The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Ren’s Feelings

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When Lucky asked Ren such a question, she immediately blushed in pure red as she did not expect a question like that out of the blue.

“ I knew it! I knew it! I had the same thought all this time!” Yoko jumps up and down like a kid on a sugar rush.”

“Wh-where di-did you hear su-such non-nonsense!? Me like Dai?! Pfft! Who would ever like that weirdo.” As Ren stutters trying to reject the question.

“What a cliché way to tell someone you like someone without saying you like them,” Lucky said.

“Tell me about it,” Yoko adds on.

“But anyway, that’s awesome! Why don’t you tell him how you feel?” Lucky cheerfully said.

Yoko randomly began to sing to taunt Ren.

“ ♫Ren & Dai sitting in the tree, S-E-X, I-N- ♫”

“THAT’S NOT EVEN HOW THE SONG GOES!!!!” Ren‘s face turned even more red as she quickly blasts at Yoko before she finishes off the inappropriate version of the song she came up with.

After Ren went mad, she then breathed in and out to calm herself down as she was still rattled by the question.

“Okay, fine! You guys got me there. Yes… I do kinda like Dai.” Ren slightly blushes as she struggles to admit her feelings.

“Only kinda?” Lucky teases.

“Arghh! You know what I mean!” Ren who was about to explode again shouts.

“How long have you liked him for?” Yoko asks.

Ren mutters which Lucky and Yoko couldn’t hear her.

“What did you say?” Lucky struggles to hear.

“Can’t hear you,” Yoko said.

Ren repeats herself but it was still hard to hear.

“C’mon Ren, you can do better than that.” Lucky teases her again.

“Say it a bit louder,” Yoko adds on.

“ I SAID I’VE BEEN LIKING HIM FOR A WHILE NOW!” the voice volume of Ren rapidly increased as both Lucky and Yoko both covered their ears.

“Okay, okay we hear you. Jeez. Try to suppress your love.” Lucky chuckles while making another joke with his ears covered by his hand.

“Uh-oh…” comes from Yoko as she sounds alarmed.

“What?” Lucky responds.

“I think your joke is about to make Ren go Boom! Boom!” Yoko points out.

“What’s boom boom?” Lucky repeats.

“Just look at her and you’ll find out,” Yoko said.

Lucky looks up at Ren and could see that her face is hot red but this time it isn’t embarrassment but anger.

“Okay, I think I know what boom boom means now. She’s about to explode!” Lucky panics.

“ EVERYBODY TAKE COVER!!!” Yoko howled from the top of her lungs like she belongs to the military.

In a matter of three seconds, Lucky and Yoko dived onto Dai’s bed like they are running away from a grenade explosion, and both hid behind his pillows waiting for the incoming explosion that was about to be erupted by Ren.


I guess…

Nothing… happened…

As both Lucky and Yoko look up to see the loud silence, they noticed that Ren isn't angry at all. What they witnessed was probably more shocking than her rage but a Ren whose eyes are watery as her cheeks blushed like strawberries while she crosses her arms and looks down into the ground. The state of her was literally maximum cuteness in which she was just simply shy to express her emotion and Lucky jokes were all it took to release this state.

“I can’t believe my eyes.” Lucky was stunned.

Yoko launched at Ren within a flash as she gives her a big hug.

“ Your soo cute! So you really do like him, don’t you Ren!” Yoko's voice muffles as she rubs her face on Ren.

“I’ve liked him ever since we were both in first-year university together.” Ren who was shy began to twiddle her fingers.

“Huh? Did you like him since then? Wait… since the first year… then that means both you and Dai are older than us? Hold on!? DAI IS OLDER THAN US!?” Lucky was in complete shock to hear the weird, immature Dai is older than him.

“Yeah, we're both older than all of you. It’s just that we both ended up repeating a year.” Ren cutely explains.

“Will you ever tell Dai how you feel?” Yoko asks while gently patting Ren’s head like a puppy.

“How do you feel that he’s pursuing another girl while you have feelings for him?” Lucky asks.

“These are questions that I always ask myself. But then I always tell myself that I’ve never and will never tell a guy that I like them first.” Ren explains herself.

“Why?” Lucky asks with curiosity.

“I get it,” Yoko replies understanding Ren.

Lucky’s jaw drops to see that the alien Yoko understands something other than weird stuff.

“Huh? Did you say you understand Yoko?” Lucky was bewildered.

“Well, duh. I am a girl after all.” Yoko said.

“I didn’t know you still see yourself as a girl?” Lucky questions.

“And also an alien too.” Yoko gives off a goofy smile.

“ Also another reason why I haven't told Dai my feelings is that were best friends. I wouldn’t want to take the leap which can damage the way things are, especially meeting all you guys here.” Ren said with a cute expression.

