The ENF System

Chapter 65: Chapter 65 – Natalie: Visitor

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I was tied naked and spread eagle to my bed with literally no way to escape or cover myself, and Hugh invited someone inside. What. The. Crap.

I felt myself panicking. The back of my head was to the door, and my bed was offset to the left, meaning I had to strain my neck to see anything past the couch and even then I had a terrible angle.

Who could it be?

I saw a flash of blonde attach itself to Hugh.


Okay. That made sense. I should have guessed that, honestly. The number of people that Hugh knew and who would be likely to come to my apartment was exceedingly small – one, really. In my defense, being tied naked and completely helpless didn’t seem to be conducive to logical thinking.

The panic started to ebb before rising once again. She was the last person in the world I wanted to have see me like this. The amount of teasing would simply not be tolerable. I’d…

And then I remembered where she’d been today. I can only blame my sex addled brain for not realizing it immediately. Why was she here? What had happened? All my doubts and worries and fears about myself completely vanished.

I couldn’t tell what she was doing. Was she attacking Hugh?

Suddenly, she was off him and heading toward me. The first thing that I noticed when could see her face were the tears. I wasn’t talking eyes glistening or something. No, this was a full on waterfall streaming down her face. I’d never seen her like that.

She reached out, her hands darting toward my head. Fast. I didn’t know what was going on. I was tied up, unable to defend myself.

Then, her face was next to mine, her mouth next to my ears. Her tears ran down my cheeks.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “Thank you so much. I can literally never repay you.”

And then I was crying, too.

My life had become a series of surreal events that each trumped the last in magnitude and sheer unbelievability. Lying naked and bound while my best friend hugged me and my boyfriend watched was definitely a new height. Or low. I didn’t know which.

After letting us both have a good, wordless cry, Hugh sat by my legs while Julia sat near my torso. Neither made any move to cover me or untie me, of course, and I didn’t even think to ask. Again, surreal.

“So,” Hugh said, “I take it there was good news today.”

She barked out a laugh. “You could say that, yeah. The tumor in my brain shrunk by more than half. There was no sign of the spread that they’d found throughout my organs. My body is apparently expelling – the doctor’s word, not mine – cancer from it every time I go to bathroom. And weren’t those tests just so much fun. Yay! My cells appear to be getting healthier all the time. A culture taken late in the afternoon was better than one taken first thing in the morning. So, yeah, you could say that there was good news.”

She started crying again. “You two don’t understand. Which makes sense. How could you understand? I told myself that I had accepted that I was going to die. I tried hard to keep up this brave front, but, inside, I was … a mess. A complete and total mess. Someone who has their shit together does not do this.”

She whipped off her wig, revealing a bald head covered in only the lightest of fuzz.

“You two, though,” she said. “You come to me with this cockamamie story, spouting pure nonsense. But you did impossible things and I couldn’t figure it out. And why would Nat lie to me, especially a pinky swear? But I couldn’t believe. Do you understand that? I couldn’t. Not even a little bit. If I did and it was all a lie or even was anything less than a complete miracle, I wouldn’t have been strong enough, you know? Better to just not believe. But it wasn’t a lie. It was a miracle. And…”

She started wailing, and Hugh moved next to her, embracing her and patting her back. He looked so awkward and uncomfortable doing it, though, that it made me love him even more.

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He just held her until her sobs ceased and let her go. “I am so happy for you. Really.”

“They … They said that they want to just keep an eye on things at this point, definitely not starting treatment tomorrow. My prognosis right now is very positive. If things were to stop improving immediately and I started radiation soon, I’d still have a seventy five percent chance, but, with all these system skills, I think it might just go away.” She let out a long, low breath. “I’ve got another appointment on Monday, so, when my parents – who were as stunned as I was – and I got home, I told them I’d see them Sunday night, got in my car, and drove here.”

She paused and looked at Hugh and then at me, suddenly with a worried look. “And I totally just barged into the middle of what you’ve got going on here like the rudest person on the face of the planet. I am so-”

“No!” I said. “you will absolutely not apologize for rushing to your best friend’s apartment to tell me your fantastic news. I don’t care what you interrupted.”

“Definitely,” Hugh agreed. “We are both just so relieved that we were able to help.”

“Yeah,” she said, putting her wig back on and maneuvering it back in place. “I get that I’m forgiven, but I still think I should leave now. Maybe I can come back in an hour or two? Stay the night? If it’s not too much of an imposition?”

“Julia, no,” I said. “I mean, you’re welcome to stay here whenever you want, but I can’t just let you wander around while we…”

“It’s no big deal. I’ll go to that coffee shop that you keep trying to get me to go to and catch up on my reading.”

I felt really bad about kicking her out. She was my best friend. She should always be welcome at my apartment. “You could … You could stay.”

Hugh winked at her. “You could help.”

Wait. I didn’t say that. I was thinking Hugh could just untie me and we could all visit.

Julia grinned. “Help? Really? What’s the plan?”

“Pure sexual torture,” Hugh said unabashedly. “We take her to the very brink of orgasm without letting her cum, wait for her to calm a little, do it again. Lather, rinse, repeat.”

“That sounds like fun,” Julia said. “You’re sure you’re okay with it?”

Him? Why was she asking him? What about me?

“Two sets of hands and two mouths and two tongues are better than one,” he said. “Besides, I’m sure you can teach me a trick or two.”

They could not be serious. I was already going to die with just Hugh touching me. I didn’t think I could take both at once.

“Alright,” Julia said. “You’ve talked me into it.”

“Great,” he said. “You start up top and I start down below?”

Did I get a say in this?

Julia looked at me with a devilish glint in her eye. “Sounds perfect.”

Apparently, I didn’t get a say. It was going to be a long, long, long hour.

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