The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 84: Chapter 82: Elandia Historia

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A thick layer of snow had covered most of Elandia, from the most humble house to the most prominent skyscraper, and for Aven, the spectacle he was able to see as he flew above everything under the pure blue sky was more than sight-worthy enough.

The winter would only last for an additional month or so, and at no point did he ever consider this unique scenery as something to be bored of.

The streets were filled with people wearing big fluffy coats to protect them from the chilly wind, the commercial streets were still as crowded and lively as ever, and just as many vehicles as one could expect were transiting here and there.

Elandia was the capital city of Eland, and it shone through as more than just that for anyone willing to visit it and lend an attentive ear to all the history suffused in it.

From unique architecture projects, museums, ancient preserved buildings, and entire streets dedicated to restoring the exact appearance and attitude the people had centuries ago… All sorts of historical-minded undercurrents existed, and Aven was going to visit one.

A very important one.

‘It’s there…’

Having traveled for more than 10 minutes, his objective was finally in sight.

‘Elandia Historia, the most ancient archive on Green, 50% of all my highly cryptic history knowledge comes from there…’

“What a cool name too~” A small part of his thoughts escaped through his mouth unintentionally, not that it bothered him as most of his attention was given to the more and more distinct shape of his destination.

What loomed on the horizon was, for lack of better terms to describe it, a gigantic depression in the ground, leading to an ancient stone temple carved amidst the same mother stone that made up most of the surrounding valley’s underground.

‘No one in their right mind would have ever thought to build something like that…”

Awed by the heritage left behind by his predecessors from more than simply mere centuries, but instead from more than millennia ago, he slowed down to admire the entire place of myths that was the Elandia Historia.

A few minutes later, he landed in front of the outer perimeter wall and was subjected to a simple inspection by slightly surprised guards that didn't even dare to open his self-defense box full of pretty dangerous stuff before letting him in.

“Hah~ My ancestors really brainwashed those poor humans…” He let his opinion flow freely to the ears of the guards, “Maybe you want to take some pictures? It’s the least I can do~”

Looking at each other, the two non-supers came to an agreement instantly and got their phones.

“If you would, sir.”

“With pleasure.”

“Hahaha! That’s why I like interacting with new people so much!” Laughing at this inconsequential event, he happily took a photo break before penetrating inside the massive depression in which an archaic stone temple rested.

Quickly arriving at the inner perimeter wall where the archive was within hand’s reach, figuratively, the exact same security check ensued before he finally stepped, by landing physically, onto the well-maintained stone stairs leading to the massive entrance of the temple.

From there, the bunny-hopped his way to the top, laughing all along at the ridicule of the situation contrasting with the amount of fun he was having.

“Ah! Definitely a wonder!” Attaining the top of the immense stairs, he assumed a heroic pose and stated the opinion that made the most sense to nearly everyone on the planet, now himself included, “Maybe I should build something similar when I get the time? Not that it would be anytime soon! Hahaha!”

Daydreaming for a moment as it was perfectly healthy to do so, he eventually restarted moving.

Weaving through the epic carved columns, he and his loyal 4 boxes came upon the most underwhelming-sized door, which was by the way open, and finally accessed the most ancient archive on Green.


“I didn’t expect anything else from such a decrepit building!” Aven yelled his heart out at the immense almost empty stone hall that welcomed him, attracting the eyes of the 5 people present there, “Where are the futuristic neons?! And I want the smell of fresh plastic too! Also some epic background music!”

The 5 people present in the massive entrance hall remained speechless faced with this shameless fairy who was yelling out utter nonsense.

“What’s happening?”

“Who is he?”

“I don’t remember someone else other than you four being authorized to enter?”

“Your eyes are betraying you, my dear Margarette…”

“That’s clearly a fairy…”

“A fairy?”

Their small discussion reached Aven’s ears as he rushed towards the only source of potential information and social interactions in his sight.

