Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 75: I'M NOT LIKE YOU

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"You finally have a home to return to now." Sofia happily hugged Corrine while holding the adoption papers in her hand. She was very happy that everything went smoothly. If it wasn't for Nicholas, they'd surely have a hard time to get everything done. I would take time, too. Her family will be investigated first or surveyed if they're capable to make raise three more people in the family. Thankfully, they got lots of savings from working.

'Thank you so much, Rina. This means so much to me and you are such a blessing for giving this opportunity in my life.'

'What are you talking about? I'm grateful for a having a friend like you. You are my older sister now so, I'd be relying on you.'

'Sure. I'll definitely do my best to protect you.'

'You don't need to protect me because I can do that myself. Just be there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on.'

'Hn. I'll always be here for you.'

"This calls for a celebration!" Irene exclaimed and hugged the two children. "Let's get you both lots and lots of clothes."

"My mom finally found something she can be busy with. She loves bringing me to malls when I was young but I always refuse. I used to hate crowded places because they annoy me. In the end, she didn't get to enjoy the life of dressing up her daughter. I often wear whatever is comfortable with me, like her huge shirts and Dad's big polo."

"You didn't dress up like little girls want to?" Natalya asked in surprise. She thought Serina has lived her life lavishly given that her parents obviously love her and they have money, lots of them based on her observation.

"Rina? No, she didn't." Irene answered Natalya. "I bought her clothes whenever Michael and I shopped but she used them as her pajamas. She dresses occasionally like when there's a birthday party, school activities and whatnot."

"Wow! That's very surprising." Natalya commented in which Nicholas agreed to.

"I didn't know this part of her. I used to think that she loves shopping because she wears a lot of luxury goods." Nicholas stated with faint laughter.

"I bought those things for her. Imagine, I have to get her sizes before going out because she didn't know them herself." Irene complained for the first time ever.

"Then, I'll have to get your sizes, too when I buy something for you." Nicholas whispered to Serina which earned him a strong blow of her elbow.

"Don't you dare! I know my sizes now." Serina retorted, glaring at him even with her flustered face. "And mom, I have a lot of clothes at home that I never used and some of them were used once. You can give them to Sylvie."

"That's a good idea." Irene replied happily.

Along with the attorney who helped them process everything, Sofia and Nicholas led everyone to the nearest restaurant. It's to formally celebrate the additional members to the Wentworth family.

Damon was sitting on his couch with his hand on his chin. He was bored. He wanted to visit Serina and talk to her about Corrine but with Nicholas around, he needed to be careful or his plan will be ruined before he could even start. She was his only hope for now. Even if he didn't want to acknowledge Corrine as the person fated to him, it didn't mean he wanted her to suffer. She deserves to live happily and not in misery. To achieve that, he needed to get her voice back.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

"Come in."

"Master." His trusted subordinate came inside and bowed before him. "I have heard that another village was attacked by vampire rogues but this village isn't from our country. It's in the Philippines."

"They've reached that far? Is it the same person?"

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"I couldn't get close to him but based on the description you gave me, there's a good ninety percent chance that they're the same. I was only able to gather intel from the rogue that I caught. He was also the one who sold out the information. Apparently, since they're all linked with one tainted blood, information of their activities is linked, too. This is the big break that we need."

"Good. Don't kill this rogue." The man looked up restlessly and warily towards Damon. He wanted to say something but he was very adamant about it. "Just speak."

"Master, I didn't kill the rogue but for some reason, he just burned himself inside the cell. I couldn't extract more info."

'Hmm. A tracing spell.' Damon thought. "It doesn't matter. You can just catch as many rogues as you can until we get the right information. There's no way I'd lose this battle against that vampire."

"Yes, master." The man left in order to get back to work. He couldn't understand why his master still wanted to get Corrine's voice when he didn't even want to acknowledge her as his fated person. Nevertheless, he didn't say anything or disobey his master's order. His order is absolute and no one shall defy him for death is waiting for that sinner.

'What are you working these days? You seemed busy at some point, leaving our eldest brother to do all the work for father.' Veronica mentioned without appearing in front of her younger brother. She was just outside his room, in the garden where she loved to spend her day.

'He's the rightful heir to the throne. I don't want it. If needed, I can help but I will never take it from him.'

'Father is angry. You know that you are his favorite.'

'I don't care. If he will force me, I will severe all ties and leave this place.'

'And marry the woman you have been thinking?'

'Woman? Which woman? I have plenty of them.'

'Corrine, was it? There's Serina in your mind, too but you are only using her for some personal gains. Well, not particularly personal but something to do with this Corrine girl.'

Damon opened his closed eyes and looked outside his window. Once again, he can see his sister taking care of the red roses in the middle of the garden. It was the only group of red roses that she loves to take care of. As the rest of the flowers and herbs, they're left for the gardener to tend to.

'I don't want to be like you. I don't want to be imprisoned with a love for a human. I don't want my world to crumble just for single for person. I'm not foolish like you.'

'It's because they're life is short that you'd want to cherish every moment spent with her. What use is there for longevity without happiness? You will live thousands and thousands of years if you are not killed. You will continue to wait for another fated person if that human dies but there's also a chance that you will only get one for a lifetime. Isn't it sad to be alone for the rest of your life? I'd rather fall in love now, make memories with that person and cherish it for the rest of my life. At least, I got the chance to feel what love is and have it reciprocated.'

'She hates me.'

'She hates our kind.'

'It's the same thing.'

Veronica kissed the biggest red rose and stood up to look at her brother who was now standing at the veranda of his room. He looked sad and lonely. 'You only have to show her that not everyone of our kind is a monster. We don't get the chance to choose on how we're born and what kind we'd come from. However, we have the choice on how we live. You were never ruthless like what others say. In fact, when all those villages suffer from the attack, you were the only one who stood against the royal family and against our father, while we turned a blind eye. You saved her before even knowing that you are fated to her.'

'I won't risk anything Veronica. I'm not like you. She deserves better. She's not suited to love a monster. If she hates me, that's fine, too. I don't really mind. In just a blink of an eye, she'd disappear in my life. Forever.'

Veronica watched her brother go and closed the door to his veranda. She can't force him because what she went through for the human she loved wasn't easy either. 'Malcom, I don't regret meeting you in my life. What I regretted the most is the fact that I wasn't able to save you. If I didn't meet you, would you have loved someone else and die from old age?'

We all have stories. Some ended in happiness. Some ended in tragedy. But just because it happened to another person's life doesn't mean it will happen to you, too. We have different fates, different paths to take and with different people we meet.. However, whatever choices you make, you have to be responsible for it.

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