The ENF System

Chapter 69: Chapter 69 – Julia: Rejected

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I literally could not remember a boy – a straight one, anyway – rejecting me the way Hugh just had. A boy who wanted me but held off because he was going out with someone else? Sure. I got that. Hell, I respected that. A guy who clearly wanted different things out of a sexual encounter like commitment and a relationship that I wasn’t willing to give? Okay. I understood priorities. Good on him for sticking to his beliefs.

Flat out telling me that he wasn’t attracted to me? That was a hit to my ego. A hard hit.

“Oh,” I said.

I didn’t know how else to respond. I actually felt my eyes begin to well up.

Nat gave Hugh a look that both conveyed anger and gratitude, and I got that. How many guys had passed her up to get to me? It must be extremely gratifying to be on the other side of the equation.

“I think I need the restroom,” I said.

 The two of them were sitting opposite me in a booth, so I slid out and made my way to the ladies’ room. I didn’t let the tears fall until I was hidden away in a stall.

This wasn’t me. Even though I wasn’t used to rejection, it shouldn’t make me this emotional. I honestly had no feelings at all for Hugh. He wasn’t even attractive, really. If I was at a party, I wouldn’t even consider him unless I literally had no other options.

The only reason I could think of for me reacting his way was the rollercoaster day I’d had, going to the hospital expecting a completely different result than the one I’d received. And that positive result was all because of the two people whose sex life I’d just tried to insert myself into.

I felt like a jackass, which made more tears fall.

When I’d finished my business – an annoying aspect of the system skill but one I couldn’t bring myself to dislike too much considering the results – I stepped out of the stall. And found Nat waiting for me.

I walked past her to the sink and began washing my hands.

“I’m sorry about that,” she said.

“No. I’m the one who should be sorry. I overstepped big time. It’s okay.”


“No, really. Just give me a second to finish up, and I’ll join you at the table. I’m okay. Really.”

I could tell she was reluctant, but she left. I finished up with my hands and took a moment to center myself. I was going to go out there, apologize, and make all this right.

Despite my resolution, I hesitated at the door. This was going to suck.

I quickly found myself back at the table.

“Julia,” Hugh started, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”

“No. I was the one who was out of line. You’ve been entirely consistent in telling me that your priority is Nat, and that’s the way it should be. I am so, so grateful for everything you two have done for me, but my way of showing it was atrocious. Everything I said came from a place of pure selfishness. The two of you have every right to kick me to the curb and never speak to me again.”

“I’ve already told you that we will not abandon you,” he said. “I just needed to make sure you truly understood my position.”

“The message was clearly received. I will not get out of line again. I promise.” I bit the inside of my lip.

“What is it?” Nat asked.

“You really want me to be honest?”

Both of them nodded.

“Look, prior to us meeting at that restaurant,” I said, “I hadn’t engaged in any sexual activity for like a month. First it was the headaches and then the worry. Quite a few guys have texted me, but I, quite honestly, just wasn’t in the mood. After leaving the restaurant, I almost called one of them. If not for how my parents would have reacted to me wanting to go out again after forcing them to accept me meeting with you in the first place and, gasp, wanting to spend the night with you, I probably would have. Then, after Tuesday night, it’s like my libido has kicked up a notch or two or three. I had to get out my vibe three times Wednesday. That’s not normal for me.”

Hugh turned to Nat. “You’ve been kind of…”

“Yeah,” she said, “a lot more than normal, but I didn’t have anything to compare it to. I went from no activity to a lot fast.”

“Part of the reason that I said what I did earlier is just that all this is making me super horny,” I said. “And, no, I’m not trying to take back what I just said. I just want the two of you to understand where I am and cut me some slack if I need it. I’m going to use my willpower as much as I can and excuse myself to the restroom when I can’t, but, again, please bear with me if I slip up.”

Hugh grimaced.

“What?” Nat asked him.

