The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 83: Chapter 81: Exotic Act

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“Ah…” Surprised by the absurd situation of being welcomed by a random bunch of fairies using his introduction episode’s quotes despite their commonly known isolation from the traditional media, Aven could only be speechless.

“I know it’s been close to a day since the episode was put online, but how did you guys learn about it? Did Saum snitch on me?!” Playing his part as the pleasantly surprised curious fairy, he asked for some clarifications.

“Snitching he did!”

“A traitor?”

“I personally learned it from Storm~”

“I don’t remember, it just happened!”

Getting a chaotic mixed pot of answers he should have totally expected, he entered deeper inside the restaurant and settled down at a central table where abundant food awaited him.

“Now that you know how important I am, you better not be fighting for food I like with me!” Putting himself against the whole restaurant fearlessly, he began eating, ignoring the explosive and casual answers to his taunt.

He wasn’t a newly awakened fairy anymore, so he certainly wouldn’t let himself be swept away by others who only wanted to have their bit of fun at his expense.

The restaurant stop went on to last half an hour, leading up to him visiting the hot spring that he now knew like the back of his hand.

Once comfortably settled in one that was moderately inactive in terms of social activity, he lounged by himself until the time was right and he claimed his contribution reward for the day.



Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 21 548 800 FCP


“Again, 3 more million ~” He noted somewhat lethargically before rejoicing half as much as he should have, “Hehe, when will it stop, when will it stop~ It’ll soon make me have regrets for prioritizing saving Green from an abomination annihilation disaster.”

Bringing his phone out of his electronics box, he opened the doc on which he had listed all his earnings from the moment he began “really” earning FCP again.

“3 283 200, 6 579 200, 9 888 000, 13 209 600, 16 544 000… And now, 21 548 800…” Reading what was before his eyes even as the boiling water kept trying to make him relax, he entered this cycle’s earning and got all the FCP-related info of this cycle he would ever need, “Expense, 2 677 825 FCP. Hourly rate, 271 054 FCP. Total accumulation…”

Seeing his total accumulation, he stopped talking. Not even his regular expenses which had increased to be more than 200 000 FCP every 6 hours in comparison to the previous 138 000 FCP every 6 hours impacted him as much as what he was now seeing.

Then, he simply opened his shop, focusing on one specific item.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 74 342 421

Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy (69 489 000 FCP): Energy maintained in an extraordinarily unstable liquid state by virtue of a special container made of extremely rare exotic materials warping reality around them. Can be absorbed to temporarily drastically increase one’s talent in energy cultivation. Repeated consumption over an extended period of time brings a permanent increase in one’s energy cultivation talent.


Thanks to the prodigal energy cultivation efficiency boost brought about by the Rainbow Excellence cultivation serums, he was currently standing at an honorable 1 grade 3 energy point every 2 hours. That was an energy growth 33% faster than with the previous cultivation trinity effects.

And yet, still, compared to the time he was under the effect of this item he now had the capability to claim again, this energy growth speed was just inefficient and… Relatively slow.

“It took me longer than I expected, but… Finally, I’m on track to reaching grade 4 again,” vocalizing his inner thoughts, he proceeded with doing the only right thing to do.


Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy (Claim?)



The next few minutes, he spent them dazedly looking at the much larger materialization light swirl, a supernatural light show no one could really become bored of if they knew what it represented. And Aven was the one who knew best what it represented.

When the light swirl vanished, leaving behind a familiar-looking container, a round sphere made of materials that most certainly impacted the materialization price in a non-negligible way.

“Ah… Yeah…” Aven’s optimized self saw the opportunity, then it was countered by his perfectionist side that would never allow unprepared research and experiments to occur, “I wonder where the original is… It’s weird that I don’t have any knowledge about it too…”

Facing the problems he would be concerned with once he launched his different exotic act projects, he made the decision to send a message to Saum.

