The Aura-Verse

Chapter 14: Duel of Two Sides – Chapter 12

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March 17th, 2000 [1:05 PM]

The room was dark, only filled up with a small amount of sunlight. Kensho was sitting in his usual spot, playing an MMORPG on his PC. Rei was taking a nap on his bed. Hyuri just sat on his bed watching Kensho play his game.

"Hey, Kensho. How does that game work?" Hyuri asked, genuinely interested.

"Not sure. If I knew I'd tell you," he responded.

Hyuri always wondered why Kensho spent so much time on that game. It never made sense to him. He stopped watching and closed his eyes.

Knock! Knock!

"Huh…?" Hyuri opened his eyes.

He hopped down off the top of the bed and opened the door. To his surprise, it was Kazama.

"Kazama? What're you doing here?"

"Katsuyo. I came here to speak to you about something. Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, I do. Come in."

Kazama walked inside. Hyuri closed the door behind him. He sat down on an open chair.

"It's about Aiko and that boy. The one who attacked you a few days ago."

Hyuri's eyes widened a bit. He's finally hearing about the boy.

"His name is Anthony Mendez. He's close with Drew. I managed to stop him from going after you guys."

"That's great. Problem solved, right?"

Kazama shook his head.

"I still want to know why he went after you. For no reason isn't an answer. I need an actual reason."

Hyuri leaned against a wall, hand on his chin thinking. He knew he had a point. He wouldn't attack for no reason.

"We'll make a plan and figure out why. There must be more to the story."

They were on the same page. Kensho just listened while he played. This was a major deal. There was no moderation in the halls or such.

It was easy for students to fight without having consequences. Of course, these were usually minor. Most fights are taken to arenas.

Kazama also wanted to find out why Drew had acted as he did. He usually wasn't like that. So he wanted to find out why now. This was a lot for Kazama to process.

"We won't strike now. We'll go after them at night. That's when most domain leaders have meetings," he told Hyuri firmly.

He nodded his head. He didn't want to mess this up.

"Just meet up with me at my dorm. C-12. At midnight."


"I'll be off now. Just be there at midnight. Make sure no one follows you."

Just as he said that. They both heard footsteps rapidly getting further away. Hyuri scrambled toward the door and swung it open. He peered out and checked both sides for anyone. The only thing he saw was someone in a cloak sprinting away.

"Someone must have heard, Kazama! I can go-!"

"No! I got it. Which direction?!"


Kazama sprinted out the door and in the direction of the cloaked person. Damn, Hyuri thought. Was the plan foiled? Were they going to be stopped? Who had eavesdropped on them? And why? He slammed the door shut. It was a disaster already.


Kazama was still on the run. He was slightly behind the cloaked person. He needed to catch them. He needed to know who they were.

"Hey! Stop right now!" he yelled.

The person led him outside into the field. Then, the person stopped. Kazama seemed to be a bit tired. They were running for about five minutes straight without stopping.

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"Who are you?" Kazama said, breathing heavily.

The person took the hood off their head. It was a girl. Her hair was long and pink. Her eyes were a dark teal. Kazama hadn't seen her, well around his parts that was.

"What's your name?" He asked.

The girl stayed silent. She just looked around. As if trying to find something.

"What's your name?" Kazama asked again, slightly more frustrated.

She opened her mouth and then spoke, "Valerie."

Her name was Valerie. She wasn't from the East nor South domains.

"You're Iker Kazama. Leader of the South Domain. Anthony has told me about you."

Kazama gritted his teeth. She was with him. He knew she would go back and tell Anthony everything. He didn't know how to make her quiet.

"Why were you eavesdropping? And what did you hear?"

Valerie just shrugged as if attempting to ignore the question. This frustrated Kazama more. She wasn't trying to communicate. At all.

"What did you hear?" he sighed.

"I don't know," she said, obviously lying.


Before he could speak she walked up to him and kissed his lips, cutting him off.

"Keep quiet about this, 'kay?" she whispered before walking off.

His eyes were wide. His mind was blank. He didn't know what had just happened. After a few seconds, he snapped back to reality, wondering where she'd gone. He let her away. But how. He had just seen her moments ago.

"Sigh… Dammit, I let her escape. We have to be extra careful now."


Drew stood by the window. He gazed at the sky. The sky was light blue with some gray-white clouds scattered aimlessly across the sky. Anthony walked up to him, handing him a needle filled with an unknown red liquid.

"Here you go, sir," Anthony told him, shaking slightly.

Drew just stared at it. He didn't want to have it. He simply lifted his palm. Anthony knew he didn't want whatever it was. He set the needle on the nightstand by the bunks. Drew seemed more calm and quiet.

The opposite of what he was an hour prior. Earlier, he was more confident. He wanted a fight. Now, he just wanted to be in silence.

Valerie barged in with no warning. She came back with the intel.

"Now's not the time Valerie. He wants to be in silence," Anthony informed her.

"They're gonna strike at night during the nightly meetings," she said.

Drew slowly turned his head toward her. He didn't say anything. He just stared. He wanted her to leave. He didn't care about that right now. But why not? He was different. Completely different.

"Leave. Now," Drew told her with a soft, but stern voice.

Valerie didn't know what to say. He wanted her to get intel but now doesn't care.

"Wh-what?! You asked me to go get some of your intel and now you don't even want me to tell you?!"

He pointed at the door. He wanted her to leave.

"Ugh!!" She stormed out, slamming the door behind her?

Drew turned back to the window. A small breeze blew across his face. His blonde hair moved along with the breeze.

"I guess we'll see them at midnight."

To Be Continued...

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