The ENF System

Chapter 54: Chapter 54 – Natalie: The other L-word

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My nervousness extended to several levels when I returned to the bed with the towel. Julia couldn’t have meant what I thought she’d meant when she said she’d take care of me. Could she? I mean, the reason I was even thinking in that vein was just that I was so worked up.

She could have meant that she’d give me a nice, long backrub. Or a hug. I liked hugs. Or any one of a dozen other perfectly innocent and platonic things that could be interpreted as taking care of me.

But what if she did mean it the way I suspected she meant it? How did I feel about that?

My anxiety must have been written all over my face because she instantly said, “It’s okay, bestie. We don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to.”

I nodded. Good. But that confirmed that I’d interpreted her remark correctly, which sent my mind into a panic.

“But I think you really want to,” Julia said.

I swallowed hard, but I didn’t contradict her.

“First, give me the towel. I’m feeling kind of nasty here.”

Oh. I’d totally forgotten. I quickly handed it over.

Julia wiped off her fingers thoroughly and then cleaned up down there. “Better. Whew. That was intense.”

I nodded.

She scooted over to the far wall, making room for me, and stretched out. “Let’s just start by cuddling. That’s okay, right? Just cuddling?”

Yeah. That wasn’t weird at all. Cuddling with my best friend in bed while we’re both naked and she just got herself off and I was so aroused that a stiff wind would probably push me over the edge to a mind blowing orgasm was all completely and totally something I did all the time.

While my brain had serious doubts, my body apparently didn’t. At all. I just climbed into bed next to her, lying with my bare behind pointed directly at an equally bare portion of her anatomy that I so didn’t even want to think about at that moment.

She quickly snuggled up against me with her warm, slightly sweaty, soft, bare body. It was definitely a new experience for me, and, honestly, if I hadn’t already been very, very turned on, I wasn’t sure how I would have reacted.

I was, however, very, very turned on. When her still hard nipples smushed into my back, I moaned. When her fingers started stroking my bare arms, I closed my eyes. When those fingers moved to my stomach, I muttered, “Please.”

“Please what?”

I didn’t know. Please stop? Please don’t stop? I couldn’t have answered that if my life depended on it.

“Turn on your back,” she ordered.

I did.

“Have you ever kissed a girl before?” she asked.

I shook my head, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

Her lips found mine. It wasn’t urgent or demanding or needful. It was soft, gentle, caring. It was nice.

“Mmm,” she said. “Your lips taste good.”

Her lips tasted good to me, too, but I couldn’t find the words to tell her. My lack of response didn’t seem to matter all that much to her, though, because she quickly moved on.

“Let’s see what this tastes like,” she said.

Her mouth found my nipple, and her teeth put just the tiniest bit of pressure on the base as her tongue massaged it. My hands clenched at the sheets. That was one of the best feelings I’d ever experienced. Soft, gentle, and firm all at once.

She kept that up for forever, switching between my right breast and my left, not letting one get either too worked over or left out.

She tortured me. All I could do was moan and clench the bedsheets, thinking the whole time how strange it was that it was my best friend, Julia, a girl, who was making me feel this way.

“Time to move on?” she asked eventually.

I took the question for what it was, her seeking permission to go further. I nodded vigorously.

She laughed. “I’ll have you know that I’ve kissed more than a few girls and even tasted my share of nipples, but this is the first time that I’ve ever went down on a girl. You should feel honored.” Her head began moving down my stomach, tracing a path with light kisses.

I gasped, remembering what Hugh had said back at the restaurant. “No. Stop.”

She immediately looked up at me, concerned. “Too far? Don’t want to cheat on your boyfriend?”

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I shook my head, trying to rid it of the cobwebs caused by my supercharged arousal. “No. He’s okay with it, but he told me that we absolutely cannot make you feel like you have to do anything sexual. It would be like we’re extorting you.”

Julia did the last thing I expected her to do. She laughed, a good, hearty belly laugh. “Nat, honey, for you to be able to extort me for sex in exchange for curing my cancer, I would first have to have some even smidgen of belief that you could do such a thing.” She chucked again. “And I know that you want me to believe and that is a sore point between us. I’m as sorry as I know how to be, but I just don’t. So, if you want to stop for any reason, that’s your choice, but you feeling that you’re taking advantage of me somehow is literally laughable.”