[Aven: I just materialized an exotic container, come to fetch it (Like the good dog that you are! Yeah! You read that right! I wonder who shared the news about my introduction episode? Hum~ Thoughts for another day I guess…). It’ll only remain for 24 hours, so start preparing for destructive experiments on it, ones that will help for the future. Rainbow Mountain, hot springs, lonely hot spring. <3]

Next, he opened the sphere and projected his energy to surround it, not letting a single metaphysical molecule of liquid energy escape being absorbed by his energy cultivation talent-starved body.

As for what followed, it was the opening of hundreds of incomprehensible logic-defying energy cycling pathways.

“Repeated consumption over an extended period of time brings a permanent increase in one’s energy cultivation talent…” Musing over this statement made by his not-all-knowing innate ability, he dived right back into the boiling water, letting the flesh-melting heat comfortably travel through his mainly energy-made body.

The addition of the Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy cultivation resource to his regular expense list explosively increased the amount of FCP necessary to maintain his optimal energy cultivation efficiency from around 200 000 FCP every 6 hours to nearly 1 600 000 FCP every 6 hours.

Like a lot of other consequences from his decisions and choices, however, Aven perfectly assumed the incumbent responsibilities that came with it.

When he came back to the Rainbow IRC the next cycle, he simply noted that his grade 3 energy cultivation growth had gone up to 1 point every 30 minutes, 10 minutes less than the peak of 1 point every 40 minutes he had previously reached when he was using the same cultivation resources regime.

This evaluation nonetheless went straight out the window when he resumed designing.

For him, the world had already begun transforming as the different gears he had created himself steadily settled and entered the unimaginably complex clockwork machine that was society.

Aven obviously internally questioned if he should feel pressured or not by what he had started, but nothing was better than a heavy dose of realism to make him shrug everything off.

In the eyes of most old monsters, he was only an upstart, a grade 3 being, someone with simply potential to his name.

The Canopy maybe had doubts about what was happening, but how far-fetched must one of their extreme higher-ups be to take measures against a situation no one else could even imagine?

Why worry about the invisible enemy when it left him alone for so, so long? Was it maybe a radical fairy community wanting to annihilate humans? If no one ever came to tell him more about it, he would just keep his distance from shady things and be done with it.

With an adequate mindset for the situation, Aven kept going through his project list, not forgetting about making some time to edit an episode or two for his public image manipulation video series.

The release schedule he and Arthuria had established was basically one episode every week, which translated to one episode every 2 cycles for Aven.

This wasn’t an unsustainable rhythm, it fitted just nicely into the exponentially growing web of influence and machinations Aven was slowly building up.

Some people would of course expect him to fail or slow down at some point, trying to enforce their view of normality and extraordinary on him…

But all the people who knew how his innate ability worked came to understand that the way Aven ended up functioning in terms of knowledge acquisition and mobilization was completely different from traditional life forms’.

All the knowledge Aven had claimed, all of them, from the most basic mathematics to the most advanced rocket engineering, were engraved in his spirit, impossible to erase, impossible to forget.

His limit was only his spirit itself, and every day, he kept pushing it on every front imaginable, making it grow more than any psy supers would think possible for those not of their energy system.

Even some of Eland’s higher-ups, completely aware of what was taking place thanks to the thousands of suspected Canopy branches location reports making their way to their desks every day, still sometimes misunderstood what this less than 1-year-old fairy was capable of.

It was easy for them to misunderstand, after all, the main culprit behind the swiftly evolving situation only sent short missives when he got relevant anti-Canopy-related ideas, and as he didn't want to lose his time, he delegated exploring this idea to other people almost instantly.

With all these developments happening simultaneously, cycles passed…

All sorts of tech energy system-exclusive experimental technologies took form within the confines of the Rainbow IRC…

True basic universal grade 3 cultivation serums gathering the revitalization, density, and cycling energy impact properties eventually saw the light of day…

The average people slowly became exposed to era-redefining concepts and ideas through the casual words of a certain fairy…

You are reading story The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG] at

A 1.375 ratio tech-enhanced 5th iteration IUM was eventually manufactured as the extremely high-end projects turned from theoretical to applicable…

“And with that…” Synchronizing the exotic analysis chamber unit integrated production line model with the network, Aven hit the reset command and was welcomed with a list of 3 projects that were noted as underway, “I’m ready.”

