The Dead Man Plunderer

Chapter 57: Chapter 56. Fish-Men Island- 2

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When he went to the place where Hody Jones lived, Alex first punched him many times before capturing that guy to bring him back to the Ryugu Palace.

That guy wanted to use those Energy Steroids however he never got the chance since Alex took them for himself. After all, they were very valuable for a drug that he plans to make in the future.

Creating a spatial door, he headed toward the palace instead of the tower where Shirahoshi was staying currently. The moment he appeared in the throne room, he noticed a lot of people there along with Shirahoshi.

"Alex-sama, you are back!"  The mermaid princess instantly headed toward him when he came out of the spatial door. She stood very close to him with a happy smile. "I just told the father about you, Alex-sama and how you saved me."

"Really?" He asked with a smile and then turned to look at the other people who were inside the throne room. "Hello everyone, my name is Alex. I'm sure that she already informed you about me."

"Hoh Hoh Hoh, my daughter did tell me about you, Warlord Alex." The giant coelacanth merman spoke with a smile, surprising the others as they weren't aware of the title that Alex had. "Thanks for saving Camie on Sabaody Archipelago."

"Father, who is Camie?" Shirahoshi curiously asked. "How did she meet Alex-sama even though he came to meet me first?"

"She is a member of the Mermaid Cafe under Shyarly's command." King Neptune replied with an amused smile. "Alex met her on Sabaody some weeks ago and saved her from a very large problem."

"See, I told you that Alex-sama is a good guy." Shirahoshi instantly turned to look at her brothers with a triumphant smile. Though she remembered something important and turned back to look at Alex. "Did you meet him, Alex-sama? Will he stop bothering me from now on?"

"Don't worry, he has decided to leave Fishman Island as he was very ashamed of his actions. So you won't see him anymore." Alex told her with a smile to which Shirahoshi nodded, completely accepting that such a thing could happen. Though the other people didn't believe it, they decided that it wasn't a good idea to ask him.

"By the way, I have brought someone else with me as well." Saying that he created a spatial door in the air and then took out Hody Jones from it. "I'm sure you know him, right?"

"Hody Jones, a traitor of royal guards." King Neptune spoke with an angry expression, looking at the unconscious traitor.

Hearing his words, Alex turned to look at Shirahoshi with a confused expression. "You still haven't told them about that thing?"

"I….." Shirahoshi glanced at her father and brothers with a nervous expression. "H-He is the person who assassinated m-mother….!!"

"WHAT???" Everyone yelled out loudly with shocked expressions on their faces. They all soon turned to look at Hody Jones with furious expressions.

However, before they could say or even do something, Alex began to float in the sky to reach the same level as Shirahoshi's head. "Wanna go outside with me? I'll take you to see the Sea forest where you can pay your respect to your deceased mother."

Instead of replying, she turned to look at her father with a pleading gaze. When she saw him nod his head, a happy smile appeared on her face. "Thank you, father." Saying that she turned back to look at Alex. "Let's go, Alex-sama. I want to see the sea forest."

Alex nodded at her words and began to fly away with her while giving a thumbs-up to the King and his sons who understood the meaning behind it.

When they both went out of the tower, King Neptune turned to look at the unconscious Hody Jones with visible anger on his face. "Bring me my weapon, Fubakashi!"

"Okay, father."


Alex and Shirahoshi both flew toward the northeast direction of Fishmen island where the sea forest was located.

"Alex-sama, look at it," Shirahoshi spoke with an excited smile, pointing toward a star-shaped fish. "It looks so cute and beautiful."

"Yeah, it's very beautiful." Alex nodded calmly as he wasn't interested in those fish, unlike Shirahoshi who was calling him out every time she saw a new fish.

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They soon reached the sea forest where a lot of sea animals were swimming around. Shirahoshi began to wave at them excitedly like a kid while calling them cute and lovely.

They began to fly down and reached the ocean floor where they saw a lot of graves. Among them, there was a single grave which had a very large marker which belonged to the former queen of the Ryugu Kingdom, Otohime.

A miserable smile appeared on her face when she noticed the name of that grave marker. She instantly flew toward that grave, her eyes began to moist. "Mother……" 

Alex stood some distance away from her, giving her the personal space to pay her to wish to her deceased mother. He then took out the Hito-Hito no mi from the system storage and then waited patiently for her to come back. "I wonder if this is gonna work….."

After some time, Shirahoshi bowed in front of the graveyard before heading back to Alex while wiping off her tears. "Thank you, Alex-sama for bringing me here. If you weren't here, I don't know when I could have come here to see my mother."

"I'm sure that you would come here in the future," Alex replied with a small smile and then showed the devil fruit to her who looked at it curiously. "If you eat this, you will get legs similar to mine so wanna eat it?"

"Legs similar to you….?" She murmured with a shocked expression while staring at his legs. "I will eat it, Alex-sama and then I will go with you to the place from where you came."

"I will take you to see the upper world one day, Shirahoshi," Alex spoke with a small smile and then threw the devil fruit toward her.

Shirahoshi nodded at him with a happy smile and then took a bite of the devil fruit. Though her expression instantly changed into disgust and tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. "This fruit taste so awful, Alex-sama…." She looked at him with a miserable expression causing him to chuckle at her cute appearance.

"Try to imagine having legs similar to mine." He spoke in a serious tone to which she nodded and began to focus on the task that she just received. Alex on the other hand kept looking at her striped tail, waiting for it to turn into human lege. Though if it doesn't work then he will remove the devil's fruit from her body.

He continued to wait patiently for an entire hour and then he was about to tell her to stop however suddenly, her tail began to get small and soon turned into a human leg. It wasn't just her legs that changed even her entire body got smaller and now she stood in front of him without clothes. He immediately took off his shirt and handed it to her, motioning her to wear it hurriedly.

Right now, she has the same height and body promotions as Boa Hancock. The baby fat that was previously on her face was gone too and now, she looked liked as if she was in her early twenties.

"Alex-sama." She smiled at him with a happy smile and began to walk toward him. Even though she had worn his shirt however it was barely covering her thighs. "I finally did it. I didn't fail you." Saying that she hugged him tightly while giggling happily.

"You did a wonderful job, Shirahoshi." Alex smiled at her happiness while patting her back. "Let's head back to the palace. You need some good clothes and I need some good food."

"Mmmm, let's go, Alex-sama."


Alex left Shirahoshi at the tower where she used to stay while he headed toward the Ryugu palace. On the way, he commanded one of the Royal guards to go to the Ryugu kingdom and buy some clothes for human females.

Entering the palace, he headed toward the throne room where those people were still present. The moment he entered, he was greeted by a very gruesome scene as Hody Jones's body parts were scattered around the throne room. "You know, you should have gone somewhere else to do these kinds of things. What if Shirahoshi saw this?"

"I was sure that you wouldn't bring her with you, Alex." King Neptune replied with a serious expression and then turned to look at his sons. "Leave the throne room, I need to talk with him about some important things."

The three sons nodded at him and headed outside of the throne room while thanking Alex with a grateful smile. After they left the throne room, King Neptune walked down from the large throne. "Camie informed me about your proposal, Warlord Alex. I wish to hear it directly from you."

Hearing his words, a small smile appeared on Alex's face. It was indeed a very good decision to alter Camie's mind when she was going out of the auction house since now, it was proving very usual for him.

"So the thing is…….."

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