“That brings up a troubling thought that I hadn’t really considered. If this system truly is acting like an aphrodisiac – and we have no reason to believe that it isn’t – then what’s the difference between me having you do system dares and then having sex with you and me meeting you in a bar and slipping an aphrodisiac in your drink.”

I looked at Nat, and she looked at me. We both rolled our eyes.

“Hugh,” she said, “that might be the single worst analogy I’ve ever heard. That very first quest was definitely … exciting, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t resist. And I went into the second quest knowing how it affected me, whether that’s a feature of the system or just a natural consequence of what we were doing. A better analogy would be that you come up to me in the bar and offer to let me take an aphrodisiac before we have sex because we both know it will make the sex that much better.”

He looked to me for confirmation, and I nodded.

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“Neither of you feel taken advantage of?” he asked.

This guy…

We both answered, no.

“The real question is,” he said, “do we keep questing or stop?”

I rolled my eyes again. “Personally, I think stopping would be idiotic. I need to add more constitution so I can completely kick cancer’s ass and be ready to fight whatever the fuck a mob is. You’re expecting gangsters? Tony Soprano? Guys with Tommy guns?”

Hugh clearly wanted to answer my question, but Nat spoke over him. “I think that every skill and stat point matters. As long as we all go into this with our eyes open, I think it’s fine. I mean, you already pretty much have my permission to have sex with me whenever you want, so what difference does it make if the system is making me want to do that more or not?”

“I guess…”

Nat turned to me. “I don’t know how you feel about what happened between us the other night, but I definitely didn’t hate it. My guess is that I wasn’t nearly as good as Hugh would be, but, if I was an adequate substitute…”

I laughed. “Look at your martyr girlfriend, selflessly offering up her body for the pleasure of both of us and seeking nothing in return. Well, other than obviously seeking compliments on her cunnilingus technique, anyway.”

Nat stuck her tongue out at me.

“Yes,” I said. “Just like that. You’ve got the technique down.”

Nat blushed, and Hugh snorted.

“Seriously, bestie, you can warm my bed whenever you’re not occupied with your boyfriend. It was very good.”

Nat mumbled something.


“I said that I have vibes now.” Her face was scarlet. “Hugh bought them for me.”

Interesting. Go Hugh.

“On that subject, though,” Nat said, “I know that Hugh has vetoed any activity between the two of you, but I still think I should put out my opinion just for the record?”

I was honestly very interested to hear that. Hugh nodded as well.

She turned to me. “The thought of you doing anything with my boyfriend terrifies me.”

I tried to interject, but she spoke over me.

“I know that you wouldn’t intend on stealing him from me, and part of me knows that he really does love me and certainly would never intend on falling for you instead. But, in all the time I’ve known you, every guy who saw you wanted you. I was chopped liver. Worse. I was dog food. Beneath notice. I don’t know if I would ever be able to get over that fear.”

“I understand. I’ve already said that-”

“Please let me finish,” she said. “I need to get this out.”

I winced.

“I think that the system, for whatever reason, is pushing us to all to sleep together, so, as much as I fear what’s going to happen, I trust the system. I think that refusing to do that will become an issue.”

It was Hugh’s turn to try to interject and to get spoken over.

“As your girlfriend, I think I have the right to tell you not to sleep with someone. I don’t think anyone, no matter the relationship status, has any right to tell you that you must sleep with someone. I just think that you need to know where I stand and, believe me, part of me is so relieved and thankful of where that is.”

Hugh looked defeated. “This is all so complicated. I honestly have no idea if I’m doing right or wrong, but I can’t help the way that I feel.”

“I don’t think we’re going to gain anything by discussing this any further,” Nat said. “How about we meet this Amy girl?”

“Alright,” he said. “But she works the night shift at the convenience store. I’m not sure exactly what time she starts, but I think it would be best to wait until after midnight. We want to be able to talk to her uninterrupted without a lot of customers coming in.”

“Perfect,” I said. “That means we have plenty of time for some shopping.”

Hugh groaned.

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