The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 85: Chapter 83: Mechanical Suit

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“By order of priority, it would be fundamentals, close combat, and only then ranged combat,” Aven said aloud what he was writing on the newly created brainstorming document.

“The fundamentals include… All-sensors helmet, integrated computer, perfectly secure energy life-custom neural transmitter, airtight mechanical armor, PHT (Perfect Heat Treated) alloy plates, integration stability, and heat-management sustainability.”

“Close combat would include… The electrified super-heated blades to make sure even a martial super will have to think twice before charging, a special shock dampening layer, anti-grabbing measures, automated collision avoidance settings, and a way to not make me overly focus and make me keep track of what’s transpiring around.”

“As for ranged combat… Hehehe~” At the mention of this last priority in terms of importance for designing the perfect 1st generation fairy mechanical suit, he laughed innocently.

“Let’s see~ A lot of assisted targeting systems, a telekinetic-moved missile battery, a telekinetic-moved grenade launcher, a telekinetic-moved heavy-duty assault machine gun, a telekinetic-moved heavy-duty assault sniper, a telekinetic-moved reverse draw crossbow~”

Acting as if he was shopping in a supermarket, he added all the weapons he dreamed of having to answer any situation he could theoretically find himself faced with.

“I’ve already done all the work upstream, it feels so good to not have to worry about having to do dozens of projects anymore just to have a time-wise sustainable mechanical suit project~”

Swimming in happiness at all the projects he had done here and there over the last 2 months combining together, he didn’t hold back and put everything he desired into the ranged combat major part.

“And with that, the basic framework is established,” he concluded as he switched to the most complex modeling software he had, one he had slightly revamped to allow for even more control over every physics parameter.

“If I can take down my target from far away, marvelous. If they still succeed in closing in, I’ll have my ways of dealing with them, good. If I make a big mistake, find myself trapped, or something completely unexpected happens, then my highest priority will show itself and I’ll become an impregnable fairy!”

Coming to the most rational and logical consensus on how to approach this project that would define his combat power and combat survivability, he slowly immersed himself in everything it represented.

As he introduced the all-sensors miniaturized components, he thought of how the tech system wouldn’t have any gap in detecting others compared to the martial and psy system.

As he added the new-generation integrated computer, he imagined how the tech system supers wouldn’t be as inaccurate anymore in comparison to the elemental and psy system supers.

As he moved in a magnetic ringed connector looking like a metallic tentacle that made full use of the experimental magnetic shaping technology, he freed himself from the burden of having to keep a constant integration to maintain his production tech super specialization.

As he entered the material properties of the logic-defying PHT platinum-titanium-tungsten alloy and the hydraulic-assisted shock-absorbing metalized polymer foam, he felt his fear of elemental and martial strikes evaporate away.

And finally, as he included a dozen tech-exclusive weapons, all designed to be as lightweight as possible to be portable through energy telekinesis, while still keeping their deadly firepower, he felt everything quiet down.

What remained from then on… It was only himself, his ambitions, his knowledge, and the design room.

And thus he started designing, designing as he had repeatedly done for the past 2 months, designing to bring a conclusion to his perceived weakness, designing to definitely prove his path was correct.

He didn't need, or even want, to know how Star Trail designed their own version of a mechanical suit.

Theirs wasn’t one made for energy life forms like fairies.

Theirs wasn’t made to accommodate true intense fighting as he intended to use it.

Theirs wasn’t imagined as a turning point of the tech supers’ combat power.

All energy systems weren’t equal, in the wild ancient era, the psy and elemental energy systems had dominated. They only needed their wielders to understand what they were given access to, the spiritual realm for the psy supers, and nature’s phenomena for the elemental super.

This balance, however, completely shifted during the fairy era. While the elemental supers still maintained their kingly position, they were soon caught up by the martial supers, who began understanding all the hundreds of secrets a biological body could have.

That trend had never ceased to be from that moment, and the pure supers, as well as the tech supers, could only struggle their way up, little by little forming their own combat system able to somewhat rival the “better” energy systems.

But in the same way that Aven only had potential to his name for a time, the pure and tech energy system similarly only had potential to their names until the disaster era suddenly ended with the disappearance of the fairies…

From there, ignoring 2 whole energy systems for the benefit of others simply wasn’t a sustainable path, and things slowly changed until the first true unconceivable scientific innovations dawned upon the minds of the sheltered tech supers.

Yet, could millennia of refinement be caught up to in a mere two centuries? Some said yes, the majority said no, and Aven didn’t have a split opinion on the subject, the answer was obviously… No.

Grade 5 tech supers, for the few that there are, couldn’t hold a candle in terms of individual power in comparison to most other systems. That was a fact.

