The ENF System

Chapter 73: Chapter 73 – Natalie: Naked Mile

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Julia pulled on her headlamp and turned it on, shining the light on me. “I can’t believe we’re really about to hike a mile dressed like this. That’s wild even for me. Think about it, at the far point of the loop, we’re going to be literally a half mile from our clothes, which are locked in the car’s trunk which only your boyfriend has access to. Imagine if he left us here and made us walk all the way back to your apartment like this. Crazy!”

Hugh would not do something like that. Would he? No. Definitely not. Probably. Not unless he was sure it was safe, anyway.

God! The worst part was that, if he told me to do it, I probably would.

As I lost myself in contemplation about what I was about to do, my arousal continued to build. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, headlights appeared. We were really near the road and there was a curve right by the entrance to the parking lot. Before any of us could react, the lights swept over us. The car didn’t slow, but it honked. The people inside had definitely seen us.

“Crap,” Hugh said. “We should abort.”

I loved that he was geeky enough to say “abort.”

“I’m so high on adrenaline at this point that I can’t stand it. I want to continue,” Julia said. “What’s the actual risk?”

“They could come back,” Hugh said. “They could call the police.”

“It’s a college town. I seriously doubt they’d call the police over two naked girls hiking,” Julia said. “Them coming back is more of a concern but unlikely. I say we give them a few minutes, and, if we don’t see them, they’re probably not going to return. We’ll just have to be careful when we get back around to the parking lot. If there’s any sign of people, Nat and I can hide, and you can get our clothes.”

“I can just carry your clothes with me,” he said.

“That takes most of the fun out of it,” she said. “The risk is what makes it so exciting.”

Then the worst possible thing happened. Since they were at something of an impasse, they both turned to me.


I mean, I got why. Hugh worried way too much. Julia worried way too little. They needed a voice of reason in the middle. I just hated that it was me who had to make the call.

Honestly, it was very tempting to say that there was too much risk and give myself an easy out, but, realistically, the car hadn’t turned around. The people had seen us and kept going. I figured that the actual chance of them coming back was low. If they did come back, that would become a scary situation, but that was part of doing stuff like this. I had to accept that I would eventually be seen. I trusted Hugh and Julia to protect me.

Really, the absolute worst case scenario that was likely to happen was that someone other than Hugh would take digital footage of me doing stuff like this and that footage would get distributed everywhere. People I knew would see it.

That thought should have terrified me. Instead, it intrigued me. How would I feel if, say, Matt and Alan jerked off to online photos of me before they went to bed? Mortified, obviously. Humiliated. I’d never be able to look them in the eyes again.

But the prospect was also weirdly arousing. God!

“We should continue,” I said.

Hugh shook his head, but he gestured toward the trailhead. Julia led with me behind her just off to the side. Hugh’s light illuminated our bare asses.

I didn’t think that I would ever get used to being naked outside. Wind hit parts of my anatomy that wind simply should not have access to. No portion of my flesh was constrained from jiggling any which way my walk made it go. Moreso, there was just an indescribable feeling of sheer embarrassment and complete vulnerability.

I would have thought that having Julia equally as naked next to me would have helped. At least I wasn’t alone, right? But looking at her just made me more aroused, which made me more embarrassed, which made me more aroused. It was a vicious cycle.

She grabbed my hand. “This is so exhilarating. I’ve streaked before. I’ve shown off naked in a room full of frat guys. Neither of those experiences compares to this. That system sure is some powerful mojo.”

I knew exactly what she meant. I really, really wanted to bend over and let Hugh take me right then and there. Only the fact that he would inevitably leave Julia hanging stopped me.

Up and up the trail we climbed, breasts jiggling, butt cheeks swaying, juices freely flowing, all the time getting further and further away from our clothes.

“I am so horny,” she said.

I was, too, but I wasn’t quite as free in admitting it as she was.

Soon we reached a sign marking the halfway point, apparently the highest point on the trail. We were on a rise that had an overlook of the city, and there was a bench with a great view. I could only think that, if anyone were looking up at us, they were getting an even better view.

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Before we could pass the seating area, a quest popped up.

I looked at Julia.

She said, “Sure. Why not?” She had me stand next to her by the sign while he took a picture.

As I received the quest complete notification, though, she said, “That’s all? We can do better than that.”

She had me kiss her for one photo and fondle her breasts for another, reversing both of those positions for two more and groping an even more personal area of mine for another as I moaned. Then she had us turn our backs toward him and bend over. He really liked those.

God! I never would have thought of volunteering to do something like that. Having him issue me a quest or tell me a pose was one thing. Doing it on my own volition was quite another.

“Hugh,” Julia said. “I can’t take it anymore. I’m about to pop. If you two want to go ahead, I’m going to make use of that bench for a moment of private time.”

I should have been expecting what happened next, but, somehow, it still shocked me. A quest popped up.

No! God, no! I thought we’d established that I was never going to do a quest like that.

But I remembered maybe that, after other quests, I’d left that option more open? And was I really the same person anymore who wouldn’t do that? That girl was a lonely virgin, and I’d had sex with both of the people present. Was it that much further of a leap to masturbate for and with them?

Julia had no such compunctions. She moved immediately to the bench, patting next to her indicating for me to sit, too. To my intense shame, I did without uttering a word. Just blindly and meekly followed her lead.

Julia was reclined back, her arms down and her legs spread wide, her boobs and the area between her legs on full display. I mimicked her pose, wincing internally at the view I was giving the camera and at the thought of what I was about to do.

Hugh’s headlamp roamed over Julia and me, and I shivered. The electronic shutter and flash indicated him taking several still photos.

“Okay,” he said, his voice husky, “I’ve started the video.”

Over the past week, there had been many times when I was doing something so out of character that I literally couldn’t believe that I was doing it. Massaging my own breast while thrusting three fingers of my right hand in and out of my hot, wet hole took the cake, though, especially since my equally exposed best friend was doing the exact same thing next to me.

I moaned. She moaned.

It was an intensely erotic experience. The humiliation and shame and arousal combined into a gestalt of pure sexual energy that was somehow even more than doubled between the two of us.

It didn’t take long. We both came nearly simultaneously, our butts arching off the bench as tremors shook our bodies.

And, of course, I got not only a quest completion notification but one for a level up as well. This would have to be the quest that pushed me over.

When we both had caught our breath, she said, “Once isn’t going to sate me for long. I can already feel the need for another orgasm building.” She stood. “You ready to go?”

I nodded.

Walking a half mile up hill in cheap knee-high boots was not pleasant. Walking another half mile back downhill wasn’t any better. I was going to need a serious foot rub at some point tonight.

Finally, though, we made it back down to the parking lot, being careful as we approached. Hugh went ahead aways and returned to say that it was still empty and there was no sign on anyone.


As we reached the car, I, the silly person that I was, fully expected, somehow, that Hugh would retrieve our clothes from the trunk before we left. God! How naïve could I be?

The first thing that struck me when I made it back into the relative privacy of the car was that I’d just walked an entire mile wearing only boots, and that I’d masturbated with my best friend for the viewing pleasure of my boyfriend. The other thing that struck me was that Julia and I were still naked. I couldn’t help but wonder what else the night had in store for us.

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