The Glitched Cloner

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Constant Growth And Training

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While Rachel was off for her training with her newly joined team, Virgil was figuring out new abilities, which were probably already there, but he was simply now discovering it

While he sent his clone training, he found out that he could share the clone's point of view, experiencing the clone's experiences live as it happened

As he had sent the clone running again, he was experiencing the pain that the clone was experiencing it, but he had a feeling as if he had done it before, when it was the clone who was doing it

He wasn't sure that if it was the same clone that he had sent, or was it another one

Three days later, he heard what could only be described as a chiming bell sound and it seemed that he had levelled up

But as he didn't have any screens that appeared, or any way to check, he simply made a mental note of it

The first thing he discovered upon levelling up was that he could now summon another clone

With a second clone, he could double his training

It felt like a cheat that he could improve through training that fast. but compared to other hunter who has superhuman physical attributes, he had to actually work for his growth

This was why the gym was perpetually empty, as the other physical hunters were superhumanly gifted without training didn't use the gym

Hunters with other abilities like magicians never even trained their physiques 

But for Virgil, he had no choice but to train to improve his abilities to challenge portals 

Another ability after levelling up is his ability to duplicate whatever he was wearing and carrying on himself

This means that he was no longer summoning naked clones, rather fully clothed clones wearing whatever he was wearing at that time

He tested this ability and found he could even duplicate the amount of money on his person, withdrawing most of his own funds given by the Hunter Guild stipend, duplicating it to buy a sword for his hunt

It was so expensive, it literally cost double the stipend, and some money leftover to buy armor

He now could also dispel the clones as easily as summoning them, absorbing their experiences and memories

He discovered that his clones could themselves clone another copy, but the limit is the same according to his level

So, as he can now summon two clones directly, or he can summon one clone, who summons another

But regardless the number of clones are the same, but this will probably change when he levels up again

After a week of training, his growth was stopped as he was now as strong and fast as he possibly could from training

The physical level he could now perform at strength and speed wise was at the Olympic level after only a week of training, and he would have qualified as a top 10 athlete at the Olympics in such a short time training. However this was nothing compared to the physical abilities of the current physical hunters

Now, he has to grow by hunting in portals


He stood in a crowd of hunters, dressed in mostly black armor and a blank white mask with no features but two eyeholes

He thought it would be best to remain anonymous especially if he uses one or two clones and didn't want anyone to know his power

All around him were mostly lower ranked Hunters, with most of them Ranking from D to F classes, of which Virgil was the latter

It was customary for officials guarding this portal to scan the participants, but as this portal was a low level portal used mostly by beginner Hunters, they didn't really bother with the registration, only that you can show the color of your card rank. 

They didn't even bother to check if the face matched the picture on the card and Virgil just quickly flashed his card

The official saw the blue colored card of a F rank and never bothered giving him another look

The colors of the cards matched the Ranks from A to F and the colors ranged from Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brown, Purple and Blue

There were talks about S rankers being above the A Ranks, but these hunters only talked about in myth

Supposedly, the leader of Olympus, Zeus was an S Rank, as was Odin, the leader of the Asgard team from another city Fortress

But this was just rumours and no one knew if they were true

Virgil looked around and sighed, seeing that Rachel wasn't among the newcomer hunters

Perhaps Olympus had their own hunting portal which they controlled

As for the group of hunters there, there were many solo hunters trying to make a name for themselves, like Virgil, and the rest were teams banding together to gain experience

With that, Virgil joined the group through the portal for his first hunt


Virgil plunged his sword into the creature, a humanoid looking crocodile who stood on it's hind legs and fought with it's claws, teeth and tail

He had gone his separate way, splitting up from the rest, but he had summoned his clones and he hunted in a group of 3

But even one crocodilian creature had killed a clone and badly injured another as his own original body used the distraction to ambush it from behind

He was exhausted, even though the injured clone showed no sign of tiring or slowing down even from his injury

The dead clone had dissipated and when he resummoned another clone, he was glad that it was hale and whole

With a thought, he retrieved the injured clone and resummoned another clone to replace him

He nodded with approval as he found out that when he summoned a clone, he didn't have to heal the injured clone and could just replace the injured and dead clones, giving him an untiring army of clones

But what would happen if his original body dies? Would all the clones dissipate?

"Shit, I should have left my original at home and just sent my clones" he thought to himself

However, the clones seemed to grow and improve with experience and this incident was no different as they encountered more crocodilian humanoids

It seemed as if the clones had gained experience and knew how to fight them, and Virgil himself seemed to have improved as he absorbed the experience of the injured and dead clone

In no time, they had hunted 7 crocodilian humanoids with minor injuries to the two clones and Virgil when heard the strange ringing sound again

"Did I level up?" Virgil wondered and to his pleasure, he realized that he probably did as he summoned yet another clone!

Virgil dissipated the two earlier clones and resummoned another two that weren't injured

Having minor injuries himself, he found that when he resummoned the two clones, his injuries healed faster, as if his injuries were now a third of what it was!

