Seulgi’s Bad Day Gets Better

Chapter 49: Forty Eight

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Wannie was in a meeting. It was one of those two hour long meetings that could have been replaced with a three line email, but no. She was stuck in the room with some people that she was not thrilled with, talking about something that had absolutely nothing to do with her, her work, or even her department. Yet, it was mandatory that she and everyone else in her department had to attend.

What she had to do with contract negotiation training, she was not sure. But, there she was. She was trying to stay as positive as possible. She even was trying to pay attention to the training despite the mind numbing boring topic that she had no interest in. But, someone at a higher pay grade thought that she and the rest needed to know how to make sure to know all about contracts.

She was not in sales, accounting, legal, or anything related to contracts. Now that she thought about it, it was a good thing to know about the contracts and how to make sure you don’t screw things up for the company by voiding or invalidating the terms and conditions of the contracts.

This was something that she was taking for personal use as well because contracts were a thing that she did not know much about. So she might be able to avoid a potential landmine in other aspects of her life. She was thinking about looking over her job contract, her apartment rental contract, and some investment documents as well. Who knows what’s hidden in these documents?

While mentally waking herself back up to pay better attention to the arid subject matter, she felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket.

She was not expecting any calls or texts, but someone sent her a message. She pulled the phone out of her pocket and opened the messaging app. She was too professional to let her excitement show. She was surprised and thrilled enough that she did show a hairline crack of a smile while she read what was sent.

Seulgi invited her to a gym rather than just running today. Nights were starting to get a bit chiller than comfortable, even while running. When you can see your breath, it’s time to start thinking about heading indoors for exercise.

She replied with a “=)” and refocused on the meeting.

Yet, she could not help but think about tonight, no matter how much she tried to concentrate. She actually had someone that she wanted to invite as well to join them. She would have to send them a text asking if they wanted to join them as well. Once her mind was made up about what she needed to do, she was able to get back fully into the meeting.

She also surreptitiously kicked her coworker who was nodding off.

The person giving the presentation was fully aware of most people’s opinions of the subject matter. He was also fully aware of people’s reactions, which were to shut off their brains, let their minds wander, some even fell asleep! He was making note of people paying attention versus letting their minds wander. He noted that Wannie had pulled her phone out and started typing. He put her in the second category and dismissed her. Then he saw her put the phone away and kick her coworker under the table to wake him back up to pay attention. He put her back into the first category and thought that she was sharper than a lot of people he has given this presentation to. So, he thought about trying to get her more interested in the aspect of the business. It was probably futile, but sharp people were rare and you had to snatch them when they are presented.

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The presenter was also incredibly happy that Wannie and one other interrupted him and asked intelligent questions that showed that they were actually paying attention. Despite the interruptions, he was unflustered and happily explain the points in a fashion that everyone could understand.

At least he thought that it was easier to understand. The mystical gobbledygook that he was espousing was actually harder to understand, but he was unaware of that. So they started to ask even more in depth questions until they finally understood.

This was probably the most boring presentation that had some of the most vital information that they were given. It’s too bad that so many people turned it out. Surprisingly, Wannie was making the same mental notes about the same people that the presenter was. One or two of them were actually worthwhile to talk to and she would bring up the importance of the presentation to them. The rest were on their own. “On thy own head be it” was what she was thinking about them.

The presenter was going to suggest to the upper management to invest some time and money into cultivating Wannie for future positions. She would not stay in procurement for much longer if the VPs actually listened to him.

While it was not exactly a pleasant interruption to her normal daily routine, there was some very good information provided. She was going to have to mull over a lot of the information.

Wannie went back to her desk and unlocked her computer. She brought out some receipts as well. She was going to review what was presented on the receipts and make sure that they actually reflected what was received.

She had sympathy for the contract presenter because she knew that most people would find her job dreadfully dull. She knew that people called her The Bean Counting Madonna. She ignored that irreverent moniker. She had several other nicknames as well. But they were more or less the same, easily ignored. Most people wouldn’t dare dream of saying these in front of her. Not because she would react violently, but because of the withering scorn that she cast upon one miscreant that actually had tried to be ‘funny’ was legendary. Three years later and people still mocked him for his audacity.

While focusing on work, she could not help but look forward to later tonight and what sort of shenanigans she and they were going to get up to. One thing was 100% certain, an evening with Seulgi and anyone she introduces to Wannie would be interesting. It would not be a boring night.

She was right, but she had no idea just exactly how right she would be.

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