The ENF System

Chapter 70: Chapter 70 – Natalie: For Better or Worse

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I didn’t grow up poor. There was always food on the table. My parents always had jobs. We took vacations. But money was never plentiful in my household. That was the reason I was so, so thankful for my parents renting that apartment for me. They sacrificed a lot to afford it.

Both Julia’s family and Hugh’s family were much more well off than mine. Neither of them thought twice about shopping for clothes. For me, it was something that required budgeting and planning.

“I don’t feel comfortable with you buying me stuff,” I said as we walked from the restaurant to the car.

“Nonsense,” Julia said. “It’s literally the least I can do.”

As we got in the car, she told Hugh to take us to the mall. I told him not to.

He turned to us. “You two decide where we’re going, and then tell me. I’ll wait.”

“Nat, please,” Julia said. “Let me do this for you.”


“Wait,” she said. “I have an idea. Hugh, based on what happened between her and me the other night, it seems like she takes this quest stuff pretty seriously, right?”

What was she doing?

“Very seriously,” he said. “Words framed in blue boxes are like commandments from on high for her.”

This didn’t sound good.

“Issue a quest to her for me, then,” Julia said. “She has to let me buy clothes for her that you will like and she has to make the entire shopping experience fun for you.”

“Oh,” he said. “Nice. I like that. Just a second.”

No! He wouldn’t. He couldn’t.

A blue box popped up.

That traitor! This was a quest to do stuff in public, and Julia was essentially in charge. While Hugh usually exercised some restraint, I was positive that Julia would have no compunction about stripping naked in the middle of a store.

“Driver, to the mall!” Julia said.

“No. If we’re going to do this,” I said, “a thrift store would be fine.”



“What’s wrong with the mall?” she asked.

“It’s too expensive. I don’t want you spending that much money on me.”

“Sweety, you’re totally worth it.”

“A thrift store would be fine,” I repeated.

“Fine. How about Walmart? We can find some very inexpensive essentials, and we can be sure they’ll actually have everything we need.”

I wanted to argue more. Used clothes from thrift stores were perfectly acceptable to wear. But she’d made the effort to meet me in the middle, making me feel like I needed to give a little, too.

“Okay. If we must.”

“Driver, to Walmart!” Julia said.

It was nice to see her rebound from how upset she’d obviously been in the bathroom, but I still felt like part of that quest made no sense.

“I really appreciate you buying me new bras because I do need them. I can’t keep wearing this one every day.” That purchase would have taken a big hit out of my budget, too. “It seems silly for me to buy clothes to make Hugh happy, though. He just wants me naked all the time.”

“First of all, while I bet he’d love for you to go to class naked, you can’t get away with that, and I bet we can find some outfits that will qualify for quests but that are still appropriate for you to wear out. Hmm. I wonder how many points you’d get just for wearing what I have on now.” She gestured to her tank top and short shorts.

I tried to imagine me wearing something like that to class, my shirt so tight that it showed off the outline of my bra, my shorts so short that my butt cheeks poked out the back. It would be so embarrassing. I shuddered. I’d be so turned on that I wouldn’t be able to concentrate in class. I’d have to use Focus just to make it through.

“Still, though,” she said, “have you ever asked him about outfits that turn him on?”

“Uh … no?” I always depended on him to tell me what he wanted. A memory of him telling me something about a costume came to mind. “Hugh? Is there anything special that you’d want me to wear?”

“I do have some ideas.”

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“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.

“They involved stuff that I doubted you had in your wardrobe, and I didn’t want you to feel like you had to spend money. I’m more than happy with you being naked.”

Julia was right. I shouldn’t have been surprised. She did know boys a lot better than I did.

“Great,” she said. “Spill.”

“Let’s see…,” he said. “A big thing that I think is super sexy but is perfectly appropriate for wearing in public is when girls have a short skirt paired with leggings or boots that go up to the knees or above. Something about that bare expanse of thigh when the rest of the leg is covered is just really appealing.”

That … was something that I could do, especially knowing that he really liked it. I’d never even have considered something like that. This was a good conversation.

I gave Julia a thankful nod and she grinned.

“What else?” she asked.

“For public? Maybe a sheer top that shows off her bra?” he asked.

I swallowed hard. Wearing that for him in my apartment? Sure. Going out in public like that? Uh…

Julia must have seem my expression because she said, “I don’t think Sweety is quite ready for that yet. We’ll pick one up, though. She’s progressing a lot faster than I would have thought possible She actually rushed outside naked the other day.”

I felt my face heat. I still couldn’t believe I had done that, system influence or no.

“Beyond clothes that are just generally tighter and shorter and that show more skin,” he said, “There’s nothing else that I can think of that she can wear in public.”

“What about stuff that’s for not in public?” Julia’s face looked like it was going to split in two her smile was so wide. She knew that I would wear anything he really wanted me to, and she was obviously really enjoying doing this to me.

“Uh… Wearing just stockings and high heels is always a good look,” he said. “I also really like the concept of outfits that cover the parts of her that are okay for everyone to see while leaving bare the parts of her that aren’t.”

“Like combining stockings with opera gloves?” Julia said.

Hugh confirmed that was what he was talking about, and I just stared at her. How had she known that?

“There was a guy who kept wanted me to dress up like that for him and take pictures,” she said.

She didn’t say whether she had accepted the invitation or not, and I didn’t dare ask.

“Anything else?” she asked.

“A superheroine costume of some sort,” he said. “Tight top and short skirt with those gloves you mentioned and a mask and boots. I’d love to take pictures of her tied up wearing the costume and then with only the mask, gloves, and boots.”

“I get the idea,” Julia said. “I think I can work with that.”

While I was thinking about what I was about to be getting myself into, we all lapsed into silence for a few moments.

“Julia?” Hugh called.


“Should I send you a quest?”

“Uh… I thought you weren’t okay with that?” she said.

“I don’t regret my position regarding a strict no touching policy between us, but I think I’m limiting our leveling potential way too much if I insist on not being around when you do quests. As long as you and Nat are really okay with it, I, honestly, just need to suck it up and get over myself, right?”

“I’m good with that. Nat?”


A million thoughts raced through my mind. The thought of Hugh being around Julia when we were doing these kinds of things made me really apprehensive. That wasn’t even mentioning the fact that who knew how far Julia would push things past where Hugh and I would normally stop. I foresaw major escalations in my immediate future, and that was terrifying.

But Julia did make things more fun. She was so uninhibited. I wished I could be more like her, and, if she and I were doing quests together, maybe some of her confidence would rub off on me. Besides, I trusted the system. This was what it ultimately wanted us to do.

“It’s fine with me,” I said, trying to sound more assured than I felt.

For better or worse, that settled the matter.

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