The ENF System

Chapter 71: Chapter 71 – Julia: Retail therapy

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As we pulled into the Walmart parking lot, I asked Nat, “How can you make this an enjoyable trip for Hugh?”

“Uh… Maybe take some selfies in the dressing room?”

“That’s a good start. I like where you’re going with that. I think there’s something more you could do starting right now, though. Something from the realm of less is more…”

“I’m only wearing shorts, a shirt, and shoes,” she said. “I can’t take off any of those.”

“That’s not all you’re wearing.”



“You want me to take off my bra?” she asked, defeated.

“I think that’s a marvelous idea.”

“Hugh,” she called, “do I have to?”

“What’s the problem? You were in the library like that for hours,” he said.

Natalie had went to the library without a bra? With her new upsized boobs? Wow. At the restaurant, it hadn’t been that noticeable, but, with a C-cup, those puppies would be hard to contain.

“Fine.” She reached back and unlatched it. “Are you sure you want me to do this?”

“Yep,” I said.

“Ugh.” She pulled the straps off her arms and tugged the garment out from under her shirt. “Happy now?”

“Almost.” I reached out and pulled the front of her shirt up over her boobs, exposing them to me. I pinched and massaged her nipples until they stood proud. “There. Perfect.”

I must have surprised her because she didn’t react until I was already massaging her and then it was just to moan. It wasn’t until after I pulled my hands away that she realized that she was sitting in the back seat of a car with her tits out.

“Eep!” She quickly pulled her shirt down. “Julia!”

I laughed. That was fun. I could never have done that to the old Nat.

Hugh found a parking spot and cut the car off. He turned around. “Nice.”

Nat rolled her eyes, but she also stuck out her chest. She obviously liked him looking at her. It was cute.

“I think that she looks a lot better with the points,” I said. “Don’t you agree?”

Nat stuck her tongue out at me, and he laughed.

She hesitated when Hugh and I got out of the car. I glanced inside and saw her mumbling to herself, steeling herself to being seen in public like that. I had to admit that it was a little bit of a rush making another girl show herself off like that, especially one who was so reluctant. My other friends weren’t nearly as much fun.

There wasn’t any better feeling in the world than stepping into a store carrying Daddy’s credit card, even when the plan was mainly to buy stuff for someone else. In fact, updating Nat’s wardrobe into something a normal college student would wear made the experience even better. I never in a million years would have thought she’d even consider wearing regular clothes out in public.

The experience was made even better by how she was currently dressed. There were definitely some stares directed at her jiggling chest as we entered the store, which wasn’t terribly crowded. Honestly, I think she actually got more looks than I did. I totally wasn’t jealous, either. Totally.

Okay, that was a little weird for me. Nat was always that girl I was trying to get to be more self confident, but, deep down, I never actually thought of her as competition. Now that she was starting to really shine, the dynamic had changed. For me, at least. I was pretty sure that Nat still saw herself as the ugly duckling instead of the beautiful swan she actually was.

I grabbed a cart and made way to the woman’s clothing department, Nat and Hugh trailing after me.

“Shoes first,” I said.

The good news was that they did have knee high black boots, and they were definitely inexpensive. The quality, though… Well, I doubt we’d wear them too many times. I had her try on a pair as I did the same, eventually making a selection for each of us and putting them into the cart. I also found a pair of heels for Nat.

Next, stockings for each of us, black with lace at the top. I got three pairs for her and one for me. Then tank tops in two different sizes. After I figured out which one worked the best, I’d grab an array of colors.

I looked for a sheer top but didn’t see any there were actually transparent. I’d have to order something online.

Hugh seemed happy enough trailing after his girlfriend and watching her boobs flounce all around. Good quest progress so far!

Shorts and tights were next.

“Those are way too short,” Nat said.

I just laughed. “Wait until you see the skirts I pick out.”

Her eyes went wide, and I laughed again.

I actually had to go to the middle school girls section to find skirts short enough. I was sure the intent with those was for them to wear it over leggings, but that wasn’t what I had in mind. Luckily, Nat’s waist was tiny enough that smaller sizes fit.

We were out of luck on opera gloves as that just wasn’t a staple item. Same with everything I needed to truly make a superheroine costume work. I figured I’d find something on the internet and have it shipped to her care of Hugh along with any sheer shirts I found. He’d appreciate the effort at least.

I saved the best for last as we went to the underwear section. Funny enough, Nat actually got a little embarrassed to be picking out intimates with her boyfriend. They were having sex and he kept her naked most of the time they were together but she still got nervous picking out underwear. If anyone can explain that to me, I’d appreciate it because I was just boggled.

If she would have had her way, she would have walked out of the section with a single bra in that awful nude color. I did throw a couple of those in the cart, but I added several lacy bra and panty sets in red, white, and black, which made me have to go back and add white and red stockings as well.

