The Faction Contributor [Sci-Fi LitRPG]

Chapter 91: Chapter 89: Talent Resonance

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A punch came his way.

Unable to dodge it due to Saum having clearly overextended to make sure he couldn’t, Aven’s only reasonable choice would have been to adapt.

But he knew he had a better option, one that no martial masters would ever advise their students to follow if they had an alternative.

He reciprocated the attack by sending a parallel punch to Saum in his human form, similarly as dark-eyed, black-haired, and dark-skinned as he had been in his fairy form.

True to his expectations of facing a martial super head-on, the resulting impact ended up to his disadvantage, with Saum gaining the upper hand for not the first time.

“Blade on,” simultaneously voicing and acting on his thought, the miracle solution he had designed to answer such situations came into play in the form of 2 blades extending from the 2 arms of the FMC, defying the limits of physics in terms of temperature and sharpness.

Reestablishing the balance with a flash sweep that secured enough space for himself, Aven quickly turned them off and tried to use the remaining heat to score a few points, not exactly willing to expend a large part of his electricity battery for nothing.

In an instant, the dynamic of battle had completely reversed, with Saum now on the defensive, or avoidance as he couldn’t really block the attacks directed his way.

When the air itself stopped being sundered by the heat of the 2 blades, the combat truly started again, with no sides having secured an advantage over the others.

And that wasn’t for a lack of trying.

“I want to go back to-”

The moment Saum tried to make an argument for going back to do productive work was the moment Aven decided to go all-in, seeing as a small window of opportunity had opened, only asking him to catch it.

His mechanical suit had no reactors to accelerate him enough to take Saum by surprise though, it had certainly been an idea worth exploring at first, but not deeper than just thinking about including volatiles and explosive matter into his lifeline for a nearly inconsequential speed boost.

“Wings on. Blade on.”

His wings replica opened, allowing him to free himself and his suit once he took control of it through his telekinesis from the restraint of gravity, and it even warped to assist him.

Then it was just a matter of “pushing” with his feet to ride on this force of fairy origin with an added initial burst.

“Huh!” Despite the instantaneousness of the situation, Saum, who had until now only shown his side as a bio-rigger enthusiast, displayed his belonging to the unrivaled in close combat martial energy system.

His 2 feet slid over the cracked concrete floor, allowing him to receive the 2 blades’ thrusts by sacrificing only unimportant hands and forearms.

Following that block, both Aven and Saum transitioned to their lower body to try and break the stalemate, but where one sought to engage in further exchanges as he held the temporary advantage, the other wanted to be released.

And that’s where pure power proved its might.

With bulging muscles and a massive wave of intimidating energy, the grade 4 Saum promptly transformed his ordinary counter kick into a nightmare-fueled front kick.

When the two sides met each other, Aven lost his ability to rely on the most fundamental and primordial ground exertion to create physical-based forces.

His two legs had been flung backward without him able to do anything about it, and with the momentum, his whole body ended up pulled backward, spinning as he was sent flying.

“I’m going back to work,” Saum stated, completing his interrupted sentence before he confidently left with his two arms already regenerating as he had initiated his fairy form transition.

A few seconds later, all that was left behind was a sprawled Aven amidst a relatively large field of broken concrete, with no one to comfort him on his loss.

“Freak…” He cursed lightly as he stood up, his sparring partner having strategically departed, “There’s too much to consider, my spirit can’t follow…”

In hindsight, he could have released his blades to pursue a fist assault, he could have transformed the backward spinning momentum to deliver a powerful strike, and he could also have forgoed going kick to kick against a grade 4 martial super.

But that was all in the past now, a past he could criticize and address as much as he wanted with his massive knowledge of the different combat aspects, but one which would forever remain the same.

He had been defeated, he lacked the combat instinct and experience necessary to go against those as or more powerful than him.

“That’s not the end of the world… But that’s certainly frustrating,” venting his rational frustration at himself for a moment, he then proceeded to message Gridley, a grade 4 elemental super working on superconductive materials.

Time was running out slowly but surely, and he wanted to truly experience what the true life of a super was, a life made of ups and downs paved through pure individual power, personally.

Time passed.

Between sparring with grade 4 beings and experiencing the martial way a bit too directly, continuing on his RE integrated computer language project, spending FCP here and there like a spendthrift to advance the bottomless exotic act project, and many other things such as…

Helping analyze the all-sensors reading, assisting in the planning for the Canopy cleansing campaign, preparing for his grade 4 transition to have enough supplies to manufacture a lot of things, and thinking about his permanent live stream…

Aven had really entered a routine.

It was a routine so filled with various activities, each as important as the other, that for the first time since he started delegating objectively more than 99% of his responsibilities to his friends, he had to make hard decisions on what to prioritize.

Around 50 days of time might seem like a lot of time, but for him who had so many opportunities to grow everywhere around him, easily accessible, it wasn’t even enough to fill the gaps between his fairy teeth.

He wanted to spar with dozens of people every cycle, he wanted to keep grinding his knowledge application skill, he wanted to fully immerse himself in his interdisciplinary genius path, he wanted… Lots of things.

