The ENF System

Chapter 66: Chapter 66 – Julia: Voyeur

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I watched as Hugh tenderly kissed the insides of Nat’s thighs, driving her absolutely insane with how close his tongue was coming to her pussy. He noticed me watching and grinned at me. The slow pace continued with him getting oh so close to her most sensitive bits but staying just a little too far away for her to gain any benefit.

Eventually, though, his mouth found her clit. She moaned and gasped. He very gently and thoroughly licked every square inch of her folds. Her panting increased. Her hands, secured at the wrists, clenched the sheet. She was close.

Before I could warn him that she was about to pop, he pulled away.

“Your turn,” he said.

I grinned and turned my attention to her breasts.

Hey. Wait a minute. Those were definitely larger than when I had my hands on them two days ago. Significantly larger, almost as big as mine. And I didn’t see any scars indicating implants. And it was hard to tell because she was all sweaty and disheveled, but was she prettier? I’d never noticed how big and bright her eyes were. What. The. Fuck.

I put those thoughts out of my head for the moment, though. I had a job to do.

I started running my fingers over her bare chest and stomach, not firmly enough for a massage but not light enough to tickle. With her so charged up, even that non-sexual touch made her keep panting, but that decreased over time as I didn’t deliberately add to her arousal. Once I’d judged her to have come down far enough, my mouth found her nipple, and I got her worked up again.

He and I continued like that, taking turns arousing her and taking her right up to the edge of climax, for a long time. I didn’t exactly look at my phone when we started, so I wasn’t sure how long.

It struck me hard that he was one hundred percent focused on her pleasure. Sure, he clearly liked doing this, but his every action was an attempt to see what aroused her the most.  No guy had ever done something like that for me. Best case scenario, a guy would make sure that I got off before he did.

Don’t get me wrong. I liked my pre-cancer sex life this past summer. There was passion and fun and partying like there was no tomorrow. On the other hand, a girl had to kiss a lot of frogs to find the few princes.

Honestly, though, I knew how a situation like Nat and Hugh played out for all but the lucky few. It started out great, way into each other. Loving. Caring. Great sex. Then the girl would find him in bed with one of her friends. Better not to get too close, not to get emotionally involved.

Still, despite what my life experiences told me, I couldn’t help but envy Nat more than a little. Maybe she’d found one of the good ones. Given how much I owed both of them, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt until I absolutely couldn’t anymore.

We kept going and going and going, and Nat grew more and more desperate.

“Hugh. Julia. Please. I’ll do anything. Please.”

He grinned at me. “Please what?”

“Please let me finish.”

“But you begged me not to,” he said. “You literally begged me to bring you to the edge of orgasm as many times as I wanted no matter how desperate you got.”

My eyes went wide. She’d really done that? God! I didn’t know Nat nearly as well as I thought I did.

“That was then.” She gasped. “This is now. Please. I can’t take it.”

I met Hugh’s eyes, worried that we might be pushing this too far. He leaned in to put his mouth near my ear.

“She has safe words,” he whispered. “She hasn’t used them.”

Safe words? They had safe words? Wow, they were a lot kinkier than I thought. Which, considering that I’d just walked in on them with her literally tied spread eagle naked in bed, was pretty darn kinky. So maybe it was just that they were more committed to this, more thoughtful about it, than I would have considered?

I couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to be in Nat’s position. I shuddered.

I’d never let a guy tie me up, though some had asked. There just wasn’t the necessary trust level. But this was Nat. And Hugh. The two people who had literally saved my life and gone out of the way not to ask for anything in return. If I couldn’t trust them, who could I trust?

Though, at this point, any play like this would be benefiting me a lot more than them, which wasn’t my goal. Honestly, the thing I wanted most in the world was to pay them both back in any way possible. What they’d done for me was just so amazing.

Hugh’s mouth was still near my ear, and he whispered again. “The further we push, the bigger the eventual payoff, right? But she is truly suffering right now. Should we end it now? I’m kind of experiencing some analysis paralysis here.”

I kind of liked that he wasn’t afraid to ask for advice, but I’d never been in this situation. I didn’t know.

