Stealing spotlight of protagonist!

Chương 89: Mission: Yuuta!

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“I don’t think it was a good idea to follow them here…”

After Yuuta told Chihiro and Sayuri to provide their details to the reception for security purposes, both of them stormed away and soon reached the main lobby where they had to submit one of their identification proofs since Chihiro and Sayuri were not part of the guest list.

After they got done with the formalities, they began to walk back to the room when Sayuri asked in a slightly guilty tone.

In the morning she was not in the right mind when she agreed with the prospectus to follow Yuuta along with Chihiro. The thought of Yuuta being with some other girl alone in far off place made her heart clench which brought such a decision from her.

But now when Sayuri was much calmer mind she realized that it wasn’t a wise choice to interrupt their trip since when she put herself in Mio’s shoes, Sayuri felt extremely bitter in her heart.

“I know I am the worst kind of friend Mio could ask for but I had a feeling that once they dwell in a physical relationship, Yuuta would never accept anyone other than Mio. “ Sayuri’s steps staggered upon hearing the response she was not expecting before she heard Chihiro continuing.

“I have read at various sites that after a couple involves in sexual exchange, their bond grows even stronger. As you can see, Yuuta already is kind of obsessive about Mio. Any more than this, and we would never get a chance to be accepted by him.”

Sayuri’s brows inched higher as she heard Chihiro’s absurd words which made her baffled and amazed at the same time.

“…how do you know that they haven’t had ‘that’ yet?”

Chihiro halted in her track, followed by the silver-haired maiden as the prior looked at Sayuri with a smug look before she spoke in a haughty tone.

“I am confident in my way of digging out things. If Mio already would have lost her ‘V’ Card then I would have been the first person to know. “

Sayuri was indeed impressed to see how confident the girl was in her skills but slightly terrified too, as she made a mental note to keep her distance from Chihiro.

“And, what about the second thing? Do you have any certainty that Yuu-kun would ever accept our love?”(Sayuri)

Chihiro who had begun to walk halted once again but this time her gaze was stiff and the aura around her was as chilly as the weather outside.

“It will be ‘Yuuta-kun’ for both of us, so stop being so intimate with him. And about your question…then I am not really sure what would have happened. To be honest I am just bullshitting about this whole physical relationship and other things to reduce my anxiety. The kind of man Yuuta-kun is, if he really does not want us to be with him then he wouldn’t accept us even under influence of heavy aphrodisiac. Sigh* I don’t know what will happen from now on.”

Chihiro has grown to know about Yuuta’s personality a lot these days ever since she started stalking him through various means. If he really does not like it, he maybe throws her and Sayuri away from his life without any further ado.

And that neither of them wanted.

“Let’s do our best to make this trip successful, Chihiro.”

Seeing Chihiro’s downcast and saddened look Sayuri put a hand on her shoulder as she encouraged the girl in a determined tone.

Chihiro exhaled deeply as she nodded and along with her partner in crime proceeded toward their mission.


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“Took you long?”

When the two entered the room only Mio was seen sitting near the table with a cup of tea in her hand and her face visibly red. Since the room heater was excellent, meant that this redness came from some kind of laboring activity which

Simultaneously both Sayuri and Chihiro narrowed their gaze as they briefly checked Mio's appearance.

Indeed something was suspicious since her clothes were disheveled and her lips slightly more puffy than usual.

Mio, who was getting inspected, innocently tilted her head to the right in confusion as she waited for them to say something.

But rather than complain, which Chihiro had no right to, she chose to sit beside her best friend. Sayuri followed the suit and sat opposite the two.

“Mio…once again I would like to apologize for this sudden appearance. Please tell me if I or Sayuri can do anything to compensate as an apology.”

Mio was flustered as she saw even Sayuri nodding her head with a sad look.

“I said it's okay. I and Yuu can come on the trip alone anytime in the future, so let’s just enjoy this time altogether. And since I had something to talk to you two, I think this trip would be the best opportunity for me to clear things out.”

Sayuri and Chihiro looked at each other as they already suspected what this talk can be related to.

“Mio, you can tell me-“

“Uh-uh. Not now. In the hot spring tonight, okay?”

As she said Mio winked and continued to sip on her beverage making the other two anxious and impatient at the same time.

But before they could have said any other word, a familiar voice reached up to them before Yuuta appeared in the room.

“Hey, Mio…can you select clothes f-Oh you guys are here.”

Seeing Yuuta in his current appearance, just like Mio, the other two got their heated up as without having anything to drink, they gulped audibly on the appetizing display.



A/N:- Sorry for the delay. As we near the end we are nearing more emotional I am getting which was why I delayed writing the chapter. Similar case for the other two novels as well.

Anyway, drop a comment~

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