But time waited for no one, and while his influence and public image kept getting bigger and bigger each week, with Star Trail pushing more and more to “discuss the meaning of life” with him, he stubbornly kept to his hermit-like lifestyle as much as he could. Futuristic hermit lifestyle that is.

His FCP management was as exemplary as it could possibly be, though he certainly wished his investment of 1 590 000 FCP every 24 hours for the exotic act’s destructive experiments and his expense of 69 489 000 FCP every 300 hours for the exotic-warped liquid fairy energy were less impacting than they actually were to his FCP gathering enterprise.

They had actually postponed him getting 3 new sweet talents after all.

Though the part about him having to test the Energy Magnet Stone on someone else prior to consuming it due to his logical fear of maybe becoming an elemental super energy strike-magnet after acquiring the talent was better left quoted as him being philanthropic enough to give benefits for no apparent reason.

As for the unique events where 2 of his talents fused into one due to their common Athal tree origin, and another event where his Basic Energy Photosynthesis talent resonated with his newly acquired Basic Energy Magnet talent, even though they apparently belonged to different talent categories…

That also had better remain a quiet discovery only his innate ability digital notebook should be privy to. For now at least.

“Time really flew by… Quicker than I thought.”

The night wind howled as Aven confessed, the White having long disappeared from the early-spring night sky.

Laid down on a random comfy wood deck chair covered with foam that could certainly be used in mattresses considering how soft and spongy it was, he admired the cloudless infinity above him.

Stars that his predecessors had conceptually arranged in constellations told him he was in the northern hemisphere of Green, the relative axial tilt told him winter was behind him, and the total absence of luminosity indicated he was deep into the night.

The snowy scenery of his first winter spent as a fairy was only a memory of the past now, and by now, society would have started another cycle.

Schools would have opened again, and from toddlers to nearly grown-up adults, the onset of a new year would allow everyone to be enthusiastic for at least the first week.

“Hehehe~” Laughing as he remembered his own scholarity filled with adversity in the form of no one being similar to him in terms of social interaction needs, he closed his eyes.

Then he brought up his status.


Aven Amias

Faction: Nation of Eland

Energy Grade: 3

Energy Cultivation: 9 999/10 000

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Energy Identity: Tech

1st Energy Specialization: Undivided Infusion

Physical Talents: Fairy Body (Purple Grade), Basic Energy Furnace Cells, Basic Condensed Body, Basic Inexhaustible Body, Basic Energy Immune Constitution, Intermediate Energy Life Constitution, Basic Titanic Constitution, Intermediate Energy Magnet, Intermediate Body Regeneration

Energy Talents: Fairy Energy Origin (Purple Grade), Pure Fairy Energy (Purple Grade), Fairy Affinity Resonance (Purple Grade), Advanced Tech Energy Affinity, Advanced Energy Sense, Basic Natural Energy Growth, Basic Self Revolving Energy, Basic Seamless Energy, Basic Excitable Energy, Basic Equalizing Energy, Intermediate Energy Photosynthesis, Basic Compatible Energy, Sensitive Energy

Spiritual Talents: Inquisitive Spirit, Expert Knowledge Integration, Basic Tireless Spirit, Basic Armored Spirit, Basic Enhanced Awareness, Basic Spiritual Foundation, Basic Purified Spirit

Universal Talents: Awakened Fairy Bloodline (Purple Grade), Creative Instinct, Essence Stabilizer, Fairy Bloodline Resonance


Intermediate Energy Magnet: You naturally attract natural energy to you. Increased effect when the environmental energy density is high. Slightly diminish the threshold for your body to be considered a high-energy environment depending on surrounding natural energy density. Slightly increases natural energy regeneration when in high-energy environments.

Intermediate Energy Photosynthesis: When inside a highly energetic or radiation-saturated environment, your energy knows how to sustain and amplify itself by absorbing what it needs from it. Slightly increases your energy sustainability and intensity when in neutral high-energy environments.

Intermediate Body Regeneration: Your body is able to regenerate any parts of itself lost as long as enough nutrients are provided. Allow you to naturally biologically regenerate lost parts of yourself albeit at a slight speed for a drastic nutrients cost. Slightly increases your natural body regeneration speed.

Basic Purified Spirit: Your spirit has been nourished with mutated spiritual realm water and will henceforth be able to cleanse itself of foreign spiritual energy more easily. Foreign spirits find it minimally harder to latch onto your spirit. Minimally increases your spirit resistance against foreign spiritual energy.


“An hour or so? A shame the density property really doesn’t do anything for me anymore… I’m looking forward to the day the increase goes beyond the limit…” He softly complained, his eyes still closed and a confident smirk drawn on his face.

Compared to more than a month ago, his status had certainly changed.

His upgraded energy photosynthesis talent now provided him an energy intensity bonus when in a special environment he wasn’t sure was even attainable naturally.

His energy magnet talent answered this dilemma by facilitating the creation of a personal high-energy environment while giving its own set of bonuses.

