The Fam

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Home

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The voice of an angry, young girl echoed throughout the hallways of the third floor. Loud stomps with the force of an elephant, pierced the ears of the three inside of the office. As the door to Ben's office swung open, the force knocked him straight to the ground.

A young, Elven woman, no older than the age of fourteen suddenly burst into the office. Displaying the traditional Elven features of Silver hair and emerald eyes, the look upon the young girls face was one of extreme anger, ready to erupt on something...anything.

"An elf as an assassin? And so young too..." Cindy thought with a puzzled look on her face.

[Girl: Kai! There you are! How dare you make me clean up your mess!?]

[Kai: D-director Amy! You see, it's not my faul-]

Before Kai could finish forming his sentence, the young man was met by a swift punch to his face, knocking him straight to the floor.

"D-director Amy!" Kai yelled, as he held his swollen left cheek with his hand.

[Kai: I-it's not my fault because...because you sent me on that stupid assignment without a contract! Y-you could've approved it easily, so why??]

"Are you questioning my authority, little Kai?" The young elf asked brazenly.

[Kai: E-enough with the little Kai jokes! I'm ready to be a full fledged assassin already!]

[Amy: Obviously you're not, you're an idiot! I saw the whole thing; how you just knocked on the fuckers' door! Quiet kills Kai, quiet kills! How many times have we been over this?]

[Kai: Y-you saw all of that?! Well, ya see Director, I thought that if I could get the junkie to trust me, I could swiftly take care of the mission! That's why I posed as a tax collector and-]

Another swift punch connected to Kai's right face this time, sending the young man flying once more.

[Amy: That's enough outta you. You get one more chance. If you fuck up again, I'm sending you to the galley division! Enjoy making my meals for the rest of your miserable days, ahaha!]

[Kai: I'm sooo sorry, Director Amy! Anything but that, please!!!]

"This little girl has a foul mouth attached to her," Cindy thought.

[Ben: All right, all right. That's enough teasing little Kai for today, sis. Everything's already been handled, so let's just put this all behind us! You could've knocked though, seriously. My heads aching like crazy now!]

Ben was slowly gathering himself up from the floor. He patted the back of his head lightly while squinting in slight pain.

[Amy: Ahhh, okay I guess. Sorry about that bro.]

[Ben: All good! Want some coffee? I was just about to introduce our newest member into the company, before you interrupted!]

[Amy: Yeah, extra sugar. sorry, again...Wait what???]

[Ben: Ahaha. Amy, meet Cindy; the newest recruit to "The Fam!"]

"Dear God, I take it back...please just let them kill me now!" Cindy thought, while trying to maintain an awkward smile on her face.


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"Sniff-sniff. Cindy, what a story....of course you're welcome to join us, no application needed!!" Amy said, as she clasped Cindy's hands tightly with tears in her eyes.

[Cindy: I-I don't know what to say, ahaha...]

[Amy: Well, say yes of course. why wouldn't you join?]

[Cindy: Well, I did what I had to do in, order to survive; but I've never killed anyone before! I-I don't have it in me, I'm sorry!]

[Ben: Oh my.]

[Amy: I see. Well, assassination will be easy once you get the hang of it! It's quite simple really. You just-]

[Cindy: I can't!! I'm sorry, I just...I know that you guys have to protect the city, so I'm not mad or anything, but...killing is still wrong. M-my mother always told me that, so...I just can't. I'd rather die!]

[Kai: Oh great, a mama's girl!]

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[Amy: Shut up, Kai!]

The frustrated Amy sat down in an office chair, rolling about in deep thought. The other three sat quietly, awaiting the young elf's response.

[Amy: Arrrgh...listen Cindy, you're right..killing is bad. You'll end up killing some decent people as well, but who cares? You won't even have to know their names if you don't want to! Just join us, please! We refuse to leave you alone any longer!]

