Supreme Warlock: Oathbreaker

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Run, Starry Body Art

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The beast had darkened purple scales that shone brightly, resembling that of the aurora void. It towered over two meters tall with a large mouth capable of devouring anything.

It was as if time stopped, both Lucas and the beast stared at each other for a second.

Without hesitation, Lucas turned his body and jumped away quickly. He was an experienced fighter, having handful bouts of life and death battles on his hands... if there was one thing he was used to feeling, it was the graze of death itself.

And in one glance at the beast, an instinctive feeling of dread spread through him. 

—The beast would kill him. 

It wasn't a mere analysis; but the objective truth. He stood no chance, especially now that he was weak as seaweed and lacking any sort of information about the beast.

With all that considered, he would die when the beast hauls on him.

It would be one thing to be merely weak, but to be ignorant of anything and defenseless as well? It was the symbol of suicide. He wasn't interested in that, fortunately.

In that short moment, he decisively acted and quickly distanced himself from the void like beast. His figure was quick. After a few seconds, he was already far away.

The beast with void-like scales blinked, surprised by the sudden action of the youthful human. It took a while before it could process what had just happened. 

Realizing that his prey was gone, the darkened void beast roared in anger.


Lucas paid no heed to its anger, simply dashing in rapidly as he darted his eyes, finding a path to run away from the beast. 

At the opposite ends of the area, a narrow entrance was openly situated.

In another time, he would have thought more about entering random places without thinking, but with a colossal gluttonous beast chasing after him, planning and thinking was the least of his choices.

Surviving and escaping was.

The void beast was fast and responsive. As soon as it realized that Lucas was running away, it quickly followed and rapidly ran like a leopard.

In mere seconds, its presence already loomed behind Lucas, only a few inches away from devouring the black-haired man. It was unbelievably fast. Lucas even doubted if he was seeing things right or not.

But he quickly shook his mind, preventing himself from losing focus. Lucas resolved his mind and concentrated towards the narrow entrance. Even in the throes of death, his expression was calm.

"Graaaagh...!!!" The void beast growled, its mouth opened. Full of spikes and a depthless sea of darkness in the middle. It was like a worm hole sucking everything in space. "Raaa!"

The void beast leaped towards Lucas.


At that moment, Lucas leaped towards the narrow entrance, narrowly dodging the beast bite. He... dodged it. It was a success.

A thud resounded as his body fell to the ground. He quickly stood up and continued to run, not bothering to glance at the beast behind.


Behind him, the sound of the beast biting empty air resounded. However, instead of chasing him... It suddenly stopped at the narrow entrance and stared at Lucas entering the narrow path.

The beast contemplated for a moment... internally weighing the pros and cons of following the human beyond the dark path.

After a while, seeing the human figure vanish from the darkness, it ultimately decided not to.

The beast let out an unsatisfied growl. saw no point in chasing a single weak human to somewhere... far more dangerous.

The beast turned its back and moved on. Its footsteps loudly resounded as it returned to its pilgrim of hunting for food. In each of its step, the ground slightly quaked as if unable to carry its weight.

Somewhere in an unknown place, a black-haired man rapidly ran without rest. After a while of continuous running, Lucas'Lucas' movements gradually turned sluggish and slowed down.

Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore and took a break. 

Lucas stopped, heavily gasping for air. 


He leaned his body against the wall, feeling a gush of exhaustion enter him. 

Lucas twitched, feeling the unfamiliar sensation of weariness overtake his body. It had been a long time since he had felt exhausted again... with his sturdy and well-maintained body in his past life, exhaustion rarely came to him.

But now that he was back to zero and with a completely new version of his body to boot, the once restrictions of normal mortal bodies are felt to him once again.

It reminded him of the last time he felt exhaustion. It was a time where he fought a legendary knight voyager. They fought for several hours until he finally killed the man in the throes of death.

In his life, it was always death that accompanied him. Whether it was at his birth, his childhood, and at his end... It never lacked the shadow of death. Even now, it was the same.

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'...How bothersome.'