He looked at his injuries, which was a minor slash across his abdomen, and he dissipated and resummoned all 3 clones again, just as a test

His injuries which was 1/3 of his earlier injury, was practically gone as it was now only 1/9th of what it was

He did so again, and now, the injury was nothing more than an itch as it was 1/27th of what it was

His only complaint was that his armor, which had a slash across his side, now was duplicated on all the clones

He finished his mission for the day, after collecting gemstones from the skulls of all the dead crocodilian humanoids and returned through the portal

Unlike what he expected, it seemed that the portal led to another world, which is why it was used as a training ground

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He walked alone through the portal after dissipating his clones and saw the multitude of hunters injured from the hunt

"Oh! You look fine. I suppose you hid in your whole time there?" the administrator who registered him mocked

"Maybe.." Virgil answered, submitting the 8 crocodilian gemstones that he retrieved

The official looked shocked

Although killing crocodilians was not something difficult, especially to a higher ranked hunter, but he remembered this guy as a mere F ranker

"What is your name again and what are your powers?" he asked Virgil, seeing his armor slashed, but seeing his skin unscathed under his armor

"I am Virgil...and my ability is to heal quickly" he answered, lying about his power

"Ok Virgin. I will keep an eye out for you. You're surprisingly promising" the official said

"It's Virgil, not virgin" Virgil said

"Ok whatever" the official looked away, no longer interested in talking to Virgil and paid him the money for the gemstones as a reward

Although it was surprising for a F Ranker to hunt so many crocodilians, but ultimately it is a low level portal and something that could be done easily by other higher rankers


Virgil arrived back at their apartment and found that Rachel was still not home yet from her 2 month training

He found that the money from his hunt was much better than his stipend and immediately multiplied it and bought another suit of light armor

Although his current armor only had a large gash on it's side, but it made it unusable

Besides, now he can multiply his money 4 times and he sent one of his clones to buy another one 

He took a shower and walked out naked and turned on the news

During the news, there was a report on the Olympus team boasting about recruiting a fantastic new member

A powerful, muscular man walked on stage, wearing a toga, which was the uniform all those from Olympus wore in public

"Hercules, Hercules, Hercules" the crowd chanted as the man took to stage

Hercules was one of the captains of the Olympus group and he was handsome and charismatic with every movement looking mighty and powerful

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to our new member Theia, the Goddess of Light!" he announced as Rachel walked onto the stage

"Rachel?"  Virgil muttered seeing his lover come on stage

She was dressed in a toga, looking sexy and alluring and Virgil wondered if she was naked underneath

"Theia is our newest member and is ranked a C Class currently, but her powers indicate that it won't be long before she is ranked one of our A Classes" Hercules said as he placed his hand around her waist 

Virgil noticed that Rachel didn't seem uncomfortable with his hand placement

"What do you do Theia?" one of the reporters asked

Theia smiled and said loudly "I am the Goddess of Light!" she said in her sweet voice

She lifted her hands and Virgil could swear he saw a nip slip as magic missiles shot into the air, looking like fireworks

The magic missiles danced in the air, fully controlled by her and exploded like fireworks, much to the cheers of the crowd

With that, the news turned back to their studio to announce other news while the scene with Rachel still played in the small screen at the side of the screen

Virgil's eyes was still looking at Rachel, as he missed her

"Hey.. Is Hercules' hands up her skirt?" Virgil gasped as Hercules walked with Rachel of the stage with his arm around her waist and appeared grabbing her butt


Virgil could not get through to Rachel as her phone was off

He decided that perhaps what he saw was an optical illusion and tried to get it out of his mind

He continued going every day to the Crocodile dimension and hunted

But he was cleverer this time as he only sent one clone instead of himself

While the clone was in there, the clone summoned the another two clones and they went hunting

He remained at home, going to the gym to continue working out

But since he could clone and the experiences and improvements became his anyway, there was no need to risk going himself when he can be safely at home while his clones took all the risks

This was the seventh day in a row visiting this portal, and by now Virgil's clones could hunt down villages of crocodilians by themselves and had actually split up to hunt separately

As he didn't want to arouse suspicions, he only surrendered about 7 or 8 gemstones a day to the authorities, keeping the rest for himself as a secret stash, just in case

And during that time, Virgil heard the ringing bell sound another 3 times indicating he has levelled up and can now summon 6 clones!

Another ability appeared and he found himself able to store items in a extra dimensional space, which he immediately stored his stash of gemstones

A different but similar ability appeared in that he could now summon his clones with a multitude of weapons and clothes that he had previously worn, not just the clothes that he is currently wearing

Learning this, he sent his clones out to shop for different armor and weapons, as he had an idea that his clones should have the ability to look different if he so wishes

With such flexibility, he sent his clones to higher ranked portals to rain more experience

He sent two clones into two different portals, and let those two summon two each in the separate portal worlds

If Virgil counted correctly, he had now levelled up 5 times, which means he can summon 6 clones

Much like the first portal, they were struggling at first. but by the end of the week there, the clones were killing it in the portals

As clones, they didn't need to exit the portal at all, dispelling and resummoning each other at will to remain fresh and whole

He returned home after having lunch by himself and was eager for Rachel to return soon

But in his apartment, there was a man, wearing a toga, sitting casually on his couch with his legs up on the table

Like Virgil suspected, he wasn't wearing anything underneath as his cock could be seen when he uncrossed his legs and stood up

But this was not Hercules in a toga, but someone else. But Virgil could tell he was outmatched simply by the person's aura 

"You're back! I've been waiting for you" the man smiled

"Wh.. who are you?" Virgil stammered


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