The ENF System

Chapter 67: Chapter 67 – Hugh: Danger!

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Tying up Nat and having Julia help me pleasure her had been an interesting experience, but I was starting to get more and more antsy about the system awarding combat subclasses. I needed to sit down with Nat and talk it through. Well, Julia, too, I supposed.

“As soon as you get your legs back,” I said to Nat. “We should all go ahead and go eat. We have a lot to … converse about.”

She grinned, and Julia looked at us funny.

“Just give me a few minutes,” Nat said. “Let me hop into the shower right quick.”

She got up on wobbly legs and tottered into the bathroom. Julia looked after her wistfully. I wondered what that was about.

“Are you okay?” I asked, really cognizant that this was the first time the two of us had ever been alone together besides me walking silently with her to the restroom back at the restaurant.

“Yeah. Nat seems really happy, and it’s neat seeing her come out of her shell and really start to blossom. You’re good for her.”

“I don’t know how much of that is me and how much is the system.”

She winced. “That’s a real thing, isn’t it? I’m having to do a one eighty on my thinking, and I must admit that I’m finding it difficult. It’s hard to argue with the results, though.”

“That’s the reason we’re going to go talk. There’s important system stuff that I need to tell both of you.”

“And we can’t do it here because…”

“Nat has to stay naked here, and she finds it really distracting. It apparently makes her stay horny all the time,” I said. “The stuff we need to discuss is really important. I guess, though, you don’t have to join us if you don’t want.”

“Do you not want me to come?”

“It’s totally your call. I know you’re a system user, but we only did that to help you. And Nat and I will absolutely stand by you and continue helping until you’re one hundred percent in the clear. I just didn’t want you to feel obligated to listen to my problems.”

“Hugh, you are literally saving my life. I know that we barely know each other and all, but saving my life gains you a fair amount of goodwill from me. You understand that?”

I nodded.

“If something is on your mind or there’s something you need help with,” she said, “I definitely want to at least listen, and it will definitely be with an open mind from now on. Again, I can’t apologize enough for how I behaved.”

“If there is one person in the world who had a valid excuse to act how you did, it was you. I have literally no issues with it.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, but please accept that I still need to do something to make up for it, okay?”

“Yeah. That’s understandable. I don’t want to stop you from doing something that’s important to you, but I also don’t want you to feel like you must do something you’re uncomfortable with. Is that an okay compromise?”

“Works for me.”

It was nice coming to an understanding with her and, man, had her entire attitude toward me totally flipped. Which I got. Everything she’d said had made a lot of sense.

I was a little worried still about what all this meant for Nat and me going forward. I mean, we’d just involved another girl in our sex play. It had been a totally spontaneous thing, and none of us seemed to be making a big deal out of it. It felt big to me, though. Surely it did to them as well, right? Nat and I were in such a good place at the moment. I really hoped nothing that happened today or anything we were going to talk about tonight would mess that up.

Nat must have been serious about taking a quick shower because she soon exited. I grinned when she walked out still naked.

She glared at me. “I’m still totally embarrassed to be doing this, you know.”

“I do. It’s amazing. You’re amazing.”

She quickly got dressed, and, when she finished, I made a big show of staring at her.

“What?” she asked.

“It’s just weird.”

“What is?”

“You wearing clothes.” I’d wanted to deliver that totally deadpan, but I couldn’t keep from grinning.

Julia laughed. Nat stuck out her tongue at me.

“I’d almost rather I wasn’t. This bra is the only one I have left that fits at all, and it’s so tight that it’s horribly uncomfortable.”

“I noticed that your boobs were bigger,” Julia said. “What’s going on?”

I shooed them out the door as Nat explained to her about the charisma increase and body modification.

“You would think that, after being miraculously cured of cancer, stuff like that wouldn’t surprise me. You’d be wrong, but you’d think that.”

The girls climbed into the backseat of my car, so I turned around and asked them. “Where to? McDonald’s?”

Nat and I were both on pretty tight budgets. Her in general and me because of my recent expenses that we’d just got finished enjoying.

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“I have Daddy’s credit card, so it’s my treat,” Julia said. “What’s the best place in town?”

“We can’t let you do that,” Nat said.