After a while of resting himself, Lucas stood up and observed the surrounding area. Beyond the path was vast, limitless darkness. He had a feeling that if he walked towards that path, he would die without question.

His feelings aside, there was no hint nor clue of what will come from the destination beyond, save for the ominous skulls rolling because amplified the dreadful atmosphere. 

With all the skulls and darkness, added with the harrowing silence... the place felt like an abandoned ruin.

Lucas shook his head, turning his back as he glanced at the place he had gone from. The void-like scales beast didn't follow him. He figured it was the beast was too lazy to chase after him or felt threatened on something inside here.

But the former seemed impossible—even though he hadn't had a good picture of the void beast, just for a moment he saw the desire to satiate hunger from its eyes. 

A hungry beast will never let go of its prey unless...

Lucas narrowed his eyes, feeling an ominous sensation wash through him. He shook his head, atleast now he had an answer what he will do.

On another note, the void-like scales beast was an interesting specimen... In his previous world, there were none that held an inch-close similarity to its appearance.

The feeling the void like beast gave off was also terrifying even for him. He was sure if he wasn't able to act decisively and run at that time, he would've died from the void-like scales beast assault.

'Perhaps its a native in this world?'

Lucas guessed, shrugging. Or perhaps not. Then again, knowing about it wouldn't change the fact it's hostile.

He could think of this world's civilization and state once he escapes this dire situation of his. Looking at the darkness beyond him once again, he sighed.

'... I obviously can't go there, then must I come back to my original location?'

It was possible he could die the very next moment in utter ignorance and arrogance. This wasn't his world; he knew nothing of the machinations and rules within here. The only thing he could do is risk it all up for a small chance of survival.

But the question was which path had the highest chance of survival?

If the void-like scales beast reaction was anything to go by, it was obvious that walking straight into the pitch-black darkness guaranteed certain death. In that case, his only choice was to come back where he came from.

Lucas chuckled bitterly. Talk about a new life if every sign points to his immediate death.

"Oh well... I can only pray that nothing would go wrong,"

After hesitating for a while, he decided to go back where he came from. Well, not before...

"But before that, I have to do something first. I have zero chances of surviving in my current state."

Lucas mused, letting out a deep breath. He sat down on the ground with a meditative position. In that instant, his mind cleared as he stilled his body.

Going through his memories, he searched for the body refining manual he used in his last life.

"Ah, found it."

"The body is the universe, the flesh is the chaos, the bones are the stars, the blood is the energy, with oneself as a medium..."

Lucas chanted a mnemonic. Each syllable and word from his mouth rumbled the ground and shook the wind.

The chaotic wind from the surroundings gathered in front of him. Suddenly, they suddenly blasted at his body without warning.

Shin—! Shing—!

The wind tore apart his flesh, making heaves of blood drive out of his body. Despite this, Lucas didn't budge as he allowed the chaotic winds to tear him apart.

It continued for a long period until the wind finally showed signs of calmness.

After a while, the chaotic winds finally dispersed and revealed his body. His body—to put it mildly was in a terrible state—all over it were countless wounds deep enough to show his bones beneath.

However, if one looked closely, the wounds formed a symbol of a major star. 

The star of Ursa Major.

"[Starry Body Art]..." Lucas muttered out. It was the body refining technique he used in his previous life—it was a technique he obtained from his ancestral house.

In his previous life, there was no shortage of body refining techniques. But compared to all of those he had seen, his technique was incomparable and peerless without a match.

While he was thinking, a formless energy suddenly surged through him. This energy had no form and encompassed with purity. The energy spread throughout his body, healing his wounds.

Lucas stared at it and nodded. The energy was called 'aura', an inexplicable, mysterious energy formed from within the body. It was the true power of a body refiner.

Using this energy of aura, one can heal their own wounds as they will and strengthen their body alike ferocious the tigers and bears. 

"I wonder if the strength of an Accolade is enough for that weird life form?" 

Lucas wondered. The first rank of body refining was Accolade. 

"... For necessary precaution, I'll experiment with the 'soulcraft' techniques in my mind."

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