“I’m not a fairy! And this beautiful lady right there is right! This is a completely unauthorized entry on my part!” Breaking the ice in his own way, he quickly appraised the 5 people.


Ruby Palmer

Faction: Eland Culture Ministry


Osborn Furnival

Faction: Vinbonne University


Aeriko Danvers

Faction: Vinbonne University


Alwyss Cavelier

Faction: Vinbonne University


Alex Edwards

Faction: Eland Culture Ministry


“Hum~ 2 staff and 3 visitors?” He guessed purely based on their possibly fake factions, “Always happy to meet new people, even if only for a short time. I read online that the number of forms and demands that needed to be filled and sent to be given access to the archive is really a void-black taint on Eland’s administration, did I get that right?”

“Objectively true,” Osborn, the apparent leader of the visitor group considering his elderly appearance compared to the other 2, too young to be anything but students, replied neutrality.

“Well, it’s both a blessing and a curse, right? It’s restricted to only vetted historians and their close research team, so at least you’re certain none of the 18 million preserved and referenced documents you can find here can be damaged~” Advancing the conversation effortlessly and smoothly, he didn't worry about what those 5 people thought of him, until…

“Aven Amias?” One of the young assistants of Osborne, Alwyss, evoked his name.

“Ho…” Startled, he was cut in his random small talk momentum, then he recovered with more than a dozen thoughts on what just took place, “Is that what it feels like to be famous? It’s true that according to the latest news I reached 28% of the global population with my series, so it shouldn’t be a surprise I found someone on my first outing in forever…”

“So you’re Aven Amias,” Alex, one of the 2 staff present breathed out in relief, “Do you want instructions on how to best navigate the Historia? I’ve been meandering through it for more than 2 decades now, so I know a thing or two about it.”

“Nope~” Aven shook his head and denied him, “That won’t be needed, my innate ability can teach me everything I’ll need. And talking about that! It was a pleasure meeting you all, but I need to look for ancient secrets that most would never imagine existing~”

Not waiting for their answers, he took off again, fully cognizant of the fact that he had been the one to mostly speak, and they never had a chance to ask him anything or take pictures with him.

Entering a random corridor that led deeper accompanied by his 4 boxes, the true face of the Elandia Historia unveiled itself as minimalist modern lighting and dozens, hundreds of stone shelves, surely thousands if he included what those he couldn’t see, began marring both his right and left.

All these shelves were ingeniously covered with, or hidden behind depending on the point of view, a modern transparent glass layer that would let anyone directly see the more-or-less ancient books, manuscripts, stone tablets, and whatever other types of supports had once been used to record knowledge throughout history.

“Hu… Ah…” Taking a deep breath of the ancient air filling this wide corridor, he continued advancing until he reached a branch where he slowed down, gradually coming to a stop.

Fully stopped, he opened his shop and sought a knowledge item he was sure existed.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 135 723 288

Knowledge: Basic Elandia Historia Archive (2 200 FCP)


“For it to reach 2 000… How big and complex does it need to be?” Bewildered by the price asked for a type of knowledge that should never be this high considering its scope, he still ultimately claimed it.


Knowledge: Basic Elandia Historia Archive (Claim?)



Closing his eyes to accept the knowledge, the quantity of information that spontaneously appeared in his mind didn't reach the critical threshold that would make him go under for a moment to earn quiet adaptation time for his spirit.

“Yeah… That’s crazy mad…” Getting access to his newly claimed knowledge a few seconds later, he realized that all the rumors concerning this place were, at their essence, all true.

Anyone seeking something inside this place better had to have at least a few months and a sage-like patience level to achieve the smallest of achievements.

“I think I understand better now why this quest exists…” Being reminded of the dynamic quest that firmly owned the last place amidst his relatively big list, he opened his quest panel to check on it again.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Volunteering: Contribute to the stability of your faction without asking for anything in return. The more time spent and the harder the tasks, the greater the contribution.

Securing: Investigate and resolve problems occurring inside your faction. The more problems resolved and the more difficult their resolutions, the greater the contribution.