Ignoring the list, he left the design area and visited the production area main hall to queue the newly finished EAC line in before convening at the resting area where Drayce and someone else were waiting.

“Yo~” Greeting the two, he wildly used his telekinesis to open snacks and arrange the most break-worthy environment he possibly could, “I’ve just queued up the last line for the exotic act project, it should be out and ready within a day.”

“I’ll do my best,” the man whose Aven wasn’t seeing for the first time seriously asserted.

“Yeah, whatever,” Aven instantly dismissed him in the same way he had done more than 3 times already, “I’ll only materialize exotic samples for you and your team, and you’ll all be the ones to judge whether you’re doing your best or not.”

“I’ll still do my best,” acting like the stuck-up man he seemed to be, he didn't take the dismissal personally and asserted his determination again.

“Sigh…” Aven looked at Drayce peacefully drinking a cup of probably-tea, transmitting all his thoughts and emotions without wording any of them.

And Drayce received them successfully, but didn't bother addressing them, “I’ve already said everything I needed to say.”

“Yeah, figured,” not insisting, Aven backed up and started gorging himself on snacks.

“When will the exotic hunt begin?” Not there to see his new boss eat, the stuck-up man began asking questions relating to his very imminent employment.

Thinking for a few seconds as he munched on a whole fairy-sized apple pie, he put his thoughts into words as clearly as possible, “I’ve already recorded and signed a few things to indicate you’re not all going rogue and trying to use my influence, so now it’s all on Arthuria to open the exotic act website and announce it, Bhanas to set up the exotic transportation structure, and you to make it so it's not seen as a joke.”

“Thank you,” thanking him for nothing, his stuck-up exotic lead researcher also partook in the snack break bliss. It seemed he really only had this single question to ask.

“You’re welcome, Grald.”

Two months of fast growth had quickly gone by without any major accidents occurring in Eland.

The Emma Empire and the Bright Canopy still remained at the center of the stage in terms of chaos factors capable of making the world go under in utter anarchy and decadence at any moment, but most of the related events with civilian casualties still happened outside of Eland’s jurisdiction.

The abomination surge hadn’t relapsed too, truly putting an end to this world-ending worry.

During those 2 months, Aven’s FCP yield had slowly stabilized, allowing him to finally start giving some thoughts on starting his exotic-related projects.

But it was only a few weeks after he had those thoughts and delegated them to others to be explored that Drayce finally found enough people to make his every future incurred FCP expenditure from materializing the research materials more than worth it.

Additionally, as the exotic act was clearly his most ambitious project as of late, once it was confirmed that the right team had been found, he had subsequently personally engineered a whole stratagem revolving around his nascent honest public image to mobilize the entire world into giving him the original versions of whatever peculiar exotic he sought.

As for what he would give in exchange, his range was so wide that he opted to let the contributor decide his reward on his own, with a very marketing-minded list of examples that would be publicly released.

From being awakened to earning enough money to never run out of it, to getting special education by the top-notch experts of any field… Anything was workable as long as the value of the contributed exotic was sufficiently high.

And to not discourage the pessimists, or possibly realists, who believed all this operation to be out of their capabilities, Aven copy-pasted all the unique exotic-related items of his shop on yet another list to tell everyone that Eland was filled with hundreds of different exotics, some so valuable that even grade 5 supers would kowtow to you to get them.

And they were maybe hidden in “your” attic.

Returning to the design area after he had his fill of snacks, Aven momentarily opened the exotic hunt project shared document to check the latest updates made by the people who had access to it.

“Interception and loss chance… Humph~ You think I didn’t consider that?” He mumbled, full of disdain at the possibility that he would have missed this obvious problem.

