The ENF System

Chapter 72: Chapter 72 – Natalie: Night quests *CONTAINS IMAGE*

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As soon as Julia walked out of Walmart to join Hugh and me outside, I got the quest completion notification.

She was pushing a shopping cart piled high with plastic bags, and I still wasn’t happy about that. She had to have spent hundreds of dollars. I wasn’t a pauper. I could pay my own way.

Except that I couldn’t. Even buying the necessary portions of that haul, a couple of the bras, would have severely dented my budget.

There was no use complaining about it at any rate. I had agreed, albeit under duress, and it was too late, anyway. So I kept my mouth shut as we loaded the bags into the trunk. My clothes from after the dinner at that restaurant were still in there, underwear and all. And Julia of course saw them. And of course had to ask why they were in there. And Hugh of course had to tell her the entire, humilating blow by blow account as we drove out of the parking lot.

Ugh. It was nice to see them getting along better, but I wished they weren’t bonding over teasing me.

Honestly, the entire dynamic was just weird. I wanted them to be close, but there was a part of me that didn’t want them to be too close. I really felt that we’d have a better chance of surviving what was to come if the two of them slept together, but the thought of my best friend and my boyfriend having sex terrified me. Even worse was that I was almost positive that this same conundrum was going to apply not only to Julia but to any other girl we added as well. And we still absolutely had to add at least one more, probably this Amy girl.

I was beginning to feel like our team was setting itself up for failure before we even got started.

Instead of going back to the apartment like I expected, Hugh pulled into the parking lot of a strip mall and drove around to the back. A few seconds after he stopped his car, I received a quest.

I looked at Julia. She’d clearly received the quest as well and didn’t seem surprised at all by it. I knew it had been a mistake to leave the two of them alone together while I was in the changing room. Now both of them knew exactly what was going to happen and I was left totally in the dark.

Still, the box said it, so I’d do it. I nervously exited the car and looked around. There was a lightpole near enough for us to be able to see, but it wasn’t like we were lit up like it was daylight or anything. There didn’t seem to be any cameras or people about, and we weren’t visible from the road. My guess all those factors contributed to the low reward value.

Hugh had gotten out of the car as well, and he opened the trunk for us.

As I was looking around, Julia had already started stripping, She was already topless before I even got my shoes and socks off. For about the millionth time since Hugh came over to my apartment that first time, I keenly felt just how surreal my life had become.

I pulled off my shirt, leaving me topless as well since Julia had forced me to take off my bra earlier. My face heated as I remembered all the people who had noticed my boobs bouncing around unfettered in Walmart. That was at least better than now. At least they weren’t totally exposed to view. I knew that, as soon as that trunk closed, I wasn’t likely to get my clothes back anytime soon.

Regardless, I took off my footwear, my shorts, and my panties, leaving me once again butt ass naked outside, this time in a completely unfamiliar location.

Julia was already digging through the bags, and, thankfully, she pulled out my boots along with hers. I hurriedly put them on and zipped them up.

God! It felt so weird to be wearing the boots and only the boots. Being nude was, well, natural. Anyone who saw me might think I was a naturalist or into getting back to nature or something. Wearing these boots cleared up any misunderstanding that my lack of clothing was anything other than an overt sexual act.

While I’d been stripping, Hugh had dug my bra out of the backseat and threw it in the trunk. Wouldn’t want me to have access to anything that could provide me with actual cover, right?

Now that I was ready, he handed me a handtowel to sit on, which I still felt embarrassed about because of how obvious it was that I needed it. I did gain a measure of satisfaction at the fact that he handed one to Julia as well.

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All of us got back into the car, and I dismissed the notification of successfully completing the quest. It was interesting to me that the entire stripping operation had been performed in complete silence. I wasn’t sure why Julia didn’t talk, but I was pretty sure that Hugh was scared of somehow breaking the spell that was causing two girls to get naked for him.

I mirrored Julia in sitting up straight, trying to mimic her confidence. That lasted until we neared the road, and a car passed nearby.

“Eep!” I ducked down, my head in Julia’s lap.

The smell of her arousal was intense given the proximity of my nose to its source.

“Hmm,” she said. “Now this is an interesting position.”

She remained sitting up like it was no big deal, which I found both admirable and frustrating. I wished I could be like her, and it irked me that I wasn’t.

Her fingers found my nipple, and all thought fled me. I moaned. How was she so good at that? Her other hand found my butt and started making circles, each one going lower and lower as she lingered at my upper thighs.

“Julia… If you keep that up, I’m going to lose it.”

“Your choice,” she said. “Either sit up or lose it.”

For some reason, the thought of Julia giving me an orgasm in the backset of Hugh’s car was just too humiliating. It was hard to pull away from the pleasure that was building – and even more difficult still to sit up and expose my bare torso to passing cars – but I somehow managed.

To my surprise, we were driving on a dark country road. As I’d laid in Julia’s lap with her rubbing me, I hadn’t been paying much attention to what was passing by outside the car. We were apparently well outside of town by now. I wondered where we were heading.

I looked to Julia for an answer, raising my eyebrow in question, but she remained silent. The car hit a bump, making her breasts bounce and drawing my eye. I found the motion mesmerizing, gaining a new perspective on how Hugh must feel.

She noticed my gaze and smirked.

Soon, though, he pulled off into a deserted parking lot on the side of the road, lit by two street lights. There wasn’t a building nearby, so it wasn’t immediately obvious what we were doing. The mystery was soon solved by a quest popping up.

He couldn’t seriously expect me to walk a mile with all my important parts uncovered, with only my feet protected, could he? Well, yes, apparently he did. But could I do it? Ugh. Walking that far would take at least fifteen to twenty minutes. So far, I’d only been outside naked without even the protection of a vehicle for very short periods of time. This was a serious escalation.

Julia had already exited the car. I was sure that, for her, this was no big deal. Why couldn’t I be more confident about my body? The likelihood was that no one but she and Hugh would see me, but it just felt so embarrassing to be doing this. God!

Even as I deliberated, I knew the outcome. Hugh wanted me to do this. Julia wanted me to do this. The system wanted me to do this. I, on some level, wanted to do this. No matter how mortifying or how much it made my heart race and hands tremble, I was going to do this. No sense putting off the inevitable any longer.

I cracked open the car door, took another look around, and stepped out.

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