. The second time I saw her, was still the same. Although there wasn't any harm, I can feel that she was pounding onto my barrier. The last time I saw her was when I was shot by those trespassing hunters. She was looking straight at me, and the next time I transformed to my wolf form, I felt a lot stronger than before. Kiro said the same thing."

"So, you're saying that you'd be stronger once you transform to your wolf later on?" Yiran questioned with a hint of mocking laughter in her voice. She would never believe such thing.

"Alright. I could be wrong but I'm sure she means nk harm but I also know that whatever I'm feeling has something to do with her. My hatred for her won't stop but that doesn't mean I'd harm her people indiscriminately."

"Let's just be cautious." His father said, turned around and left. Even though he said that, Zalia and Nicholas knew that he still hated the dragon for everything. He wasn't someone who would just let the matter down the drain.

Yiran also followed her father out, looking back at her brother one last time and rolled her eyes at him. "You take a good rest."

Zalia just smiled faintly and stood up from her seat as well. "You aren't shackled with hatred and I'm glad you are not. The dragon princess fell in love with your father first but because she wasn't his mate, they couldn't move further. Sometimes, I feel a little guilty for coming to your father's life. If only they were meant for each other. If only she were his mate. Things wouldn't be like this but, I cannot really do anything for something beyond my control. Nik, just forget about my curse and live your life. I didn't give birth to you in order to avenge me. I just want you to be happy and I hope Yiran could do the same. Although, I still have to instill more lesson in her brain."

"Don't worry mom. I still have a sense of what's right and wrong." Nicholas responded as he took back the drawing from his mother.

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When everyone's gone, Nicholas locked the door and stood up in the middle of his room. His body rippled and hair started growing from his body. His face elongated and his ears grew as he bent in all fours. Not a minute later, the handsome young man has turned into a wolf. He looked a lot bigger compared to his past form and his fur looked shinier as well.

'Wow! This is amazing. Did that dragon really used its magic to break our barrier and helped us become like this?' Kiro questioned as he paced back and forth inside the room. He can feel the ripple of power in his bones and he felt lighter even with his huge body.

'I don't know what exactly is going on. Anyway, would you like to go for a run?' Nicholas invited with excitement in his voice.

'That would be fun. Let's call Gab.'

Gab was Gabriel's wolf form. He was too lazy to make a name for his wolf so he ended up using his nickname for his wolf.

Even though they gave name to their wolves, they would still call each other using their human names. They didn't talk much using the wolf names.

'Gab? Would you mind having a race with me?' Nicholas communicated using their mind link.

'On my way. I'll meet you at the pond behind your house.'

'Got it.'

Kiro jumped out of the house using the window and ran to the back of his home where the little koi pond can be found. There wasn't any fish yet since it was newly constructed for Yiran's birthday. She always wanted to have a koi fish pond and it was only this time that she'd get to have her wish granted.

'Gab.' Nicholas mentioned and appeared right behind his best friend.

Gabriel looked back and was stunned to see a huge wold behind him. If he was in his human form, he's probably looking silly with his jaw dropping on the ground.

'Man. What...what are you?'

'Obviously, I'm a wolf.' Nicholas answered with low laughter coating his voice.

"Dude! You are huge!" Gabriel couldn't stop and transformed back to his human form.

'Dude! You are naked!' Nicholas snorted and grinned. His wolfish grin literally appeared on a wolf's face.

Gabriel transformed back to his wolf form and howl as loud as he could. Nicholas did the same but his howl was a lot different. It was so strong that some branches of the trees snapped, birds flew and little animals scampered away from them.

The ground shook for a moment and as soon as he stopped howling, the whole place sank into silence. It was as if the whole village was abandoned and no single person was living. It was so quiet that Gabriel thought he's gone deaf.

"What happened? Who was that?"

"The Alpha doesn't make that sound."

"It sounded like Kiro but he wasn't that strong the last time I heard him."

Nicholas and Gabriel laughed at what happened and started running freely into the wild. They didn't care about the speculation and just wanted to be out into the woods with nothing else but nature.

On the other hand, Serina was lying on her bed, contemplating what to do after confessing a lot of things to her parents. She was just about to sleep when she heard a howl coming from a distance. It wasn't very loud but it was compelling.

"Must be some wild wolf." She told herself as she looked outside the window.. "I wonder how the wolves are doing now."

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