Seulgi’s Bad Day Gets Better

Chapter 27: Twenty Seven

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There is a miasma leaking from Accounting.

The staff there are quieter than usual. Even the normal side banter is missing. Business is being done in whispers.

The Boss is not happy. Nobody knows why, but it’s pretty obvious that she is actually cranky. Not a single chuckle has been heard all day.

They checked on her. She’s not asleep. She’s not staring moodily out the window. She is not eating something. Though, there are the remains of a couple of candy bar wrappers. Whatever it was, chocolate didn’t help.

The root of Taeyeon’s displeasure can be summed up in one name: Seulgi.

Her elven eyes narrowed at the screen as her mood dropped another 10 degrees.

Seulgi, drat her, failed to get tripped up by her latest prank. Worse, she fixed it in less time than it took to set up. Tae worked hard on setting this up. All that time was wasted.

Not a hint of humor was evident on her newly remade Ice Queen face.

Her department was not sure if they were happy for her being too busy to bother with them or if they should be worried about when the frozen atmosphere would come crashing down on them, or pity the poor jerk that their boss was focused on.

Most decided on a mixture of all three. Be happy that they could get work done without the interference of the boss, try to think about how to avoid the potential fallout, and try to avoid the person that the boss was obsessed with to avoid getting splashed with the impending displeasure. This was the consensus.

There were hints of Something being Up from the Accounting Department floating through the company. Most people were sure that it didn’t involve them, so they were not nearly as stressed out as the Accounting Kids.

Even Seulgi’s clique caught hints and warnings that there was an impending mass of unpleasantness that’s impending from Accounting, but that’s all the warning they got. And none of it pointed at their boss or themselves, so they ignored it just as hard as Seulgi would have if she knew about it.

In Seulgi’s world, there are three levels of problems. In order:

  1. My problems, for me to deal with
  2. Her people’s problems that she can help with
  3. Not my problem

Most problems fell under number three, but she helped out when and where she could. She was a kind person, after all.

However, some things were so far out of her preview that she didn’t even begin to know where to start helping others. For instance, if she knew that Tae was having a problem she move heaven and earth to help her resolve it. Up to and until she found out that she was the one causing Tae's problems. Then that would be very firmly set into category three and she would go back to her little world and carry on.

Her correcting the project's error was category one.

Making the calls to complain about the treatment of Yeojin was category two.

Everything else was category three.

Unless some VP, VIP, or customer made it into a category three into a category one.

Which happens all too frequently, but that is part of her job. Some days she loved the challenge, others she wants to barricade herself into her office and not come out until it was time to go home.

Today, Seulgi was bright, happy, and cheerful. She was swiftly getting stuff done. She caught one major and a few minor (read: non-accounting) problems. She processed a few trouble tickets that ended up in her mail somehow.

Today, she was looking forward to getting out for a jog again. She was feeling a bit stiff from lack of physical activity, so she needed, both mentally and physically, to get out and be moving.

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Time ticked by.

She got herself tidied up for the end of the day. Nothing was pressing, so she did not have to take her laptop home to keep working there.

She made a quick lap around the office to see if there was anything pressing that needed to be addressed before she went home. There wasn’t.

She got her lunch box out of the sink where it had been soaking, she re-rinsed it off, and dried it with a paper towel. She took it back to her office where she packed it away, now it was one less thing to forget to take home.

Today was not one of those days when she was anxious to get home. It would be better to say that she was excited to get home so she could go running again.

Once five PM rolled around, she quietly finished rolling everything up for the day, powered off her laptop, gathered her things, and left the office.

Again, she chose to take the elevator today so she does not over burden her body. She is still taking extra care of her ankle despite that it has nearly healed. It is mostly just a precaution now. As usual, no need to tempt fate.

When she got home safely she spent a couple of minutes talking to the guards at the desk. It was always good to be on friendly terms with them as you never know when you might need them. They were mostly good guys anyway.

She got into her apartment after a fast and unoccupied elevator ride, undressed, and threw everything around to get into her workout sweats faster. She changed from leggings and low heels to socks and sneakers. Grabbing her phone, earbuds, and keys, she was back out the door before that lazy beast Suki could even rouse herself. Suki's head lifted up as she blinked at the closing door before going back to sleep.

She waved to the guards and was out the door before they could say anything.

Seulgi dog trotted over to the park in an effort to warm up. Once warmed up and stretched, she started her exercise. She started slowly, building speed to a healthy level. She ran to her usual two and a half kilometer turn around point with no problems. Breathing slightly harder than normal, but still within an acceptable rate. She kept her gait loose and easy.

But, nothing for our girl is ever that easy.

About half of a kilometer from home, she started to slow down to cool down on the rest of the way. That’s when it happened.

She was too focused on enjoying the feeling of movement that she did not see the crack slightly lifting the pavement.

She tripped and found that gravity still worked. Wind milling her arms, she went down with an unmusical squawk. She managed to skin her palms, scrape her left knee and resprain her ankle.

There was a park bench nearby and she managed to hobble over to it. She plopped down and sighed to herself. Why was she so unlucky? She was in the groove, she had been enjoying herself and this happened.

She was looking down at her bloodied palms, there was a bit of grit in her skin where the blood was seeping. She could tell that her knee was scraped pretty good, too as there was blood soaking through her sweats knee.

What upset her most was her ankle. It has just healed, too! This was her first real jog in a while, she was so sure that she was fit to go all out. While being justifiably upset, she was in near tears. She was alone, in pain, and wallowing in a rare instance of self-pity.

Looking down at her ankle and sniffling to herself, she saw a pair of bright baby blue sneakers stop in front of her.

That’s when a pleasant alto voice said “Are you OK?”

Seulgi looked up at the tiny woman in front of her and said, “It’s you!”

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