His biological body could now regenerate like his energy body, though at a nutrient cost he hadn’t experimented with but was sure was horrendous enough.

Both of his bodies had also gained a slight bonus in passive regeneration, but whether it was even a visible boost with all his other talents focused on this property remained to be seen.

And finally, his spirit was also presumably like a soapy floor to insidious spiritual energy now, and it wasn’t any soap, but caustic soap too.

How his energy magnet and energy photosynthesis had ended up synergizing and resonating with each other, he had no idea. That belonged to the domain of the yet-to-be understood talent rules he didn’t have the necessary FCP to start an investigation project on.

“Hah~” Turning on his side, Aven became able to get a glimpse of a thriving city in the near total darkness of the night, Elandia, through the verdant forest that surrounded him on all sides atop the Rainbow Mountain.

The only background noise he could hear came from a faraway event where music was being used, projecting upon him a festive atmosphere he would have most certainly sought to join if it wasn’t for his imminent grade 4 ascension.

“Grade 0 and grade 1 at home, grade 2 and grade 3 at Blackdale, grade 4 at the Rainbow Mountain… Isn’t that a beautiful progression curve~”

Immersing himself in his last minutes as a grade 3 entity, for what they were worth, he began reliving the short journey that had led him to be where he was today.

“From being a simple vessel to something I never heard of before, to mastering this fantastic something and condensing it into a hazy cloud, eventually refining it enough to give birth to a spark, and growing this spark so much that a core manifested itself to accommodate all the energy I wielded…”

Summing up the journey of his energy cultivation from his awakening, where life decided on a whim to awaken him, changing his future and giving him access to a wondrous world, to his current state where he had grown enough to finally see the light of naturally externalized energy, Aven felt slightly nostalgic.

As minutes continued passing, his energy, the same energy that had once been worth nothing more than hot air when it first appeared, continued cycling through yet-to-be-understood pathways, growing using a process that no one could claim to fully comprehend.

It just cycled and grew through doing so.

This growth could nevertheless in turn be assisted by consuming “supplements”, and that’s really what everyone seeking to improve their energy cultivation speed and overall efficiency focused on.

Because they had no other way.

“My path isn’t for everyone, that’s a given, and I’m sure a slow and steady path has a value on its own… But that’s simply not my path.”

Reaching a sort of pseudo-enlightened state as he felt his energy reach a critical state, his core slowly losing control of the energy it should have been ruling, Aven did nothing to try and contain anything.

Though, for some reason, one of his most extraordinary background talents came to his mind as he observed how his energy core lost control.

And he decided to bring up its description while he was at it.


Essence Stabilizer: Stability is at the core of your very being. Your spirit cannot be destabilized, it will severely destabilize everything that tries to do so. Your energy has a stabilizing effect on itself and can affect the stability of everything it interacts with. Your body seeks to remain stable at all times and will exhaust all means to make sure its stability is never broken.


“It’s weird,” he stated.

For some reason, the situation felt wrong. Not his energy naturally undergoing the necessary natural mutations to transform into a new state, but the interactions between it and this legendary talent.

“No matter how I see it, that’s not a stable situation at all. And nothing is even trying to act against this instability…”

Faced with this situation, this once-in-a-lifetime situation where he would ascend from grade 3 to grade 4, he questioned why he should ever hold back on experimenting a bit.

“Let me try… Just a bit?” Aven hesitatingly and indecisively closed his eyes again as he initiated an experiment that felt right.

If his essence stabilizer talent couldn’t act against the natural order, then he should obviously take over. And that’s what he did.

Mobilizing his more and more uncontrollable energy by the minutes as best as he could, he didn’t try to externalize it or infuse knowledge in it, the most basic actions that should be taken if one desired to use his energy.

Instead of doing that, he focused on an aspect of his energy he was most probably one of the few or maybe the only one to have.


A very abstract aspect that resulted in his energy pretty much having all its properties increased, exactly like his fairy energy origin talent.

He didn’t really know what a stable energy against a normal one truly was, he just knew his energy was more stable, allowing “itself” to exert more power before being spent.

Just getting this simple, basic, almost childish understanding of what a stable energy meant had taken him months of living with this talent while emptying his energy pool multiple times a day, resulting in dozens of energy pools worth of infusion done at the end of a cycle.

And today, at this instant, this singular moment, he decided to manually create this stability with his own spirit hands.

First, he gathered all the energy he could still control somewhere.

Second, he created an outer layer of energy to be eroded by the growing chaos to protect his inner experiment.

Third, he willed his energy to be stable, starting with the hallowed energy he had successfully wrestled away from all the chaotic neutral evolution process that was taking place everywhere else.

He certainly didn’t like being on a timer, but this experiment was just done on a whim, he was curious about how much he could fight against nature, so he just kept on willing this small, inconsequential amount of energy to be stable.

“It’s… Working? Ish?” Still with his eyes closed, he concluded.

Then his energy really reached the critical grade 3 threshold, and it instantly, seemingly effortlessly, took back control over the derisory amount of energy he controlled.

And included in it was what he could only call… A spark of stability.

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