The Aura-Verse [Re:written]

Chapter 18: Chapter 16: Old and New Pt. 4

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May 10th, 1960 [Academy Stadium #1]

The sun glowed right above the stadium. In the center of the blue sky. Two opponents stood afar from each other inside the arena.

Two boys. It was the finals of the Aura Exam. A tournament that takes place once every year since the school's beginning in 1900. It shows the strengths of the students.

The battle was between Gil Morison [Zone C, Rank 2] and Ezra Ozuna [Zone A, Rank 1]. The two were great friends and very competitive. This would be the perfect way to settle the score, right? And so the match began.

Gil took the first move. He shot at Ezra with his blade at full force. Ezra unsheathed his and parried the incoming attack. That wasn't the only thing that happened, though.

"Murder him, Gil. You must kill Ezra Ozuna. In return, you will receive riches and power beyond your understanding," those words rang in Gil's head.

All he had to do was murder his best friend. He had what it took as well. He didn't hold back. Ezra noticed right away.

"Hey, Gil. You really aren't holding back, huh?"

No answer. Gil kept striking. He wanted power and money. That is the way of bribery. The Academy knew a teenage boy would do anything for such things. Gil was one of them.


Again. No answer. Ezra finally jumped back to escape the attacks.

"Where are you going, Ezra?" Gil said in a creepy tone.

"Nowhere! Fire Resonance: Spiral Burst!"

Fire Aura began to build in Ezra's right palm. The heat didn't bother him. He knew Gil couldn't deflect Aura with a simple blade. Ezra released the Aura as a single burst of energy. The ball of energy shot at Gil as fast as a bullet.

To Ezra's surprise, Gil deflected the fireball away with his blade.

"What-?! Impossible!" Ezra shouted.

Gil shot at Ezra again. This time... he went straight to the point and sliced Ezra in half. No signs of sadness or regret. Gil had completed his mission.

This event is known now as the "Bribe of 1960"—just one of many events caused by bribery at the Academy.


April 19th, 2000 [10:00 PM, Eastern Hallway]

The two stood in the darkness of one of the hallways in the Eastern Domain. Hyuri and Ezra looked at the never-ending darkness of the school. No one was inside. It was empty.

"What are we doing in here? It's freezing," Hyuri groaned.

"I know all the secrets behind this place. Just trust me," he assured Hyuri.

Ezra took the lead. He knew what he needed to show him. Hyuri was just confused following him.

"What are you gonna show me, Ezra?" Hyuri asked him.

"Something you need to see to take corruption away from a place to teach-"

He was cut off. They heard noises. Footsteps. They were gradually getting closer. The entire place was empty. No one was inside and they knew that. So who or what could it be?

Eventually, the footsteps stopped. Hyuri began feeling some sort of pressure coming from before him. It wasn't Ezra. It felt like something kept hitting his body.

Its Aura is hitting me, Hyuri thought to himself. He wondered what it could be. The constant flow of Aura hit his body. Ezra couldn't feel a thing, but he knew something was there.

"Show yourself!" Ezra shouted at whatever was ahead of them.

No response in any form. It just stood there. Ezra gritted his teeth. This wouldn't be so easy.

"Hey, did you hear-?!"

"Wait, Ezra!" Hyuri cut him off. "Can you feel it's Aura?"

"No, why?"

"Let me try talking to it."

Hyuri stepped forward. Since Ezra's words had no effect. He wanted to try to talk to it himself.

"Hello?" He spoke out.

They heard footsteps going toward them. It heard Hyuri's voice. Or well, his Aura.

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The footsteps halted. Ezra thought about the strange phenomenon. The many thoughts flooded his mind. What could it be, he kept thinking. Then, it popped into his head.

"Hyuri. The thing in front of us might be a lost spirit," Ezra guessed.

"Lost spirit? What's that?" Hyuri said, confused.

"A spirit who died here and never passed on. So it roams around here when the place is empty to try and go to Heaven."

But Ezra wondered why it reacted to Hyuri and not him. It took a second then it hit him. He was concealing his Aura while Hyuri wasn't.

"Release: Concealment Seal!" He shouted.

Hyuri now felt Ezra's presence beside him. He was now even more confused.

"How can I feel you by me now?" He asked Ezra.

"I concealed my Aura before walking in," Ezra explained. "I guess as a Divine Being it's my job to give him a peaceful send-off."

As soon as Ezra took one step. The entire hallway was illuminated with the school's lights. It was like the power was turned on during a power outage. They looked up and around, their eyes adjusting to the light.

They finally saw the figure that was hidden in the dark. A pitch-black figure. Somewhat like a shadow, but 3D and not against a surface.

"That's a lost spirit?!" Hyuri asked.

"Yeah, a black figure with no features of its original alive self except its height and structure. Other than those things it's unrecognizable," he explained to Hyuri.

The two stared at the lost spirit a bit longer. They wondered how all of the lights suddenly turned on. The spirit looked as if he turned around and began walking.

"Maybe we should follow it."

Ezra nodded and the two followed the spirit. It was pretty slow. A bit under the average walking speed. Hyuri was getting irritated at the slow walking figure.


The figure held a sword, the blade inches away from his face. After a few seconds, it began to walk again. What the hell just happened, Hyuri thought.

It had been five minutes, they were met with double doors. Hyuri knew what they led to. The school basement. He stepped up and opened the door. He was correct. They both saw stairs leading down into a dark abyss.

Suddenly, they realized the lost spirit had disappeared.

"Where'd it go?!" Hyuri exclaimed.

"Maybe it wasn't a lost spirit. Hm."

"Maybe it lead us here for a reason?" Let's go on down and check."

Hyuri went through the double doors and down into the basement. Ezra followed close behind. The two turned on flashlights to better perceive the basement. They didn't find many things other than scattered crates.

"Hey, why would a school have a basement?" Hyuri asked.

"I don't know. A bit odd."

They ventured not too far from the entrance. The only thing that appeared were crates upon crates. They didn't think much of them. They thought nothing of it.

"So many damn crates in this place," Hyuri muttered. "Why would it lead us here?"

Ezra stayed quiet and kept looking around the area. They had no idea what they were looking for. All they saw were crates in nearly every direction.

And then it hit Ezra.

"Hey, Hyuri."


"Where's the exit again?"

The two turned back trying to look for the exit. They scrambled all over the basement in search of it. Seconds. Minutes. Until they accepted they were lost.

To Be Continued...

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