Walmart or not, Daddy’s credit card was going to get a workout tonight. That was okay, though. With the relief of my doctor’s visit earlier, I could do no wrong. Might as well milk it a little.

Finally, we were ready for the dressing room. The attendant only allowed us a few items at a time, though, so we left Hugh with the cart outside. I grabbed the boots and an underwear set and drug her into one of the rooms with me. She reluctantly followed.

“Give me all your clothes,” I said.


“Naked. Now. Selfie time.”

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Acting all shy like we hadn’t been between each other’s legs, she started stripping.

“Do you want me to join you or not?” I asked.


“The naked selfie. Do you want to send your boyfriend a picture of you wearing only the boots or both of us wearing only the boots?” I asked. “You’re not alone. If it makes you feel better to have me do stuff with you, it’s not a problem at all. Or, if you’d rather your boyfriend not have more naked pictures of me, I’m cool with that, too.”

She looked conflicted.

“Come on,” I prodded. “With or without?”

She closed her eyes for a second. “With.”

I laughed. “Good deal.” I quickly stripped and the two of us soon stood naked except for matching pairs of black boots that came up to just below our knees.

I lined up the shot in the mirror and snapped it. Two totally naked hotties, boobs and shaved pussies exposed. Hugh was a lucky guy to be getting such pictures sent to him.

I handed Nat the red bra and panty set along with the matching stocking and told her to try it on.

“I can’t,” she said.

It was a weird time for her to start protesting. I’d already texted a nude photo of her. Compared to that, what was trying on underwear?

“Why not?” I asked, in the middle of getting dressed.

“Because, if I try on these panties, we’ll definitely have to buy them.”

Ahh. I did understand that problem. I was pretty wet, too. There were some disadvantages to this system. Those were nothing compared to curing my cancer, of course, but they still existed.

“Eh, we’ll probably just buy them anyway, and you only need to try on one set because all the different colors are the same brand.” I hadn’t pulled my shirt on yet, so I handed that to her. “You can use this to clean up.”

“But… It’ll smell like me. Isn’t that gross?”

“If I thought that was gross, I wouldn’t have had so much fun going down on you the other night, now would I?”

As I finished shucking the boots and pulling on my shorts, she reluctantly acquiesced and soon returned my shirt to me. As I pulled it on, her aroma mixed with mine to form an intoxicating combination. Sex was in the air.

Her hesitation left me fully dressed before she even started trying the lingerie on.


I gathered up all her clothes. “After you get that on, come outside and model it for us.”

Her eyes went wide. “I can’t do that!”

“Of course you can. Hugh will love it.”

“I’ll get arrested!”

“No, you won’t,” I said. “Everything will still be covered. You’ll just be embarrassed.”

“Ugh. I can’t believe I thought it was a good idea to have you involved in all this!”

“I love you, too, bestie.” And, with that, I walked out of the dressing room carrying all her clothes.

Hugh shook his head when he saw me. “Nice photo. And is that all of Nat’s clothes?”

“Snap decision,” I said. “You deserved a nice lingerie show.”

He chuckled. “Any quest ideas for you?”

“Nah. Anything here that would get me points would likely lead to trouble.” I paused. “I know you prefer to not come up with stuff for me, but I don’t know the town and am drawing a blank. Is there something you want Nat to do that I could do, too?”

He looked conflicted for a moment before giving in. I think that, after his harsh words in the restaurant and my overreaction, he was feeling guilty.

“Hmm,” he said. “There was this one idea I brought up when she and I first started doing this stuff. She was way too timid to do it at the time, but I think she’s ready.”

It took Nat a while to emerge from the dressing room, which gave him a lot of time to describe the quest in detail. I added a few touches, and we had a complete plan for what to do after shopping by the time Nat made her appearance.

God! She looked so adorable. The bra and panty set covered all the necessary parts, and it wasn’t even a little see through. Really, it wasn’t much more revealing than a bikini. You’d have thought she was totally naked jilling herself with a cucumber by how embarrassed she acted, tentatively sticking her leg out of the dressing room, breathing hard, steeling herself to emerge.

I laughed. Hugh was mesmerized. He really dug that shit.

Looking at it from his viewpoint, I guess I kind of got it. Nat was doing this for him, making herself totally vulnerable. Submissive. I could see the turn on.

Once fully out in the open, she literally ran to us, did a quick turn, and headed back.

“I guess that was enough,” I said. “What do you think?”

“I think I’m ready to get to the next step.” His voice sounded eager.

I laughed. “Okay. I’ll go in with her and make sure all the mundane stuff actually fits. Then we can get out of here.”

I took me ferrying items in and out a few times and maybe twenty minutes or so to make sure we got exactly what we needed. Then, we took a quick trip around the clothing department to pick out more tanks and other items I liked for her in different colors. The last place we hit was the camping area for three headlamps with batteries.

Nat was protesting the whole time about me spending so much on her, so I made Hugh take her outside while I paid.

Finally, though, our shopping trip was done. Time for the real fun to start.

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