Chapter 5: Brain storming A plot

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As she gets ready and changes, we see a scene of little kids running through the halls as Care-takers tell them to stop, as karmae runs through a flight of stairs. As she enters the care-takers chambers she is greeted by another care-taker who tells her that her Mini-Guild, The Booksmen want to see her, Care-taker questions Karmae on what even is a “Mini Guild'' which Karmae explains its a small group that kids like them make, to get prepared for a real guild, Care-taker says under her breath “Unlike other kids they actually succeed in making it into guilds” “I HEARD THAT.. One day, I will become the greatest guild member alive.. I promise you that, I swear by it!” Karmae will say as she gets her pouch and rushes out of the Orphanage, as we see scenes of kids running around in the sun. Walking onto the busy streets she disturbs many as she carelessly walks along, Karmae greets many while she walks past a large pink tree in the centre of the Street, with merchants and traders in the busy roads selling Gear for Armisk Coin, Karmae will hear Trumpets playing as people huddle up to see an execution which Karmae just barely squeezes through, as she sees King Erfin raising his hands he says 

“May this Half-blood, this vermin, invasive imbeciles who have plagued this land with their race perish and enter Lorkdreijir… the Realm of Darkness, and the Land of the Dead, where they shall live for eternity and on' ', before lowering it the executioner slices their heads, as Oakal looks at his father in disgust, Everard smirks, while looking at Aleric who stares away, with many fearing the king and others cheering, Erfin walks back into his chambers. 

Karmae, slightly traumatised from the execution, goes into the library as she sees other half-bloods who haven't been executed enslaved to do the humans dirty work, many look malnourished while others just lay there, as she sees her mini guild we see that they kick her out for being too eager while she just takes their insults, as they leave the library Karmae sees a scroll on guild recruitments in two days as the guild exams take place, we see her running to go sign up, promising to herself she will be the best guildsmen to ever live as she prepares herself 


Near a forest, a young elf named Hymach is seen practising her Mana. She was not too accustomed to waSpontaneously, with a few strokes of her hand, she managed—almost managed to pull it off. "Come on!" She was a bit taken aback by how she almost pulled it off, but then got upset right after, given how she could have done it. With no hesitation, she went in for another try. This time however, nothing happened. So she did it again, and again, and again, with each time hardly anything happened. All there was was random and rough writing from violent strokes on the ground. She let out her frustration vocally.Giving into her annoyance, she continued and got nowhere. Continuous writing, wasting Mana after Mana after Mana. Out of breath, she fell backwards on her back. Hymach was confused, she was mad, but too tired to do anything about it, or anything at all. What Hymach could do—was brainstorm. She sat upright and rested her head on both of her hands thinking deeply. She wondered how she did the first time, and what difference there was between the first and other times performing Runefrey. She wondered if it was because she had more Mana at the start. But she didn’t think so, as she had enough Mana to try at least one more time.She began thinking again, trying to make logical connections to what she was doing. Figuring one thing out, her eyes slightly widened in a bit of a shock and somewhat relief. She remembered how she was excited at the start, excited to practice. She was close to understanding why, but she didn’t find the complete answer right away, but she was one step closer to it. She was competent enough to figure out the rest. Remembering the rules, and what needed to be done for Mana, “Mental” Mana to be exact. She thought long and hard and realised. She let out a small smirk uncontrollably. Her excited feeling was positive when beginning her training, because of that "positive" feeling, she had better results…. Her getting angry did the exact opposite. Such is the basis of Mental Mana. With a boost of confidence she immediately got up and tried one more time, having a feeling of satisfaction from realising where her fault lied. 

