The ENF System

Chapter 74: Chapter 74 – Julia: Thirsty

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That hike had been one of the biggest rushes of my entire life. I’d walked an entire mile wearing just boots. I’d posed for explicit pictures. I’d let a guy I felt like I barely knew video me masturbating – a surprisingly common request by guys that I’d always previously turned down – while sitting next to my equally naked best friend who was doing the same thing.

And Hugh had even ushered us back into the car without even a mention of giving us our clothes back.


When I first met him, I thought him really timid and geeky. How wrong I’d been.

Even without the whole miraculously curing me of cancer thing, it was definitely worth it to hang out with these two. The only thing that would have made the situation absolutely perfect was if he’d consent to using that enormous tool between his legs to plow me properly.

I promptly cut off that line of thought as too dangerous. This was my best friend’s boyfriend. Off limits. Period.

He got in the front seat and fastened his belt, and I expected him to start the car. Instead he turned back to us. “You both leveled, right?”

I nodded, and Nat did, too.

“Want to go ahead and distribute points?” he asked.

The last time I’d gone through that process, I hadn’t taken any real time with it or given it any actual consideration. I honestly hadn’t believed it was even real.

“I am so sorry, you guys,” I said.

“For what?” Nat asked.

“For being an ungrateful little bitch,” she said.

Which led her to asking me what brought that on, and I had to explain how I was feeling really regretful about how I’d treated the system before.

“I’m going to be much better from now on,” I said. “I promise.”

“It’s okay. Both Nat and I understood what you were going through,” Hugh said. “Let’s go ahead and discuss what to do now.”

“Well,” I said, “the obvious choice for the cancer is constitution, but I’m not sure considering we’ve got combat coming up. I’m already fairly athletic, but a bit more strength probably wouldn’t hurt.”

Hugh blew out a breath. “We haven’t even touched on likely party roles, and I’d rather wait to have that conversation until we have a full party. I like that you’re thinking about what comes next, though. It’s honestly a tough call, but I kind of think that the prospect of radiation therapy leaving you too weak to fight is more relevant than what might serve you best in combat.”

“So constitution again?” I asked.

“It’s totally your call, but that’s what I would do for at least this time and maybe the next. After that, maybe branch out?”

My first instinct was to just agree, but I wanted to start taking all this a lot more seriously. I needed to give the choice more consideration. What Hugh said had a lot of merit. I’d honestly avoided learning exactly what radiation therapy entailed, but I couldn’t imagine it was a pleasant experience. If I could bypass that altogether, that would be a big help. Beating the Big C should be my primary focus at the moment, and constitution was the only slam dunk way that I knew of to do that.

“Okay,” I said. “I agree. I’m pulling the trigger.”

Once I did so, I pulled up my skill choices without either of them having to tell me to. I thought that was very astute of me.

I relayed those choices to Hugh and Nat.

“Interesting that it didn’t give you any new options,” Hugh said. “Does that mean there’s a limited number of skills associated with each attribute or does the system not feel that any new skills would be particularly helpful to you?”

“I don’t think there’s any way to determine that,” I said. “What do you recommend on the selection?”

“This is a much tougher decision because we really don’t know what any of these skills actually do,” he said. “It seems like Expel is actively pushing the cancer cells out of your body, and I’m sure that Cleanse is performing some function inside you that is probably vitally important. As to which one is more important, I have no idea. Honestly, though, I love the implication of Lesser Regeneration. If it actually speeds healing in your body like I think it does, it’s the only one of the options that both helps you now and might serve a purpose in combat, too.”

This might sound stupid, but I had no desire to increase Expel any higher. My backside was already starting to get sore from all the trips to the restroom. If I was sure that increasing it would lead to awesome results, sure. Otherwise, no thanks. And given that I had no idea what the other two skills actually did, I was honestly fine with his recommendation.

“I concur.”

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With my choices out of the way, we turned to Nat.

“So far,” she said, “I’ve added three to mental, two to constitution, and two to charisma. I kind of feel like I should pick a physical stat this time given the need for combat.”

“Even though I said that we should hold off on discussing party roles,” Hugh said, “it must be stated that the primary attribute for a mage is probably mental. You’ve already put three into the stat, so…”

“But wouldn’t it be good for me to be able to hit harder or move faster or increase my stamina?” she asked.

“If you are the mage and we’re depending on you to hit something in order for us to survive, we’re probably doing it wrong. You’ve already spent two points on constitution, which will hopefully help you survive a hit or two.”

“You really think I should keep increasing mental?”

“If you want to go mage, yes, and, with three points already spent, I can’t imagine we’d find anyone better.”

“Okay. I’m going to do that, then.” She paused. “Oh. I got a new skill choice, Meditation.”

“Take it. Definitely take it.”

“Why?” she asked. “What does it do?”

“Typically, it helps recover mana faster, meaning you can cast more spells.”

“Okay, sounds good to me.”

“Great. It’s good to have that settled, especially if as it will inform the party choices we’ll hopefully be in a position to make later,” he said. “Now, is anyone else thirsty?”

I grinned, not exactly sure where he was going with that but willing to play along as it sounded like he had a fun idea. “Yeah. I could go for a soda.”

Nat, for all of her increased intelligence, seemed oblivious to the implications. “Yeah. The hike did make me kind of parched.”

“Super,” he said. “We’ll hit a drive through, then.”

Nat’s eyes went wide as she processed the fact that she was still basically naked. She didn’t have time to get out an objection before the quest appeared.

“Hugh!” she yelled. “We’ll be seen.”

“Yeah, you sure will.”

“Julia. I…” Her mouth was gaping. She looked stunned.

“Nat, Sweety, it’s okay. If they have a camera, hide your face. Otherwise, it’ll be fine. You’ve got a great body. You’re going to make someone’s night.”


“Besides, you’re on the far side of the car,” I said. “It’ll be relatively dark. They’ll barely see anything.”

I, on the other hand, would be fully on show. This was going to make me so horny. If I was going to keep doing this, I really needed to find a fuck buddy nearby.

“Ugh,” she said.  Fine.”

I laughed. Natalie McGuire, the most body shy girl I knew, was about to show off that figure of hers to strangers and the most she could muster was mild annoyance. I couldn’t believe how much she’d changed.

Time to have some more fun.

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