Seeing a new part that hadn’t been there before that dealt with the issue of potentially losing the listed exotics to greedy people who thought they would leap to the sky the instant they consumed those amazing “high priority target” exotics, he highlighted the whole thing in red and overlaid a big “Irrelevant” on it.

Nothing else struck him as important enough for him to bother with, thus he closed the whole thing and was brought back to the list of 3 underway projects.

“Car, truck, plane… Yeah…” He sluggishly scanned the names of those 3 projects.

Unenthused was exactly how he felt faced with those mind-grinding design projects that paled in comparison to the tech energy system deepening projects which asked him to mobilize dozens of previously never linked fields.

“I’m too close to the end of the cycle… Is that why I feel like that?” He asked himself seeing as he absolutely didn’t want to work on any of these 3 projects, “No. It’s because I’ll soon start working on the mechanical suit project, right? So it’s absorbing all my motivation…”

Rationalizing his lack of desire to push through the mindless grind that the vehicle-type projects represented, instead of forcing himself, he switched to the network browsing mode and updated himself on the latest findings made.

[Azelia Wang (Magnetism Shaping and Manipulation Lead Researcher): Using the Excessive V5 Magnetic Ringed Connector, we successfully integrated and levitated a 2-ton charge. We’ll soon downplay the experiment with an Unsustainable variant, then try to lower it to the Sustainable level.]

[Alain Estrade (Assembly Manager and Metal Alloy Lead Researcher): Intense plasma nitriding performed in stabilized environments for a duration superior to 10 hours shows above-expected results: Elevated wear resistance, fully preserved mechanical properties and internal microstructure. A time-consuming battery experiment has been launched.]

[Shalini Giles (Tech Turbine Integration Phenomenon Lead Researcher): The emulation chamber produced unexpected results after sudden 20 integration links opening. The size/phenomenon intensity formula previously established must be revised.]

[Becker Faintree (Chemical-Metal Alloy Hybrid Researcher): All attempted heavy chemical treatments fail to endure the level-4 fire testing, most of the suspected resistance gains are too ineffective to be considered experiment success factors. Soft chemical treatments show more promise.]

“Nothing interesting or worth seeing… Or maybe it’s just because I can’t understand? Maybe it's about time I update my knowledge level?” Going on a tangent, he opened his shop and willed the expert knowledge to show themselves.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 135 723 288

Knowledge: Expert Biology (3 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Mathematics (4 200 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Materials Engineering (6 600 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Energy Engineering (7 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Biomedical Engineering (9 100 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Alloys (10 300 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Industry Skills (12 000 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Physics (13 900 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Developmental Engineering (16 500 FCP)

Knowledge: Expert Energy Cultivation Resources (25 400 FCP)


“25 000 FCP worth of expert-level knowledge? Woah~ They’re really not joking at the UCR hall~” Nearly whistling to show his appreciation of the actualized expert knowledge, he continued and went down the list until he reached the last item.


Fairy Crystal (189 000 000 FCP): An exotic crystal formed by nature when a fairy dies. This exotic is the purified crystallized form of a fairy energy origin and can help beings with traces of fairy bloodline or ancestry to awaken their fairy bloodline to violet grade. Can alternatively be consumed multiple times to refine an awakened fairy bloodline up to blue grade.


“I just need to have a chance to… Oh?” Suddenly finding something he was more than willing to do as long as it didn’t involve resuming designing those vehicle projects, he lifted his head even as his turbid and bored eyes shifted to a clear and lively state, “Visit the archive?”

Unsuccessfully trying to hold back a smile from forming on his face, he looked at the time and calculated that he still had a bit more than 6 hours before his spirit became unable to fend off its exhaustion.

“To the archive!” Making the decision with a light heart, he stopped caring about optimizing his time, and while the dynamic Eland History quest still hung somewhere in his mind, it wouldn’t be his objective.

“I sincerely hope my predecessors had the balls to use a fairy crystal when they were at the violet grade…” Praying that his ancestors really were as stupid as a lot of stories made them out to be, he wrapped the design area and left.

History was calling for him, he wanted answers.

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