The ENF System

Chapter 75: Chapter 75 – Natalie: On a streak

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Before when anyone had seen me naked, aside from Hugh and Julia obviously, it had always been spontaneous and an accident. Now, I was headed toward a situation where I was definitely going to be seen. My degree of nervousness soared to previously unrealized heights.

Julia grabbed my hand. “It’s going to be okay, really.”

I knew that I was being stupid. Julia was just as exposed as I was, and she didn’t seem concerned at all. That knowledge did not help in the slightest, however.

All too soon, we reached the restaurant, and Hugh pulled to a stop before entering the drive thru lane.

He turned back to look at me. “If this is too intense, we don’t have to do it.”

Once again, it came down to my decision. Hugh looked conflicted, and I knew him well enough to understand that he was eager to have me be seen but anxious about my reaction. Julia looked hot to trot. All this being naked had left her so horny that she probably could barely think straight. I could relate.

“After this, we go back to the apartment,” I said.

Look at me growing a spine. In exchange for showing off everything I had for complete strangers, I was negotiating for him to take me straight back to the apartment to take care of my carnal needs. Man, I drove a hard bargain.

“Sure,” he said.

I blew out a breath. “Do it.”

The menu board with the speaker was located behind the restaurant, and we’d approached from the side. So far, no one had had a chance to even get a glimpse of us. That would soon change.

He knew my order, a Coke, but he had to ask Julia hers, a root beer. He ordered a Sprite for himself. All large. And he pulled out a credit card.

Great. Just great. We’d have to sit there naked as they ran the card. Because of course that was what we’d do.

I tensed as he pulled around to the window.

As surreal as it was to be naked in the backseat as Hugh drove through town, worried that at any moment a car beside us might see in, it was one hundred times worse to be approaching a window where a worker stood ready to take our payment and give us our order. That person would have no other choice but to notice the two naked, nubile women in the backseat.

“Oh,” Hugh said. “I almost forgot.”

He handed the credit card back to Julia and rolled down her window. My eyes went wide. He couldn’t possibly intend to…

The car pulled forward, and, instead of stopping with Hugh being opposite the worker, he kept going until Julia was in that position. A very naked Julia – well except for boots, but that didn’t exactly help. And me undressed the same way.

The worker was a guy because of course it would be.

At first, he didn’t even notice anything because he was fixing the drinks, but, when he turned to the car, his eyes went wide.

He saw us. All of us.

“Wow!” he exclaimed. “Jack! Come here. You’ve got to see this.”

Another guy walked over to the window. His eyes boggled as well.

Yeah. Sure. Just call the entire restaurant over to gawk at us.

“You two are amazing,” Jack said. “Wow!”

The first guy reached for his phone.

“Nope,” Julia said. “Look all you want but eyes only, okay?”

The guy nodded.

I still had no idea where she got her confidence. I couldn’t have spoke if my life depended on it, much less objected to something. I would have probably ended up taking requests for poses as he took pictures.

What was wrong with me?

“Hey,” Jack said. “A couple of friends of ours are in the dining room, but it’s empty otherwise. Would you two want to streak it?”


“We’d throw in the drinks for free and make sure that no one takes photos.”

Hugh turned back to us, his eyes sparkling.

“I’m in,” Julia said.

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 I couldn’t speak, so I willed my head to shake vigorously side to side. My traitorous neck, however, made it nod up and down instead.

The guys were thrilled. They quickly handed the drinks over in a carrier which Hugh placed on the passenger side seat.

Then come the inevitable quest.

That was the largest reward I’d seen, 225 each, but that didn’t matter in the slightest to me. Some unknown number of people were about to get an up close and personal view of my nude body.

A second later, Julia and I were standing outside a fast food restaurant butt ass naked except for boots as two of the workers gawked at every part of us. God! I so couldn’t believe this was happening. I could never return to this place ever again. Forget that, I could never show my face in this town again, which was problematic considering that I lived here.

Everything I had was on display. My breasts were just hanging out there, jiggling with every breath, topped with nipples that could double as glass cutters. My taut stomach. My bare ass. God! I was so glad that I’d added those two levels to Body Modification. At least I had noticeable curves now.

And my private place. If they looked closely – and I was sure they were trying – they’d see moisture seeping out.


The only solace I could take was that I wasn’t alone, and, of the two of us, I was sure that Julia would draw more attention than I would.

I watched as Hugh’s car pulled away, leaving the two of us, vulnerable and exposed, behind. Even though I knew that had been the plan, the feeling of being abandoned still hit me hard.

I wanted so badly to cover myself, to clutch my arm over my breasts and let my erect nipples rub against my soft skin, to clench my hand over my clit and pussy and let the motion of my steps rub the two together. It would feel so, so good. I’d get such sweet, sweet relief…

No. I wanted to cover myself so no one would see me. That was the only reason. Not because doing so would bring certain body parts within close proximity to other body parts.

What was happening to me? I’d masturbated once with Julia for Hugh’s enjoyment and now I was suddenly wanting to do that in public while two fast food workers watched. God!

Instead, I just stood there with my hands clenched against the sides of my thighs, covering absolutely nothing, and letting the two guys stare at me.

At us.

Julia was doing pretty much the same thing, looking as nervous as I felt. God! If this was difficult for her, what the crap was I doing?

I realized, though,  that we couldn’t keep standing there, exposed, in a very public parking lot that was in full view of a main street. We needed to move, quickly.

“Come on,” I said, somehow finding my voice. “Let’s get this over with.”

Without waiting for Julia to respond, I took off toward the building, my breasts bouncing wildly as I jogged to the door.

Hugh better be there on the other side when I exited the restaurant. I could imagine him finding a parking spot or driving to the parking lot of the next building over in order to keep us streaking longer. If he decided to play a trick on me at this point, I’d kill him.

Oh God! If he wasn’t there, I didn’t know what I'd do. Die of extreme mortification, probably.

I ran to the door and pulled it open. The glass swung so forcefully that it clanged against the doorstop. Every eye turned to me, and I stood there for an instant.

Besides the two workers, there were three guys and a girl at a table, and they didn’t look surprised to see me. Interested. Fascinated. But not surprised.

Guys were seeing me. Five of them. More than, as far as I knew considering the car earlier tonight, had ever seen me like this in my entire life. God! I literally no longer had an accurate count of the number of people who had seen me naked. God!

And I was just standing there letting more look at me. At my boobs. At my erect nipples. At my intimate place. The only consolation was that, as had been promised, no one pulled out a phone.

My tummy tingled with excitement.

I and everyone else had pretty much been just frozen in place, them staring and me being stared at, until Julia pushed me forward so that she could come in, too. That broke the spell.

The girl at the table pointed and laughed. “I can’t believe those hoes are actually doing it. They’re naked.”

One of the guys yelled, “Shake it baby!”

Oh God! I had to get out of there. Unable to process anything other than my need to leave, I made to start sprinting, but Julia grabbed my shoulder and held me back. What? Why?

Ah. The quest. It said to walk slowly.

The next minute or hour or eternity was the most degrading, most humiliating, most mortifying, most arousing of my entire life. Six people pointed and laughed and commented as my bits wobbled and jiggled for their entertainment.

Eventually, though, I reached the door. Hugh’s car was just outside. Safety. Relative safety, anyway. The quest completion notification popped up.

God! I couldn’t believe I’d just done that!

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