Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chương 80: I like him!

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[Shio's POV:]

'I am nervous… '

It was the same thing I have been repeating ever since I left my house and started walking toward Chihiro's place. Today, we decided to celebrate the victory we got in the Trinity cup.

We didn't get the first prize but we raced up to a decent position which was quite satisfying in itself.

I received a call from Kurumi-san a few minutes ago, saying that she and Rin-san would be a little late.

I called Chihiro as well, when I was leaving home and got to know that Mio, Sayuri-san, and Yuuta-kun had already arrived.

Now that's my subject of worries.

For a very long time, I have been in love with my childhood friend Chihiro but it took me time to realize my love for her, I guess.

I don't have any experience with a woman nor am I a reliable person like Yuuta-kun which generally made me the one who leaned on Chihiro. I never was able to make her see me as a man, as from what I have observed.

Yuuta-Kun did tell me to out rightly confess my love for Chihiro but I was scared. Terrified to ruin my friendship with her. I wanted to ask Mio about it but she soon got occupied by Yuuta-kun, so I didn't disturb her about this silly matter of mine.

I knew I had to sort this out myself somehow, but soon I started to see some changes in Chihiro. Umm… I think it was the day when we went to Yuuta-kun's mansion.

Chihiro started to talk more and more about Yuuta-kun. Her eyes followed him mostly whenever he was around and also, she started to become distant from me with time.

Slowly my heart started to break as Chihiro was the first person I ever came to love but what changed lately was the person whom I came to meet some days ago.

Sayuri Akane-san.

I can't ever tell anyone about this but I think I have fallen for her at the first sight. I don't know whether it was her polite behavior or her smile or hair… Or whatever. I just couldn't stop thinking about her.

And I have decided that this time I would take the initiative to get closer to her somehow. I won't make the same mistake again as what I did with Chihiro.

I would follow Yuuta-kun's steps and confess my love to her so she could at least be conscious of me. I don't want to be a little brother only anymore.

She probably would reject me but that would be fine since I would do my best in my persuasion. I have no desire to back down this time.

'I won't let my love get stolen once again! '


"Do you like, Yuu?"

The room fell into deep silence as Mio asked in a slightly anxious tone.

Sayuri indeed was surprised but not much since somehow she expected this conversation to arise sooner than later.

But by no means Sayuri was completely prepared for it. At first, when she thought about this situation, Sayuri had a clear idea of how she would respond. But now…

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"W-Would my answer affect your relationship with him…"

Sayuri could afford anything but to create a ripple in Yuuta's relationship with his lover. Based on what Mio responds, Sayuri might alter her answer but unexpected to her…

"Regardless of what you say, there would nothing going to change between me and Yuu."

Mio wasn't flaunting her love or her trust in Yuuta rather she was just assuring Sayuri that she didn't have to mind so many formalities to speak her heart out.

Mio purely wanted to know the thoughts of the woman who shares a relationship with Yuuta even though it's just contractual. There would be various things she would get assured about with Sayuri's response.

After a lot of thought, Sayuri finally parted her lips and spoke in a whispering tone.

"I…do…a little."

Sayuri shut her eyes close as she also couldn't believe what she just confessed. It wouldn't have been the same if Mio would have asked about this some days ago but her recent interaction with Yuuta and how he has made a mess out of her heart, just didn't allow Sayuri to lie here.

She couldn't have been dishonest with anyone but not Mio, since she has all the right to know this.

"And… Are you planning to pursue Yuu?"

Sayuri parted her lids and shook her head in denial instantly.

"No… I won't. More like, I already know what would be the outcome of this feeling of mine toward Yuuta-kun so I am not gonna approach him in any way. He loves you Mio. I think more than anyone so please rest assured, there will be nothing between me and him.."

Sayuri knew it was foolishness to ask Mio to not worry about it even though she was the one who told Mio just a moment ago about her liking toward Yuuta.

Mio in response just studied Sayuri's panicked expressions and how desperately she was trying to keep things as they were. But Mio knew it wouldn't be possible anymore.

However, Mio didn't want to spoil everyone's mood and make things complicated for Yuuta.

With a smile, she got up and while stretching her body a little in order to brush away the weighing down thoughts, Mio spoke in a refreshed tone.

"Let's go Sayuri-san. I bet that guy would be probably quite troubled as we talk here."

Sayuri in perplexion got up and followed Mio upstairs when suddenly the blond girl turned toward to face Sayuri as she spoke in a slightly heavy tone….

"But for now, can you keep your liking toward Yuuta-kun, a secret? I want to confirm some of the things. "

Sayuri was startled but in the end, she only nodded since what she could see in Mio's eyes, there didn't seem any room for rejection.



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