System reincarnation


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You have successfully completed your quest.

You now have access to the system store.

Just when Gaspard accepted my invitation and became my user, this message appeared in front of me. I hurried through the shop, finally to get an idea.

It's amazing the amount of things available in the shop. You can see swords there; armor, materials, skills, etc. But the most impressive thing is the fact that you just have to think about what you want and a list of things that comes close to it appears.

You just have to think of something to dig holes and you have a list that appears. Ranging from shovels to laser channels that can pierce a planet from end to end. You could choose the color, decoration and even the materials that will be used. System Store points (SSPs) are used as currency.

I received ten thousand SSPs the moment I unlocked the shop. And even if it's a big number, it's still negligible compared to the price of many items, which I saw in the shop, which costs billions of SSPs.

Since I am more or less out of the world, I can desynchronize myself or rather, I can desynchronize my domain and spend a lot of time here while on the planet, it has only passed a few seconds although it entails a mental load for me. That's why I'm so relaxed despite Gaspard's current situation.

At this moment I am renovating my domain. Given the state in which Gaspard finds himself, I decided to bring his spirit here. Finally to avoid that he dies before even having finished the configuration of his status.

I create a blue sky, before imagining a large castle with a throne room where at the top of a set of six steps is a throne made of pure gold and decorated with different precious stones. Although none of this is real but just a representation I gave to my field. I continue the innovation by creating several pieces with different decorations. I also take care of the exterior by creating vast fields of flowers around the castle and then an endless forest that extends on the horizon. I also add mountains in short everything that comes to mind.

After this little decorating session, it is finally time to welcome our guest. I focus on the bond that connects me to him and following my instincts, I call his spirit to me. I manage to reach him and soon his spirit materializes a few meters from my throne, and even though he is standing, he has his eyes closed.

Slowly his eyelids open and he looks around with the confusion visible in his eyes, before staring at me. I watch him as he stands in front of me without saying anything. I decide to break the silence and say something.

"Welcome to my field, Human. I am the Arcadia system. Then I know your name. »

Even though I know his name, I decided to let him finally introduce himself to allow him to relax.

'' Uh,.. J-I am Gaspard, a D-rank adventurer. R-delighted to meet you."

I can say that is nervous in the way he speaks. It must not be easy to wake up to a stranger, especially if you were at death's door just a moment ago.

"E-excuse me, but am I dead? ''

I can feel that he is much more tense than just now but he also has a little understanding in him.

"No, you are alive and well. I brought you to my domain after you accepted my invitation."

''Ha. So I wasn't dreaming when I saw words floating in the air."

"Indeed. Let us now turn to what interests us. I will explain to you how the power you have been given works. But first says the word 'status.'"

Gaspard's point of view

When I accepted the proposal made to me by the floating words, I immediately lost consciousness, and when I opened my eyes I was in front of a man sitting on a golden throne. At first I thought I was dead but when the being named Arcadia said that I was in his field, I was relieved even if I still had a slight doubt.

I had heard that some people have already encountered deities in a special space they called a domain. If someone had told me that I would go through the same thing, I would have found it hard to believe. Since this something that, in most cases, only happens to priests of high rank.

On this subject he told me that he was not a god but rather a system. I didn't really understand the difference but basically the gods have followers but the systems have users. At this moment I am learning how the system works.

I comply and say 'status' out loud. Before he tells me that it works too if I say it mentally. In short, a screen appears in front of me. Apparently that's what the words that float are called.










21 years

Level 1

Exp : 0/100




Level 1

Exp :0/100



HP: 150/150

MP : 100/100








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Basic sword combat

Level 1





Level 1




Strength: Capacity of one's strength

Constitution: Determines health(HP) and endurance

Agility: Running speed, dexterity, reaction speed.

Intelligence: Determines the speed of information processing and the amount of mana you possess (MP).

Wisdom: Determines the ability to retain and the speed of regeneration of mana

Charm: Determines how attractive others are to you and how much impact you leave on them.

I also received the skills I used the most as an adventurer. Apparently all skills will be reset. But the levels will quickly rise to your actual level. There is the class level, the skill level and the general level.

For the class, I would have liked to choose that of swordsman but we start by choosing a general class before specializing. At level 10 of the class, I could unlock other warrior classes depending on the fighting style I will use the most before reaching level 10 of the class.

There is the stall, which gives me 20 object locations where I can superimpose up to a hundred times the same object. As long as the object is not too big, I can put anything in it. Then the system shop where you can find just about anything you're looking for. As long as we have SSPs we can have food, equipment, plants, monster materials, etc. In short, everything we want.

One can exchange experience of the level for SSPs with a rate of 10 exp against 1 SSP. When the class levels up, you receive 5 skill points as well as 5 attribution points. Skill points are useful for acquiring new skills but also for evolving skills, once they have reached level 10. For example, the basic sword combat skill, you have to make it reach level 10 and then use a skill point and it will evolve into medium sword fighting.

Attribute points can be used to directly increase your statistics even if there are other ways to increase them such as through training for example. There are also bonuses granted by titles or by the awakening of the lineage, etc. When the general level increases, you get 5 attribute points and unlock certain skills for their purchases with skill points.

When the general level reaches 10, the possibility of having a second class is unlocked. There is a map function, a function to talk between users, a group function that allows you to share the experience but it only works between those affiliated to the system. There's even a marketplace between Users where you can trade goods and even issue quests.

I made a deal with Arcadia and he lent me five thousand points finally to rescue my friends. First I bought a sword that cost 2000 SSP and a potion costing 500 SSP powerful enough to heal me in an instant. An armor of 1000 SSP not to mention 7 potions of 100 SSP each for my friends.

I also bought a smoke potion for 100 SSP as well as an acid potion for 500 SSP and one poison potion for 100 SSP.

After my preparations I bought some skills to prepare to attack the troll. I took the sense of danger, thermal vision and I placed all my 10 status points on agility because I came to the conclusion that the most important thing in this fight will be to hit the enemy without being hit.

After saying goodbye to Arcadia, I had the feeling of sleeping before waking up in my body and starting the fight.


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