“Nonsense. What part of you literally saved my life don’t you understand? Buying you dinner is pretty much the least thing that I can do to pay you back. In fact, afterward, we’ll go shopping. You need bras and you could use a wardrobe upgrade. I bet we can throw in some dares to make it fun for Hugh as well.”

That was starting to sound like a nightmare for a second, but I liked how she’d ended that. Lingerie shopping would definitely lend itself to some quests.

I knew that, if I let her, Nat would continue to refuse, but, after the talk Julia and I had earlier, I understood that she needed to do something for us, no matter how small, to make her feel better.

“If you truly don’t mind treating us, there’s a place that serves authentic Mexican food that I’ve been wanting to try,” I said. “It’s not terribly expensive, and it’s supposed to be really good.”

“That sounds great,” Julia said. “Nat?”

Nat frowned but nodded.

It didn’t take long to get to the place, and, being a Thursday night, it wasn’t too crowded. We were sat immediately. After placing our orders, I thought about bringing up the things we needed to discuss, but Nat and Julia were joking with each other. I liked seeing them, especially Nat, so happy.

Honestly, that quest had put a huge weight on my shoulders, and I knew that, as soon as I told them about it, part of that weight would be on them. I’d shield them from it to the best of my ability, of course, but there was only so much I could do.

Even after we’d eaten and the waitress had cleared our plates, I was still reluctant to bring it up.

“So,” Julia said, “if we’re going to talk, I can start. I really think we should talk about the three of us and what happened tonight and Tuesday night and sex in general. That’s assuming, of course, that you two are still okay with me doing quests with you. If you decide you just want me to step back, I would understand. My prognosis is good. You’ve more than delivered already, and, honestly, anything else feels like me being selfish.”

“Julia, no,” Nat said. “We’re not just going to kick you to the curb. Right Hugh?”

“Of course not. And I think that’s a subject that we probably do need to talk about. First, though, if you don’t mind, I have something that I really need to tell both of you.”

“That sounds serious,” Julia said.

Nat frowned. “Yeah. I’m a little worried now. Look at how his hands are clenched. I didn’t notice how stressed he was.”

I unclenched my hands. I didn’t remember clenching them in the first place.

“Look, I know you think that the system is this awesome thing that wants only the best for us,” I said, “but litrpgs are usually darker than that. There’s always a cost. Well, depending on the subgenre, anyway. And the more I learn, the more I think we’re in an apocalyptic scenario.”

Julia gestured at the restaurant around us. “I’m not seeing any zombies.”

“I think we’re on the leading edge,” I said. “I think the system was sent to prepare us for what’s coming.”

“But what does Sex Mastery and making my breasts larger have to do with the apocalypse?”

“I don’t know, but I got a quest.” I paused. Maybe it would be best just to read it to them directly. I pulled it up.

After I’d finished reading it word by word to them, I said, “Obviously, there are two big pieces of information in that, and those two things change everything.”

“Combat classes and subjugation,” Nat said.


“Don’t worry, though,” I said. “I don’t expect either of you to fight.”

“You don’t?” Nat asked.

The question seemed reasonable enough, but something about her tone was off.

“No. I’ve been gaining the ability to add one new girl for every five cumulative levels all system users go up by. If I can put together some combination of either you two helping me by adding just a couple more levels or I get a new girl to five or I level, that will allow me to have three new recruits. That can be my party.”

“You’re going to add three new girls?” Nat asked.

Again, I didn’t know if it was how she said it or something about her body language or what, but an internal alarm started going off. Danger, Hugh. Danger.

“I wasn’t planning on running the quests myself, of course,” I said. “I was hoping you would help, that we could do it like we did with Julia.”

“I’ll help you run quests with these three new girls, and then you’ll go off and fight with them as your party,” Nat said.

I wasn’t sure if that was a statement or a question, but the alarm blared louder. Destruction imminent. Destruction imminent.

I promptly ignored that warning as me just being paranoid. “Yeah. That’s the plan.”

Nat glared at me. I was glad that she hadn’t yet gotten a combat subclass yet because she might have evolved a skill to shoot laser beams from her eyes right then and there and cut me in half.

I wasn’t sure exactly what I’d done, but I had screwed up majorly.

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