The Evil Emperor's Fragile Heart

Chapter 234: 234 – Laying A Trap

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"All right, you two gather up your papers quickly – let's go and get some dinner first. Afterwards, we will discuss more about this topic," Jules said to Raven and Mana.

"Let's just put everything in our space," Mana suggested. "Then we will be able to sort it out later easily, won't we?"

Raven agreed, naturally.

"I think you two had better keep this big book with you as well," Bella said with a frown. "We are not yet sure how safe things are here or whether there are people eavesdropping on us or monitoring every movement of ours, and if this book is lost, we will be in trouble."

Mana, Raven and Jules looked at her in surprise.

"Are you sure?" Jules asked gently. "This book is important to the Sapphire Kingdom, isn't it? It's a part of your legacy and we shouldn't take it out from where it belongs."

Bella shook her head. "How can it be more important than your mother, Jules?" she asked. "I don't want to take any risks."

Mana tapped her chin thoughtfully. "How about we keep the original book and put a copy here?" she suggested, throwing up a small privacy barrier around the four of them. "If we do that, not only will we be able to keep the original book safe, but we will also be able to lay a trap for the enemies – and if they do manage to sneak in here and destroy the copy of the book, we can actually get hold of them and protect the original book at the same time. And if no one makes any attempts, as long as the copy of the book is here, no one will point fingers at Big Sister Bella for giving away a national treasure, and we will put the original book back here as soon as we are able to create the magical device and get Aunt Sora's spirit out of Ma's body."

"That sounds like a good idea," Raven said. "Mana, put up a reflective shield – I'll just drop off these papers in our space and make a copy of the original book quickly. It works much faster in the space."

"Sure," Mana said, and added a couple spells to the privacy barrier, creating a reflective shield – that would ensure that if anyone was peeking in at them, they would be seeing the four of them chatting softly, and they would be able to hear muffled voices but be unable to hear what they are saying. These spells had been created by Raven on a whim one day when Mana had been explaining to him about video recordings and how you could play things back and how some people used looped video footage to fool CCTV cameras, and also about signal jammers and how data and sounds could be garbled, which made it more frustrating (and less suspicious) to the listener – because they would be able to hear things, but be unable to understand what was being said. Raven had felt that the idea was really interesting and that it would come in quite handy for them, given the enemies who were lingering around them these days. That's how he had come up with these two spells which were similar to illusions, but much more complicated than that.

Raven smiled and gathered all the papers and the book and disappeared in front of the astonished eyes of Jules and Bella, while Mana explained to her Big Brother Jules and Big Sister Bella how these two spells worked and how Raven had created them.

Jules and Bella were suitably impressed.

"Our little Raven is really a rare talent that comes by once in a millennium," Jules murmured. "I am constantly amazed by his progress."

Mana grinned at her big brother. "Raven really is something else," she said with a proud note in her voice.

"You, too, Mana," Bella said appreciatively. "If you ask me, I feel that you two are very well matched – perfectly so, in fact. And Jules wouldn't like it if I say this, but if Astra had been Jules's only sibling, I might have had second thoughts about getting into the family, to be honest. I am very glad that you are Jules's sister, Mana, and that you brought Raven into our family. I would be very distressed if my only relatives would have been Astra and Mars."

Bella shuddered visibly and Jules laughed.

"If Astra had been my only sister, I might have serious qualms about going home to the imperial palace of the Emerald Kingdom and take up the position of the Crown Prince of the Emerald Kingdom, to be honest," Jules murmured. "And Astra would probably have successfully gotten rid of me by now, too."

"Don't say that," Bella said, taking Jules's hand. "Nothing is going to happen to you. I'm here to look after you now, and I won't let anyone cast their malicious glances at you any more."

Mana nodded. "Both of you need to take care of each other," she said. "I noticed many people gazing at both of you with covetous looks in their eyes – and most of them were from the Amber Kingdom. You two have to be very careful. You are the best looking and most talented people of your age, and other than Raven, there is no one better than the two of you in any age group at all. It is natural that many people will want to get into your good books, but while some of them will be harmless, there will be many who will have evil intentions. Plus, the people of the Amber Kingdom are generally a bit loose on the morals, aren't they? That loser Mars has already propositioned both Raven and me, and I am sure that his father – that horrible King Orion – must be plotting something even worse. He is so desperate to get the throne of the Emerald Kingdom that he may decide that he wants Big Brother to be married to that idiot Mars instead of Astra."

Jules rolled his eyes. "As if anyone in the world can match my Bella," he retorted. "Let them dream on. Who do they think they are that I would be even remotely interested in them?"

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"Exactly," Bella said, flexing her arms. "If they cast their greedy eyes on my Jules, I will show them exactly what I have been learning from General Aquila these days."

Jules smiled at his lovely fiancée. "Thank you, my dear," he said softly, caressing her face. "I must be the luckiest person in the world to have such a beautiful goddess willing to protect me…"

Bella flushed and smiled shyly.

Mana rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything, because she knew that the interactions between her and Raven were no less flirtatious than this! Instead, she could only wish silently in her heart that Raven would come back soon so that they would all be able to go to eat their dinner with their family members!

As if in silent response to Mana's wish, Raven appeared the next moment.

He held a copy of the big book in his hands – which looked exactly like the original.

Bella frowned at Raven when he held out the book to her.

"Are you sure that this is the copy?" Bella asked seriously. "I can't even tell the difference!"

Raven smiled. "Well, this one really has blank pages, even when Mana or I touch it," he said. "But that shouldn't really matter to anyone other than Mana and myself, right?"

Bella chuckled. "Fair enough," she said. "All right, then we can put this book in its place and head out for dinner."

Jules nodded. "We have already spent much longer here than we intended, and I am afraid that if we don't go back soon, Papa and our two little dragons will turn up to drag us to the dining hall," he said.

And, as if on cue, the next moment, they head Azar's chirpy voice say, "Mommy! Daddy! Uncle Jules! Auntie Bella! Why are you so late? Azar is hungry!"

"Alya is hungry, too!" Alya's sweet voice followed Azar's immediately. "Dad, Ma, Uncle Raven and Auntie Mana, hurry up, hurry up!"

Mana, Raven, Jules and Bella looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Mana quickly dissolved the shields around them, and the four children turned around to see King Jaren walking over to them with one little dragon propped up on each shoulder, and behind him, closely following his footsteps, were Queen Carolina, General Aquila and Rook.

"Are you done here?" King Jaren asked with a smile.

"Yes, Papa," Mana said. "Raven found a book that has the details of a magical device, which will help us bring Ma back. We have taken notes, and this is the book." She pointed at the copy of the original book in Raven's arms.

Queen Carolina's eyes widened in shock. "But that book is blank…" she murmured.

"It is not, Mother," Bella said.. "It turns out that you need to have all five types of magic to read it."

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