Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chương 73: Promise?!

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Under the dark sky night, two handsome men walked down the path paved in the middle of the front yard of a western-style mansion.

Yuuta was carrying the trolley which made him misunderstand various things, along with the other luggage on his back and the other hand.

Until they reached the car, Hajime spoke nothing and so did Yuuta.

After they arrived near the black vehicle waiting for Hajime at the entrance, the driver and Yuuta placed the luggage in the boot.

"Should we have a little walk before I leave?"

Yuuta primarily was invited to follow Hajime to have this talk, so the teenager didn't think anything before agreeing.

Soon the two started walking on the lonely street which was void of any kind of populace.

Since the area was already very less populated due to being on the high end and taking the time into consideration it would be strange to see people at this hour.

Not so long after, Hajime's low voice reached up to Yuuta, and the first thing he heard made Yuuta startled.

"Sayuri's mother, Miyuri died at a very early age. At that time, Sayuri was just eight years old."

His voice carried an evident tinge of sorrow as he talked about his wife. Yuuta glanced once at the man and he could tell how much he must have loved her.

Wordlessly Yuuta walked beside him as the older one continued.

"At that time, Sayuri didn't even learn to tie her hair properly or how to hold her chopstick. Western culture never helped her get used to it, you know."

Sayuri has heard a lot about Japan and has visited a couple of times in the past but living away really made various things difficult for her to adapt to.

She wanted to become like her parents and for that, she did everything necessary to become a proper Japanese girl so she doesn't shame her parents.

"I still could remember how Sayuri hugged me when I told her about Miyuri and instead of crying, she kept on consoling me. And I, like an idiot, started weeping while getting patted by my courageous daughter."

There was a small smile on Hajime's as well as Yuuta's faces since the latter could picture something that Hajime told.

With a heavy sigh and a defeated smile on his face, Hajime continued.

"I think that was the day that changed Sayuri."

Yuuta could somehow understand what the little Sayuri might have been through.

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Yuuta never had someone he could have called his parents but Sayuri had spent a considerable time with her mother. And to lose her at the most delicate time of life would have been rough for her even though she doesn't show it.

Somehow he could now comprehend why she always seems to keep a facade around people she meets and why she tried to mask her genuine feelings.

"To be honest I was just trying to figure out any kind of flaw in you so I can just take Sayuri away. But I am happy that I failed."

Yuuta wordlessly kept his head slightly leaning as he felt Hajime patting his shoulder as they turned from the corner and began waking back to the mansion.

Finally reaching back to the car, Hajime turned toward Yuuta as the latter did the same.

With a serene expression that had a hint of hope and expectation blended, Hajime exhaled audibly as he spoke his concern

"Sayuri has gone through various things in her life and she never let me or anyone become part of it. She always faced everything alone but I hope it won't be the case anymore, Yuuta."

For some reason, Yuuta was feeling heavy, and slight anxiety was also building inside him. But he didn't say anything and heard the man to the end.

"As a father, I would like to request you to take care of my daughter. She might be a little moody and egoistic at times but she has a pure heart. Please don't break her once again, Yuuta."

Like a dry lump caught in his throat, Yuuta felt extremely guilty at the moment. For a second he thought of revealing the truth since promising here would be nothing but making fun of a father's emotions.

Yuuta wasn't sure how he could promise something which he couldn't fulfill. How can he tell Hajime that this engagement is just contractual. How can he take responsibility for someone whom he doesn't love or have any plans of spending the future with.

Despite having such a whirlpool of thoughts and chaos ensuing wildly in his mind, the only thing which his heart told him to utter was…

"You can now leave Sayuri in my care. I would do my best to share her sorrow and provide the happiness she deserves."

Hajime couldn't be more elated to hear such a thing as a present for his farewell. Nodding, he patted Yuuta's shoulder lightly as he spoke with a warm smile.

"Then I will do just that. Take care Yuuta."


A/N: - A bit heavy? Nothing is decided, guys. As I said in my initial chapters, at a certain time of the story I will ask the audience what they desire.

So brace yourself for this journey~

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