The Deal with a Vampire

The Deal with a Vampire

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The Deal with a Vampire

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“All I want is you.” Nagano said as he stepped towards River. He put a finger under Rivers' chin and tilted her head to the side. River struggled to move. To hide the mark that was on her neck. Azriel. She tried to free herself again as Nagano laughed. “They’re just shadows. You can’t touch or hurt them, but they can and will hurt you if given the command” Nagano said as he started looking at Rivers' neck.
River would struggle. She strained to get free from the shadows but they just held her tighter. “Why not give up River? You won’t be able to get free.” He said as he tightened his grip on Rivers neck.
“I won’t give up! Not to some fool like you!” River snapped.
“Then I have to do this the hard way don’t I?” Nagano said. He stepped closer to River and hit her upside the head and the shadow holding her hit her head against the brick wall. “Don’t worry River. You’ll be happy with me.” Nagano said as he walked down the alley the shadows were still holding River. Nagano smirked as he changed forms into his true form. Azriel.

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