If all tech supers weren’t sheltered behind fortifications and other supers of other systems… The results would pretty much discourage any newly awakened human who found out he was born with a tech energy system affinity.

‘But that’s going to change…’

Hardly had Aven formulated this thought that his focus deepened to a level he never reached before, and he felt it all.

His perception of the world diminished again, and in exchange, the range of knowledge he could mobilize simultaneously increased drastically.

His energy threads rampaged through the main modeling instance keyboard, the mouse flew over everywhere.

A rough shape quickly formed in the 3-dimensional modelization space, it was an amalgamation made from hundreds of individual plates, and Aven didn’t intend to leave even a single of those pieces untouched from dedicated designing attention.

Zooming in on everything, his spirit blazed as his most high-end knowledge was mobilized to reach for this sweet perfection that he became attached to over the course of completing dozens and dozens of unheard-of projects.

Every alloy plate wasn’t just an alloy plate, it was part of a more complex armor system that included shock-dampening components, ultra-dense electric wiring, heat-managing components, miniaturized and divided sensor parts to lighten the sensory density of the head part…

This small component that others would simply call an alloy plate was part of a much grander whole called a mechanical suit. And Aven was able to keep everything in mind as he, alone, refined this shape into something more and more refined and complete.

Dozens of magnetic ringed connectors were connected to the side and back areas, a special external tech turbine battery appeared and was connected, a secondary emergency internal tech turbine was added in case he lost the external battery…

The electrical wiring progressed and was made to be as redundant as it could possibly be, the two arms and two legs soon welcomed the addition of the most deadly close quarters combat weapon the tech system could possibly enhance…

With bass-boosted epic pop music blasting in the background, keyboards magically typing and entering complex formulas and properties by themselves, and multiple screens being filled with extremely alien mechanical components, the design room had become Aven’s domain.

And the only witnesses to this incredible spectacle were the different cameras set up around the room and the various capture software that recorded all that was happening in the different instances.

In this state where combining all his knowledge on not dozens, but hundreds of specialized research fields, was easier than ever, the fairy-variant mechanical suit project came to a theoretical initial success in only 50 hours.

Those 50 hours had been spent like he was a machine, he only took 2 breaks to actualize his cultivation serum enhancement and simultaneously used those breaks to drink and eat quick snacks that were directly available.

‘The more I add, the more complex adding more becomes, and the more I try to add more, the more parameters I have to keep in mind to maintain my priority list and keep the perfect refinement I reached prior… But it’s still so easy.’

Battling mainly with himself, he added another bulk of tungsten-gold reverse draw crossbow bolts, launched a simulation to compute the new weight, adjusted the side-simulation of himself using his energy telekinesis to neutralize the weight, and confirmed that what he had done wouldn’t break the balance of this single connector.

After that, he simulated what he would gain if he discarded this whole weapon and the connector that came with it, and hypothesized in which way he could levy this loss to enhance his higher priority security and close combat.

The main frame of the mechanical suit was already done, it really hadn’t been hard to combine an energy life-custom neural transmitter into a massive knight armor-like suit, the challenge was perfectly connecting the two.

Ultimately, without anyone having ever tried to contact him, no one having ever visited him, he got from nothing to initial success on his mechanical suit project and still had 25 hours to spare.

And his spirit was still shining brightly, seemingly inexhaustible, its well of inspiration endless.

Hence, the question of whether to stop or not wasn’t even asked, and Aven pursued his quest for perfection, honing both his craft and his path.

From pure mechanical and electrical designs, he moved on to digital design where his peculiar mental state allowed him to work at a speed much, much higher than he was used to.

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Just like that, 20 more hours passed, and without him even registering the shift, he found himself starting on designing the production line that would give birth to the monster he had just designed with all his heart.

That’s when a slight tune went off in the room.

“Huh?” His spirit recognized this tune instantly, and still without actually thinking, his two hands naturally went down, and his energy began flowing into the desk, then into the electrical and digital network, then spread through the entirety of the Rainbow IRC.

As it was his energy that was flowing, his sensitive energy talent activated and made him able to see bits and pieces of what was transpiring everywhere.

From his humble retirement from the abomination surge more than 4 months ago to his current thrilling life as the symbolic boss of more than 200 passionate people who expected nothing but for him to give them the tools necessary to break through in their fields.

‘How can the path I decided on be wrong?’

Feeling a certain righteousness fill him, he clamped on this feeling and used it in conjunction with his relatively useless Basic Excitable Energy talent to give a slightly higher energy intensity boost to the energy he was infusing.

For the next 2 hours, he did nothing but refill the energy coursing through the Rainbow IRC, allowing it to continue working at full throttle.