[Cindy: Uhhh, well...Oh! Are there any non-killing jobs available? You mentioned to Kai something about galley division, right?]

[Amy: Ack, are you serious?! You'd rather be some nasty cook than be a cool, cold blooded assassin? You'll get cool suits, weapons, and even your own place to stay free of charge! We'll even teach you how to use m-]

"Amy! That's enough," Ben said in a stern tone, with a sharp glare towards the young elf. "Neither Kai nor Cindy here are full fledged assassins yet. Don't say another word, please."

"I-I'm sorry, brother.." Amy said quietly.

[Ben: Ahh, what to do, what to do. Cindy, if you decide not to join us, no harm will come to you, I promise. I was just teasing you earlier...and I apologize for that. However, I do sense something inside of you. I noticed it even as we were walking up to the office. The way that you carry yourself is...beautiful, unlike anything I've ever seen. Your resolve is simply, astounding. The mark of a killer is in your eyes, however faint it may be; but it is there. Just a gut feeling!]

"" Cindy said with a dumbfounded look on her face.

[Kai: really?]

[Amy: Yes, I sense it too.]

As Ben continued to speak to the flustered Cindy, she noticed how his tone had slowly shifted into a much more serious voice, in contrast to his previously lax one. It was a serious tone, but at the same time, it was gentle. The man sat straight up in his chair, with a focused look in his eyes as he continued to speak to the half-ling.

"Cindy, I believe that you'll come to enjoy this profession. Join us and we'll all have your back. I already told you...that we were all wandering in the streets until Father found us. Lonely and lost...nowhere to call home. You're just like us, I knew it from the moment I saw you. It's all in the eyes. It's in all of ours too..." Ben said in a quiet, melancholic voice.

[Ben: Cindy, I'll only ask you one more time. Please join us...become a part of our family!]

"Family," Cindy said quietly, with an awe-struck expression.

Butterflies started to swell inside of Cindy's stomach. With the mention of the word "family," Cindy's guard was completely open. The wall that she had built around herself for so long, was shattered in almost an instant. Ever since her mother passed, Nobody had ever proclaimed Cindy to be family. Not her grandparents, not the gangs that she was apart, nor her good friend Elie ever went as far as to call Cindy one of their own. Yet, these people that she only met a few hours ago, wanted her to be their family. For the first time in a very long time, Cindy sensed a sensation forming near her eyes.

[Cindy: Nobody...has ever called me that...not for a long time anyways...]

[Amy: Were you lonely?]

[Cindy: Yes!]

[Ben: Were you afraid?]

[Cindy: Yes! I was so scared...that I'd die...all alone....with nobody there for me.]

Tears started to uncontrollably form around Cindy's eyelids, as the two assassins comforted her.

"What am I saying? Why am I open with these people? We've only just met and yet...they've been so kind to me....a half-ling; the lowest of the low," Cindy thought.

[Amy: We'll be there for you, Cindy. You don't have to be lonely anymore.]

The young Amy started to embrace Cindy, just like the half-ling's mother once would. Even more tears started swelling up inside of Cindy, preparing to explode at any second.

[Cindy: E-even though I'm just a no good half-ling?]

[Amy: Of course. We'll be your family from now on...and nobody will ever lay a hand on one of ours...that is...without losing their life.]

"Can I really do this? It's okay, right mother? I mean, they want me, a half-ling of all things to be their family. I never thought I'd hear someone call me that again,'s okay, right?" Cindy thought.

Cindy, in deep thought, just stood there with her awe-struck expression still ripe upon her face, letting the young elf embrace her for minutes; until she finally gave her response:

".......I-I'll do it... I'll join you," Cindy said quietly. "I'll assassin..."

"Great! Welcome home, Cindy!" The young elf said with a genuine smile on her face, still holding the wavering half-ling in a warm, tight embrace.

The tears that Cindy were holding in, suddenly started to flow like a river going down stream; and they wouldn't stop.

"I'm home..."

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