“Why are you doing this, then?” I asked.

“Because you’re a friend in need, and I want to help? Because it’s a great distraction from my troubles? Because I’m still literally horny as fuck? Pick one.”

Yeah. Okay. That all made as much sense as my sex starved brain could handle. No objections from me, then. Except that request from Hugh…

Oh God! I couldn’t believe the words that were about to come out of my mouth, but I knew it would make him so happy.

“Hugh said that I could do whatever I wanted with you as long as I told him about it … or showed him a video.” I hunched my shoulders. “Would you mind if I used my phone to record what you’re about to do?”

“Nat! I didn’t know you were that kinky. Wow!”

“Do you … Do you mind?”

“Fine with me. So I’m clear to continue?”

“Just a sec,” I said. “He’d probably be disappointed in me if I didn’t give him an opportunity to make videoing it a quest.”

“You’re about to send your boyfriend a video of another naked girl going down on you, and you’re worried that he might be disappointed about something?” She started laughing again. “Nat, your understanding of guys is sorely lacking.”

Be that as it may, I had my own reasons for wanting as many points as I could get. There might not be any way that I’d ever be as beautiful as her, but more increases to charisma could possibly at least narrow the gap.

As my fingers hovered over my phone’s keyboard, though, the message that I was about to send struck me as completely surreal. I also made a mental note to scrub all this kind of stuff from the phone’s history before the next time I went home to visit the parents.

<Can you send a quest to both Julia and I to video her going down on me and send to you?>

If I would have been able to put thoughts together in a more coherent manner, I would have made that message a lot more playful and flirty, but, alas, it was not to be.

He responded immediately with an emoji of a happy face with its eyes popping out of its head. Then a second later, another one, <You sure?>

I sent back a blushing smiley face and, then, <Very!>

A blue box soon popped up.

“You get that, too?” I asked as soon as I finished reading it.

“Yeah. Let’s give him a show. Spread your legs and hand me the phone.”

I did and she got off the bed, panning over me with the camera.

“This is so hot,” she said. “I’m starting to get why guys like doing this so much. Let me get a close up.”

Lying on my back on that bed, naked with my legs spread wide and arms tensed at my sides, I felt so extremely embarrassed and vulnerable as she panned over me. Those feelings only intensified as she moved the phone between my legs.

“You are so swollen and wet. Fluids are running out of you, Sweety. Everything about you right now screams, ‘Fuck me.’ It’s so fucking hot.” She handed the camera back. “Now film me.”

She stood at the foot of the bed, and I was acutely aware that I was videoing the hottest girl I’d ever met full frontal completely naked to send to my boyfriend. Yes, there as a voice inside of me that screamed, “What the crap are you doing?”

Most of me, though, to be quite frank, just wanted an orgasm. I’d been wanting one since I first stripped naked when Julia and I had arrived at the apartment. I was long, long overdue.

She slowly and sensuously crawled onto the foot of the bed on all fours, her full, C-cup breasts dangling beneath her. God! How I wished mine were that big! I swore that my next level up I was going to advance Body Modification to the second level.

Such jealous thoughts mingled with sincere appreciation of just how perfect her face and body were mingled with lustful anticipation of having such a beautiful girl about to give me an orgasm. All those thoughts stopped, though, as soon as her tongue made contact.

I become incapable of thought at all. Somehow, I managed to keep the camera pointed at her and her ministrations for a while. I captured her taking the whole of my clit in her mouth and gently massaging it with her teeth and tongue. On complete autopilot, I leaned over and got a close up of her tongue entering my hot, wet hole.

Soon after, though, the video just showed a moment of the bedsheets because I was far too occupied to even notice that the device even existed. Julia, though, had the presence of mind to pick it up and film me having an orgasm. Had to make sure to get that part recorded on camera.

She laughed as she sent it off to Hugh. “He’s going to fucking bust a nut watching that.” She climbed up to lay beside me. “As soon as you recover, it’s my turn.”

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