“Not only that but let’s say you do tell him your feelings and he rejects them, it could be awkward afterward between you two, and the friendship might not be the same.” Lucky explains while understanding Ren.

Suddenly, there was a moment of silence in which no one in the room didn’t know what to say to help or encourage Ren’s situation.

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Then out of the blue, Lucky burst into laughter.

“Hahhahahahahaha!!!! Sucks to be you tho! This is why you don’t fall in love with your best friend, right Yoko.”

“Hahahaha! That’s right bestie! Sucks to be Ren! She can’t keep her legs closed!” Yoko who joined Lucky in his laughter couldn’t stop it herself.

This sudden laughter didn’t even anger Ren or make her feel upset but simply just made her wonder to herself.  Lucky and Yoko fist-bumped each other as they continued bussing out jokes about Ren’s situation. Ren watches this whole view of them. A sense of jealousy enters her heart as she slightly holds her chest.

“ From the way both of you look, I guess you have both been childhood friends with each other for a long time,” Ren asks.

“Nope, we knew each other just last night.” Yoko blurts out while laughing.

“She’s right, I met her in the streets while she was super drunk” Lucky mentions.

Ren was extremely surprised to hear this as she broke into a cold sweat.

“ Wait you two were serious about saying that last night in the kitchen? Did you really just meet each other?” Ren interviews them in disbelief.

Lucky and Yoko said simultaneously.


Ren puts her palm on her forehead as she was still taking this in.

“While we're still on this topic. Don’t you think it’s weird to be this close with each other in a short space of time? I mean it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet.” Ren bluntly said.

“What do you mean?” Lucky questions.

“I mean… if your already this close with each other, don’t you think it could mean that you two just get along too well meaning it could lead to something romantic?” Ren says it directly.

Within that instant, Lucky and Yoko both turned to each other as their eye contact was connected. The bubbly and comedic atmosphere that was once there disappeared and the room was filled with something different. As Ren watched this, she felt left out like she doesn’t even exist in the room as the main focus was all about Lucky and Yoko.

As Lucky is staring so hard into her eyes that he can see her reflection, he whispered three words at Yoko which can be heard.

“I love you.”

Yoko who received such precious three words gently rubs her hands on Lucky’s face as she carefully rubs her thumb on his eyebrows while staring back at his bright blue eyes.

“I love you too.” Yoko returned the words.

Ren who had no involvement in it was as bright as a ripe tomato as she covers her eyes but still manages to peek through the gaps of it. She just couldn’t resist the bonus scene of love she was witnessing.

“Wha-what the hell!? Is this real?! Did they always like each other?! But they just met!? Wait, hold on, is this what you call destiny love or soul mates?!” Ren’s thoughts were in disarray.


Sudden weird noise began to emerge.


As Ren looks up to hear the weird noises…


Lucky and Yoko cried out in laughter.

“Hahaha, yep I didn’t feel a thing when I said I love her.” Lucky sniggers.

Ren’s jaw touched the ground as felt like she’s been done dirty by a brutal prank that messed with her feelings.

“I bet if we really did like each other, Yoko would say ‘I love you’ first.” Lucky teased.

“ I love me too” Yoko idiotically replies.

“ No that’s not what I’m tryna say. Hey Ren, who do you think will say ‘I love you’ first” Lucky asks.

“Yeah Ren and ask honestly because liars will get burned with fire!” Yoko said.

They both looked at Ren seriously as she was thinking of an answer.

“Maybe I’m just overthinking and they're right. I doubt anything is going on with those two.” Ren thinks to herself rather than coming up with an answer.

Randomly, Dai enters the room where Ren was shaken up a bit as her face went slightly red again.

“What did I miss babies?” Dai weirdly blurted.

Yoko answers Dai.

“Ren wants to make a baby with-”

Ren quickly covers Yoko’s mouth to stop her from finishing her sentence.

“It’s nothing, right Yoko?” Ren strangles Yoko while trying to be polite at the same time.

Yoko gives Ren a trouble-making grin which Ren squeezed even harder making Yoko tap out.

“Anyway, we gotta go and prepare for this afternoon. Let’s go, Yoko.” Lucky said.

“Okey dokey!” Yoko replies.

As Lucky and Yoko were heading toward he turned his head to Ren as he smirks at her.

“Good luck, I’m rooting for you.” Lucky added.

“Yeah! We're team Ren! Team Ren for the win!” Yoko playfully yells.

Lucky and Yoko left the room only left with Dai and Ren.

“Team Ren? What did I miss?” Dai was confused as he missed out on everything.

Ren had nothing to say but a soothing smile that was left on her face as she watches the door close.

“You missed nothing.”

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