Innovating: Give your faction new ways to achieve its goals. The more impacting and practical the innovations, the greater the contribution.

Prospering: Allow your faction to prosper and develop in the most optimal manner. The more influential and impacting the changes you brought, the greater the contribution.

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Dynamic Invisible Enemy: Your faction is being progressively invaded by a hidden faction, its traces are hard to find to the point that only a few extraordinary survivors have been able to report its existence after they escaped its clutches. The more information found and the more action taken to resist that invisible enemy, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Fairy Mystery: Find out what happened to the hundreds of thousands of fairies that once populated Eland to fill a great failing in your faction’s history. The more clues found about this case, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Rogue Canopy: Unearth every branch and agent of the Canopy sowing chaos inside the area protected by your faction and neutralize them. The greater the provided help in that goal, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Abyssal Threat: Reduce the threat level of the abyssal life forms by either making sure nothing disturbs them in their deep waters or by decreasing their population. The more actions taken and the greater their impact, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Emma Succession War: Minimize the impact of the Emma Empire’s succession war on your faction. The less impacted your faction is by the global consequence of that event, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Eland History: Help retrace the history of how Eland has been founded centuries ago to fulfill your faction’s needs for solid ancestry. The more concrete and proven each glorious historical fact is, the greater the contribution.

Dynamic Contribution: Claim?


“Solid ancestry… Concrete and proven historical facts… The level of difficulty involved is maybe beyond even finding and dealing with… The thing…” Carefully thinking his opinion aloud, he didn’t find any big inspiration on the situation and closed the quest window as he didn’t need it anymore.

He wasn’t here for this quest anyway, and combined with his newly-acquired knowledge, he knew that furthering this quest was even more of a bother in terms of time consumption than launching his world domination campaign.

“Maybe when… No, it’s really too much of a bother!” Nearly beginning to think about potential solutions to shorten the time he would need to invest to progress in this quest, he stopped himself and refocused on why he had come here.

“The fairy texts should be… 9th block… Hehe~ No, there’s absolutely no link to the 9 colors of the rainbow!” His wings fluttered once as he commented on this coincidence that was the location of the ancient fairy texts and got back on the flight path.

Crossing junction after junction without hesitating an instant, he familiarly made his way through stone and glass corridors that all looked exactly alike.

Even when a few minutes later he arrived at the “9th block” there was close to no indication that he did so, only the same pattern of gigantic stone shelves covered with glass to isolate their content from further deterioration kept repeating himself seemingly endlessly.

The worldview of a fairy wasn’t that of a human, obviously, being on average a 30-centimeters tall entity in their normal form, some even going as low as being 20-centimeters tall, the world made for human-sized beings simply appeared like the adult world in comparison to the baby world.

As someone who had lived through the two sides, however, and as should have all the current fairies in existence as they had all been born from bloodline awakening and not fairy procreation, Aven found a peculiar joy in experiencing the world from such a small perspective.

“And thus, the grind begins…” Mumbling to himself, he used his energy telekinesis to open the glass door of a certain stone shelf, allowing him to pick up the first of a long list of “most likely documents to contain the knowledge he wanted”.

“The most likely place where I can find records of fairies using fairy crystals to increase the grade of their bloodline… Either the wild ancient era or the disaster era…” He mused, swiftly arriving at the conclusion he had made, “One is too freaking ancient, the other is recent, guess which is easier…”

Lamenting the absence of an automatic word searcher to cut through the huge chase he was initiating, he made an imposing leathery book, or codex at this point, float before opening it and starting to read it.

And that was it.

Sometimes, the best way to do something was to go at it in the most straightforward manner.

It wasn’t a total loss of time either for him… It was like an extended cycle-end activity, one where he was alone, hidden in an archive where no natural light could reach him, isolated from the world until he decided to get out…

Overall, it was just a unique experience.



Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 32 260 500 FCP


Unimpressed by his 30 million FCP reward for his contribution to Eland, he opened his shop and repeated his routine.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 164 410 442

Rainbow Excellence 6-Hours G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Revitalization-Density-Cycling Serum (255 700 FCP): A serum catered to optimizing the energy cultivation process of a grade 3 entity. Revitalizes the energy potential and liveliness following a demanding grade 3 energy cultivation process. Artificially increases the density of the energy being cycled during grade 3 energy cultivation by 760%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 3 maximum threshold. Artificially increases the energy cycling speed of a grade 3 energy cultivation by 810%.

Rainbow Excellence 24-Hours G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Revitalization-Density-Cycling Serum (1 022 800 FCP): A serum catered to optimizing the energy cultivation process of a grade 3 entity. Revitalizes the energy potential and liveliness following a demanding grade 3 energy cultivation process. Artificially increases the density of the energy being cycled during grade 3 energy cultivation by 760%. Artificial increase cannot go beyond grade 3 maximum threshold. Artificially increases the energy cycling speed of a grade 3 energy cultivation by 810%.


Rainbow Excellence 24-Hours G3 Universal Energy Cultivation Revitalization-Density-Cycling Serum (Claim?)



While waiting for his massive grade 3 universal cultivation serum to materialize, he checked his status, not to find something interesting, no, it was just a routine check.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 3

Energy Cultivation: 6 264/10 000

Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Violet Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Regenerating Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Basic Energy Life Constitution, Basic Titanic Constitution

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Violet Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Violet Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Violet Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Intermediate Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Basic Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Violet Grade), Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer, Fairy Bloodline Resonance


Basic Titanic Constitution: Your body can easily grow and thrive despite reaching a size and mass that would otherwise inconvenience its normal biological working. Minimally increases all your physical capabilities depending on your size and mass.

Fairy Bloodline Resonance: Using your fairy bloodline, you can resonate with others of the same kind and get an approximate sense of where they are. You can also control how much your own bloodline resonates with others.



Closing his status after seeing nothing different apart from his yet again elevated energy cultivation, he was left with no screens open, steam filling his surroundings, and an absolute void of motivation as his sleepiness level was too high for him to muster any desire.

“Hah~ Still, what a good cycle~” Loosening his body, muscles included, as he talked, his head nearly ended up submerged underwater, and he did nothing to try and avoid this event.

All his biological human-acquired reflexes such as blinking, breathing, and sometimes even eating considering the feeling of hunger for a fairy manifested in a completely different way from how it did in humans, had slowly but surely faded away, leaving behind only a newly born fairy.

‘The purple grade…’

Dreaming of the evolution he would receive once he claimed another crystal according to the information he gathered from the Elandia Historia, he began swimming a bit, using his wings, legs, and arms to do so.

‘A cultivation speed of 1 point every 20 minutes or even less should be fully conceivable…’

His mind and spirit still filled to the brim with all the ancient documents he had gone through, not missing one of their words, to ascertain the veracity of each piece of information he desired by using at least 3 distinct external sources to correlate the rare event of a fairy crystal being used, his swimming act only helped him a little to forget about everything.

When he reached the shore of the artificial hot spring depression, he lifted himself up and let his body crash on the smooth stone slabs used to make up the ground.

“Hah~” A slight smile harbored his face as he felt gravity take hold of him again as soon as he left the water.

His eyes were wide open, his breath nonexistent, his will absent, his motivation at an all-time low… But even in this state where he was nearly driven to his spiritual limit, nothing could lower the expectations he had for what would soon happen.

And hidden amongst those expectations, was a slightly perverse desire for power and control that he knew any super in his position would have.

All the conditions were fulfilled after all… He just needed to combine everything.

And combining things was typically his way of going at things.


Knowledge: Expert Biology (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Mathematics (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Materials Engineering (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Energy Engineering (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Biomedical Engineering (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Alloys (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Industry Skills (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Physics (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Developmental Engineering (Claim?)

Knowledge: Expert Energy Cultivation Resources (Claim?)

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