From the 3 IUM to the dozens of active integrated production lines, and to the dozens of active experimental research machines, including the very recently set-up exotic act experimental research machines, the building was filled with ongoing projects, all designed by himself.

When the density of the energy coursing through the building reached its peak, which was a peak elevated by his Basic Seamless Energy talent, his Fairy Energy Origin, and his Advanced Tech Energy Affinity among other things, he quietly resumed working.

And this time, he was only stopped by creeping sleepiness that threatened to send him to the dream realm without negotiation.

That was what ended up breaking… His second ever creative instinct-driven state of full mind communion.

“What…” Feeling his non-biological eyes about to close out of fatigue, he was forced to pull himself together over the course of 5 entire minutes before the most intense wave of drowsiness he had felt in a long time was pushed back a bit, “Happen- No, I don’t care, I need to- Wait?”

Catching himself two times in a single sentence, his chaotic spirit that was just beginning to reconnect with reality sent loads and loads of wrong signals to him, which he couldn’t help but misinterpret as he instantly wanted to simultaneously do multiple things.

“No, first… Home. Yes, home!” Finding his lifeline in the form of his long-established routine, he didn’t bother checking his work was saved up and left the designing room. The automatic standby wasn’t a faulty program after all, so he believed in it.

Taking off not even half a minute later, the winter White, in all its senses, welcomed him as he rose and headed back towards the nearly completely coated in white scenic Rainbow Mountain.

Once back, he didn’t stop by any social gathering spot or event and went to relax for half an hour in a random hot spring.

Only with his spirit free of the chaos generated by his all-out knowledge mobilization and collision did he feel worthy enough to conclude this cycle by claiming the contribution reward that would bring him to the point where purple grade became reachable at a moment’s notice.


Dynamic Faction Contribution Quests: Nation of Eland

Dynamic Contribution: 32 417 280 FCP


The moment he claimed his contribution reward for the cycle, he also opened his shop.


Faction Contribution Shop: Nation of Eland

Faction Authority: Violet Fairy

Faction Contribution Points: 193 191 922

Fairy Crystal (189 000 000 FCP): An exotic crystal formed by nature when a fairy dies. This exotic is the purified crystallized form of a fairy energy origin and can help beings with traces of fairy bloodline or ancestry to awaken their fairy bloodline to violet grade. Can alternatively be consumed multiple times to refine an awakened fairy bloodline up to blue grade.


“Now, I only need to… Lay the groundwork for the first complete exotic analysis of the exotic act…” Repeating to himself the reasoning for not directly claiming a crystal and graduating from the lowest violet grade fairy bloodline, he sluggishly picked up his phone and sent a message to Grald.

[Aven: Beware! In around 6 hours I’ll deliver a fairy crystal, you’ll have 20 hours to observe and manipulate it as much as you want. After that, I’ll come and consume it inside the all-sensors exotic chamber.]

After sending that message, he gave up on continuing to fight and claimed a bedroom tree house for himself, only very briefly thinking about what took place during this cycle.

‘If I can reproduce the same condition twice… Then I can do it a third time… For now though, sweet sleep~’

And thus, on this cycle that lasted close to 79 hours in which he had achieved what others would never believe he had achieved in a single cycle, he went to sleep with a smile.

“Sigh~ I’m making a sacrifice there… I’ll be missing close to 100 hours of energy cultivation under the effect of Exotic-Warped Liquid Fairy Energy…” Complaining silently with a big smile on his face, Aven observed the expectant team of 6 people behind the thick layer of insulating glass that made them unable to hear him if they hadn’t turned on a sound sensory transmission module.

“Well, I won’t make you wait anymore~” Cutting the chase, he opened his shop and claimed the most expensive item available in his shop that incorporated all the items owned by people belonging to the Nation of Eland.


Fairy Crystal (Claim?)


The gaze of the 6 people part of the exotic act research team, as well as the hundreds of sensors surrounding him in the all-sensors exotic chamber, instantly locked onto the much larger than average materialization phenomena the moment it appeared.

“I see… My value to your eyes only rests in my ability to give you new toys to play with…” Denying reality in the worst way possible, he sighed once again out of dismay as he left the chamber which immediately closed behind him, seeking to eliminate all possible contaminations.

And once he stepped out, the voices of 6 passionate people reached him, confirming his worst fears…

“Those data make no sense!”

“The air composition is shifting? No? Not at all?”

“How can there be no air disturbances at all?”

“Well, good luck~” Recognizing himself in their demeanor and excitement, Aven didn’t try to glorify his achievement or anything and silently departed.

He had his own passion project ongoing, and he really desired to go back at it.

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