Tales of the Scorpion and the Lezard in Naruto A.U.

Tales of the Scorpion and the Lezard in Naruto A.U.

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Tales of the Scorpion and the Lezard in Naruto A.U.

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What if ? Two words so powerfull for all the fanfics in the internet.

What if Sasori didn't go wonko and betray the sand ? What if the rebelion against the Mizukage was successfull ? What if ...

This story will follow some caracters I set up, some from canon, some not, as the story follow and divert from the canon.

I started my fanfic by using a chronology that can be found online about the whole manga, as the canon has many chronological mistakes and errors. Then I changed everything I wanted to make my version of it. I will use Konoha’s founding as a non official starting point for the datation, the caracters won’t use it, it’s specialy here for the readers as a time stamp. Same for the other villages, to facilitate things.
This is a Naruto fanfic, A.U. following some caracters :

- Sasori, that all fans know
- Naruto, also known
- Hiro, my caracter.
- some others.

As this caracters aren’t from the same generation, they won’t come into play at the same time. But they will come out eventualy.

Story will include time-skips. Flashbacks. No Harem.

Scenes will go all along the known map. (at least one I found online, since there are many versions of it).

As this is a Naruto A.U. it won’t perfectly follow the canon chronology.
Ripples, modifications of plot, differents behavior for the caracters, etc will happen.

I’m not an english native. Any remarks for necessary corrections are welcome.

Now some points that I need to adress :

- No aliens in my story. (but I will still keep birdpoop as a badguy)
- Ninja using weapons means they don’t only use something other than katana, kunai, sanbon and shurikens for the covers photoshoots.
- No supersaian/hero syndrome (a.k.a only the chosen-one can save the world… but if he fart to loud he could also destroy it, while the rest of the caracters eat popcorn or die as canon foders)
- Ninja can be stealth. For real… Don’t be shocked.
- Anbu won’t be here just because there was free space.
- carefull with fuinjutsu, it can mess up space and time.
- clans aren’t here just as some stick-in-their-arses pricks. Some clan people can be civilians with normal jobs, while others are shinobis, actives or not, with sometime a side job.
- I plant eastereggs in some chapters as humoristic attemps, and in hommage for the stories/movies/novels/manga/etc I like.
- I used the map in the Naruto-wiki. Others don’t have countries placed at the same places...
PS : not a BL.
This story is only to be published on Scribblehub, everyother publication elsewhere will be a theft of my work, even with the same accompte name.

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