Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 351: 351. Submission

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After the initial shock a long searing shower and a lot of sleep, Jessie finally calmed down enough to understand her situation, although the realization of the entire thing came crashing down earlier. Frightened awake by a very graphic, very terrifying nightmare she deemed the best thing would be to flee from the scene of her haunting. Leaving the room with as much caution a special forces soldier, the atmosphere was quiet it was way too suspicious. 

Looking side to side she progressed past the threshold of her door, walking with precision and a hunched frame, ever leaning so her eyes could sight danger and enable her flight to occur with more precison. 

After walking past so many doors, through many rooms, her tension eased considerably, her feet had flattened aganist the floor when she noticed that both on her tip toes and on her entire feet the marble floors concealed the sound of her weight on the ground. Her hunched back had straightened and she knew she was alone. Looking up she noticed that further ahead the lighting in that room was much more that it was in the other rooms she had encountered, like moth to flame she walked in direction of the flame and to her biggest surprise, there in the middle of the lush white leather covered furnishings and as though to clear her suspicion the white chiffon curtain fluttered with grace as warm breeze hit Jessie's warm skin, it was open. Without further encouragement she ran forward and ahead, feeling a large sense of relief and freedom once cooling heat from the regressing sun hit her features. But that feeling came to a crashing halt once she saw the drop, and like Deja vu she let out a loud sigh. 

Ofcourse it wouldn't be that easy, if she couldn't even escape from Jason the first time why the hell even though for a second think she could run from George?

"I thought you'd appreciate fresh air, you looked so pale earlier." 

She didn't need to turn around to know who was standing right behind her, but was creeped her out was the fact that he was wearing a pair of navy blue broogs yet she heard or sensed nothing as he so casually approached. 

"And you think fresh air would do the trick?" She asked, tilting her head at him. 

His eyes scanned her frame and Jessie felt the urge to hurl herself down the balcony regardless, but she didn't. Instead wrapping her arm around her body felt like the only amour she could wear against his lecherous eyes. "You look so beautiful in that dress, so pure, so perfect." He smiled. 

Jessie frowned, this dress was the only one that sat in the wardrobe when she came out, it was white and flowy, with a light transparent material that fell all the way in soft caresses all the way down to her ankles. Even now as breeze blew from the balcony the dress continued to dance aganist her frame. She thought it was lovely, but now she hated it. 

"Are you ever going to let me go?" She asked.

His smile grew wider, "why should I do that? I'm benefitting too much from having you here, not only do I have you all to myself. I get to watch your boyfriend rip apart the city in search of you." He stated firmly, with that annoying smirk on his devilishly handsome face.

At the mention of Jason, Jessie heart constricted painfully and she felt winded all of a sudden, damn she missed him, she missed him so bad.

"He's going to find me, eventually" she said "and your going to get everything that's coming for you, just like Patricia."

"Patricia was careless and too emotional, but even then she still hasn't been caught has she? Besides everything goes away with you gone. I'm sure you've realized it, your the only living witness without you testimony everything might as well never have happened." George chuckled at her obvious ire. 

"You won't win, you might think you have but you won't win." She spat viciously. 

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George's brow rose and his smile only grew sicker as he walked towards her with a predatory gaze, she wanted to flee but his eyes wouldn't let her. As though he held her down with his gaze, the hairs on her body rising in both anticipation and fear. It seemed like forever, but forever wasn't enough when he reached her his cold hands snaking around her neck to cup her nape. He leaned down until his forehead touched hers then he answered. 

"Having you with me and not watching from afar, being able to touch you, having right here in my arms" he whispered, his breath fanning her face. Abruptly his other hand snaked around her waist and settled at the roof of her derriere pushing her forward to meet his own eager body. 

Placing her hands in front of her to prevent his plan from working completely, but in her fight to put distance between them she left her beautiful face unattended. And before she realised what was happening his lips were already on hers in a hot passionate kiss.

Alarmed, her eyes widened and she struggled to her free. But he was far stronger than she, more skilled to. He managed to prison her rising knee from reaching his little boys, whilst pinning her hands above her head. 

Tears bit the sides of her eyes at her hopeless solution and when she noticed that he wouldn't be letting her go she bit down with all she had, catching his lips between her teeth until she tasted the warm metallic liquid, and when she did a heavy force on her torso forced her to the ground and though his face was calm his eyes screamed murder.

Pulling the bleeding lip into his mouth he gave her a wicked smile, in a flash he grabbed her upper right arm painfully, dragging her up and along with him as he marched her past various rooms, some of which she was earlier in.

"Let go! Let me go you bastard!" She screamed as he forced her along with him. Fresh terror began to fill her when they began to walk down a series of dark steps in a darker hallway. 

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, her voice softer than she needed it to be.

"To teach you how to behave, since you clearly do not understand your situation" his words cut deep into her already crumbling resolve.

"So what? You're going to torture me to submission?" She spat.

"Even better, I'm going to guilt you into submission." He replied as they came to a halt in front of a metal door that her adjusted eyes where able to make out.

"What could you possibly have on me to make me guilty?" She scoffed.

He stared at her as the door beeped open, a gasp escaping from her throat the moment she saw what was inside. "You are a monster!" 


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