“I guess you could end this now,” I whispered, “and then, once she’s calmed down, you can ask her what to do next time.”

“Good idea.”

He turned back to Nat. “I might be inclined to grant your wish, but I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking?”

“To. Finish.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “Finish what?”

“You. Know. What.” She was having a hard time speaking she was panting so hard.

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“No. Sorry. Julia, do you know what she’s talking about?”

I laughed. These two were so funny! “I don’t. Sorry, but I’m clueless.”

In between pants, Nat clenched her teeth. “Let me cum, damnit.”

“Come where?” he asked.

“I want you to stick that beautiful, enormous cock inside me. I want you to stuff me. I want you to plow me until I can’t be plowed anymore. I want to orgasm until I dissolve into a puddle.”

“And is that how you ask?”

“Please plow me, sir. Please!”

He turned to me. “Well, I guess she was polite. What do you think?”

I snickered, amazed at the words that I’d just heard come out of my sweet, innocent Nat’s mouth. “Probably best to proceed.”

“Uh, you don’t have to stay for this next part,” he said.

“Do you want me to leave?” I asked.

He looked at Nat and then at me. “I don’t know what she wants, and she’s not in the best frame of mind to tell us.”

“Considering what she and I did and that we sent you videos, I don’t think she’d care all that much if I watched. If you’re uncomfortable, though…”

God! I was pushing to stay, and I didn’t even know why. I’d never considered myself a voyeur or anything. And I don’t think that was why I was doing it now. It was more that I’d seen the build up, been part of the build up, and I’d feel like I was cheated if I didn’t get to see the payoff.

“Uh… I guess that’s fine,” he said.

He stood up and unbuckled his shorts as I watched. Hey, turnabout was fair play, right? He’d seen me naked.

When he dropped his drawers, I was very surprised to see that he was completely soft, and, even in that state, he was huge. It still boggled me, though. He was playing with his naked girlfriend’s body. He was watching me play with his naked girlfriend’s body. The smell of sex was so thick in the air that you could cut it with a knife.

My panties were quite soaked. How could he still be soft? I wandered if there was something wrong with him. That was worrisome.

He climbed on the mattress so that he was straddling her, and, once he’d gotten in position, his cock grew. Just grew. Instantly. It was the weirdest thing. I’d never seen anything like it. It was like he’d tripped a switch and it went from completely flaccid to one hundred percent erect in a heartbeat.

And, my God but was it enormous. Nat hadn’t been exaggerating. If anything, she’d undersold it.

Now, I was officially jealous of her. If he had any clue at all how to wield that weapon, he was a danger to all womankind.

The pure sexual intensity in the room was palpable. Nat was clearly on the edge. Hugh was about to plow her hard. And, considering the state of my own nether regions, it was all I could do not to stick my hand down there and play along with them.

It didn’t take two thrusts for Nat to have her first orgasm, and, as he kept pumping, I wasn’t sure if she had one orgasm after another or one long orgasm that extended longer than humanly possible.

Her back arched up. Her eyelids fluttered. Her toes curled. Her limbs strained against the leather cuffs. Again and again. Her breaths came in ragged spurts.

I’d never seen anything like that. I’d certainly never experienced anything like that. Maybe the hour of torture had been worth it.

“Okay. Okay. Okay,” Nat repeated over and over, clearly overwhelmed.

“Just a second.” And then he tensed and, just like that, shuddered.

Uh… Did he just basically cum on command? What. The. Fuck.

No, that didn’t begin to express how mind boggling this was for me. It ran counter to all my experiences with guys. I could only think it again. What. The. Fuck.

He climbed off her and lay by her side. They both were sweaty and breathing hard. Nat looked like she’d been through a ringer, but, at the same time, she seemed so satisfied. Sated. Loved.

I liked seeing her like that.

But nothing about what I was seeing or had seen helped alleviate the problem going on in my pussy. I was about to excuse myself to the bathroom to take care of it when Hugh asked me to help him untie Nat.

I guess my problem was just going to have to wait a few minutes.

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