The Evergreen Knight

Chapter 3: 3-Maldolg Kingdom

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Maldolg Kingdom had a funny, if not touching history.

It is considered a young kingdom, its current monarch being in the 3rd generation.

It neighbored the Forest of Death where all matters of plants resided, both for  medical and deadly purposes.

This put the kingdom in a tricky position of being on constant guard year long as the forest has claimed many lives every year.

Ironically the Forest of Death also served as the Kingdom’s protectors, while at the same time giving them a form of income.

Maldolg’s neighbors were wise enough to leave the kingdom alone, knowing the threat of the forest would fall on them if the Maldolg Kingdom were to fall.

Maldolg Kingdom started off as a small village next to the Forest of Death. 

At that time the territory was part of the Aznu Empire. A single knight had been dispatched to oversee the village and the Forest of Death.

It was said that the knight did his job well for many years as he helped the village survive. Not only did they survive, they were able to prosper thanks to  the rare plants that dwell in the Forest of Death.

After many years had passed, the emperor of the time passed and internal turmoil within the empire ensued.The princes all began fighting for the throne. One of the princes had the bright idea of taking over the village where the knight resides as a potential form of wealth. He had dispatched a messenger to the villager and demanded the knight to hand it over along with all it’s accumulated wealth.

The knight refused which angered the prince. The prince sent an army to burn down the village and slaughter it’s citizens.

Surprisingly the knight was able to fend off the army and there were no survivors from the prince’s army.

The prince hearing the news had sent another army, only for the army to once again disappear with no survivors.

To no one's surprise, having lost both armies, the prince lost his standing and was killed in the political internal strife that was occuring in the empire.

When other princes heard of the Knight’s victory over the now deceased prince, offers were sent out in hopes of roping in a powerful warrior along with the wealth he made.

The knight refused all offers and defeated all forces the princes sent to obstruct him.

It was not until several years had passed and the infighting of the princes in the empire climaxed. 

It was at this point the empire had fractured into several parts. At this point it could be said the empire had reached its end as each prince announced themselves the true emperor of their territory. It was the corruption and greed of the princes that led to the downfall of the empire.

The knight was able to fend off any threat, all the way up to the fall. 

The knight declared himself guardian of this territory to protect it from wishful eyes. 

To this day, it is not known the reason why the Knight refused to align with any of the princes.

There were many guesses such as loyalty to the former emperor or loyalty to the villagers that he lived with. Perhaps the knight refused to deal with the incompetence of the princes.

Whatever the true reason was, the world may never know.

This was the beginning of the Maldolg Kingdom.

The Knight had formed his own country and was crowned king.

After going through many struggles, the Maldolg kingdom was able to reach it’s current state. 

The kingdom wasn’t wealthy but everyone was able to enjoy a certain standard of living.


The royal capital Malek of the Maldolg Kingdom didn’t have a lot for sightseeing.

The only notable thing would be the royal castle.

The Royal castle was the largest building in the kingdom, but it wasn’t built for extravagance. Rather it was built to be a sturdy fortress in the early days of the kingdom and that was how it remained.

And now Rowan and his Father were entering this building to meet the king.

They were ushered into a courtroom full of guards and both got on one knee to greet the King.

‘ “ We greet his royal highness, Ivan von Maldolg!” ‘

“Enough of the pleasantries. The both of you may rise.”

A deep voice commanded them. The voice had come from the most powerful political figure of the kingdom who currently sat on a luxurious looking throne. He was a muscular man who height rivaled the knight captain. King Ivan was more well known for his capability as a warrior than his political prowess.

“ Rowan Oak. I heard you got your blessing yesterday?” 

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“Yes, your highness.”

“It was reported that you're not happy with it?”

“...yes, your highness.”

“Hmmmm…” the King stared at Rowan for a bit while scratching his chin in thought. “Everyone clear the room. Only Sir Oak and his son may stay.”

While most may protest in leaving the king alone with barely any guards, no one objected and followed the command as if it was a daily occurrence. 

The stern look on the King immediately transformed  into one with childish glee once the room emptied. “So what did you get my boy?”

“Your highness, you know that it is common courtesy to not announce a person's blessing if they wish to do so.” Sycamore Oak interjected.

“Bah! I’m not pressuring Rowan to say anything.  Besides, our family are close with one another. I won't announce it if he doesn’t. Now tell your uncle what your blessing is. I’m dying with curiosity and i know your dad is too. He just too nice to say it.”

Rowan looked hesitant at his father for assurance, in which the knight Commander nodded to comfort his son.

Both had spoken the truth. Blessings would be considered private information if one wishes to keep it so. It was just that blessings play a major role in one’s life that keeping their blessing secret was pointless.

It was also true that the relationship between the royal family and the Oak family were close, almost as if they were actually related to each other. This stemmed from the fact that Ivan had met Sycamore before both had gotten into positions of power, as king and knight Captain. Sycamore had supported Ivan for many years before and after he became king. Rowan was one of the few people privileged enough to see the king’s true face due to this relationship.

In public, Ivan von Maldolg was a tough  and stern king. In private he acted more childish than a child could.


Knock! Knock!


“Did I not say everyone to leave me?” King Ivan shouted, instantly returning back to a regal manner.

A small head peaked in, looking very similar to the King. Seeing that nothing important was going on, he strolled in. “Mother said not to bother the Oak family too much. She would have come herself, but she is busy with the new princess.”

It was the first prince of the Kingdom, only he would dare interrupt the King. Besides his wife of course.

The first prince, Joseph von Maldolg had red hair and had a handsome face, contrast to his Father's bushy beard and muscular appearance. It was like comparing a thug to ... well, a prince. He was only a bit older than Rowan and they had met only a few times. Most of the time the first prince was stuck studying befitting those of a ruler. 

“You’re just in time. Rowan was about to tell us his blessing!” the king said.

These words had piqued the prince’s interest. Now two men and a boy stared at Rowan in anticipation and curiosity.

There was no visible force, but the peer pressure emitted by them was not something a ten year old could take.

Rowan could only sigh in his heart . He had decided that he would become knight no matter what, blessing or no blessing, so it did not matter if he kept it a secret. He knew the people here wouldn’t make fun of him, but as a child he didn't know what words to use to project his feelings on the matter.

“My blessing is <Plant Growth>” Rowan announced to them.

There was a moment of silence before the king spoke out.

“Plant growth? That’s the first time I heard of it. Interesting.”

His father nodded silently in agreement with the King.

“I was expecting something worse from the look you were giving,” the prince said.

King Ivan said “Hah! I know right? I knew someone who had the blessing <stench>. He stank to high heaven, he did. No one wanted to get near the poor fellow.”

Then the king came over and slapped him on the back. A slap that almost sent him flying halfway across the room.

“It doesn’t matter right? With or without a blessing, you’ll still become a knight for me right?Oh I forgot. Maybe by the time you become a knight, it’ll be Joseph on the throne. Better hurry up then.”

His father looked disapprovingly at the king for using too much force, but merely sigh as he was used to it. Sycamore Oak patted his son on the shoulder and gave him a look of reassurance.

Their responses made the tension in Rowan’s body  relax and he secretly released a sigh of relief.

It seemed like people knowing his blessing wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

Even if his blessing was useless, he was still accepted 

Things were going to be alright.

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