Hymach concentrated, speaking in her thoughts. She swiftly waved her hands properly in a clean fashion. Sharp, and detailed. Several strokes were marked in the ground, neatly ingrained into it. She did almost as good as her first attempt. Hymach did however focus a bit too hard, allowing some frustration to seep into her Runfrey making. Nonetheless, it was a good attempt.But like her first attempt, she didn't quite do it. She fell into her thoughts again. And on her back she fell again. Hymach stayed on the ground for a bit longer this time, almost passing out even. But now she knew what she needed to do. She was smart enough to know her faults, and she is smart enough to be able to fix it.Her new focus now wasn’t Runefrey specifically, but Mental Mana: Finding a balance between her emotions, and making them full use of themHymach thought that in her head, coming up with a new focus, holding her fist in the air. Then the fist slowly came down, while closing her eyes. She then, did in fact pass out, with a smile on her face, resting after an interesting training session, she sets off to pick her items before picking berries 



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A close up on the grass as it sways, a silver sword is lodged onto the ground, we switch scenes to multiple slashes of trees. A close up of Issies eyes… he is in a small patch of land in the dark-wood forest with the grace of the sun shining upon him. We see him stand up before picking up his sword, sort of struggling to pick it up and requires two hands, lodged on the floor, picking it up as he says “Time to continue..” swinging his sword, he remembers when it was gifted to him by his father

Short flashback to his father “This sword you shall wield will grant you the strength and will to fight your foes with might and courage like me, it’s called the death of light” another flashback “I want to be a knight” A young Issie shouts as his father replies “prove to me, and the inhabitants of Aestane you deserve to be one…” 

As he counts the amount of vertical slashes on trees, marking them “346… 347” before dropping to the floor, we have clear scenes of the scratches and dents on the trees as light peaks through to shine on his face. We see him stare at his scroll, showing the defensive cycles, as he says he needs to master each style of the Reflin Technique and areas of attacks as he stands up we see a montage between the book of relfin techniques and Issie Training, showing to be a proficient young warrior, “Body strike area 1… a vertical slash to the upper body” we see Issie slashing part of the tree as he lunges back, “Defensive Cycles, Externum Cycle, Parries and Blocks'', as we see Issie horizontally positioning his blade near his face. As we get deeper into the scrolls we see all the Attack Area’s and Defensive Cycles. As he lays down reading we hear his father call to him, “ISSIE!”Lester bears a helmet with him, an aerilonian helmet as he finds Issie he warns him of the dangers of the dark-wood forest, and to never enter the Middle Regions, even going too far up the Dark-wood forest was dangerous 

“You don’t know what monsters lurk around these parts… this forest, while it protects us alongside the mountains, it traps us..” he says, and to always stay in the lower parts of the forest. 

Issie looks down. Lester looks at the trees and tells him the locals think a monster has been marking the trees, as both laugh Issie’s father tells him that he is proud, his father tells him he is proud and that he loves him deeply, unconditionally even. Issie tells him he wants to become a knight, and that he will, like Lester, Lester picks up a small stick, and tells him “come on then.. Show me what you can do” “Alright.. I’ll try not to slit your throat” Lester smiles, as they spar Issie’s father talks about the defensive cycles in detail, as he dodges all of Issies attacks, “More power issie, once you learn to utilise your abilities, and learn to control the physical mana inside of you, you will become a force to be reckoned with, a force not even mages can destroy!” Issie darts back “The Aerilonian Army is a team full of the greatest!, you really think you can make it with this?!” Issie huffs as he hears his father talk. As Lester dodges all of Issie’s attacks he says ”Good, but you must be swift on your feet, focus on your stance, lower your body for switches to offence and defence” As Issie continues he goes in the Atarf Stance, an attack stance, as Issie says he wants to become a knight like Lester. (full page) He finally cuts the stick with his sword, his father smiles. as both of them stand up they leave the forest and we cut to them on a field, with the arena afar, his father tells him he needs to be sleeping at an inn for the night as the guild exams will start in 2 days as his father gives him his stuff he runs down the field to the Arena, we have scenes of a long line of candidates going into the arena before Issie is finally there, as he looks at the Arena light shines upon his face


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