The house with red eyes

Chapter 8: Chapter 1 ( part 5 ) : Hauntings of a dear friend

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I awake from my dreams, one that I couldn't remember

What time is it? Today is the day I meet up with Aunt Saria at the library. I got out of bed and prepared for school, which was gone by in a blur.

What did she mean by my life changing anyway? It still bothers me...

As I walk to the streets of Glazeview, A rectangular building coloured with a deep maroon and dusty white came into view. 

"Glazeview Public Library" I qoute. "Very original" I grumbled

I walked through the pair of glass doors and looked around. To the left of me are beanbags where people read relaxedly and to the right of me are tables where people right in a more upright manner. Infront of me is the counter and stairs to the second floor.

"Isla dear! Over here!"

I was planning to look around for her when I heard her shout from the second floor. The second floor is more open with railings so people don't fall to the first floor, the railings themselves are quite high.

I walked up the stairs to be greeted with her at a table near a railing.

"Okay" I said "I'm here, what know"

"Now?" She questioned. "Lets talk, seriously"

I gulped aa she begins her talk

"You probably know by now that supernatural things are real right?" She said

I nodded in response.

"But since when did you know" she asks

"Ever since the haunted house" I replied

"Really? No prior incidents?" 

I shook my head

"Well then, you are either very lucky or very unlucky"

I asked for clarification

"Isla, do you know about shamans, exorcist and such? What if I told you some of them are genuine? Or If I told you some were fake but then they became the real deal?"

"You're saying?"

"I'm saying thst supernatural ability is either got from birth or got through multiple encounters from the supernatural, in your case its just one encounter." She explains as I listened intently

"Supernatural ability usually known as the sixth sense, Because its aquired by exposing your senses to supernatural stuff. Some can see the future if their sixth sense is time, while other can control heat if their sixth sense is temperature. What's more terrifying is if your sixth sense is pain, you csn inflict pain on others using mediums"

"Oh... so like, voodoo" I asked

"Yes, voodoo" she confirmed

"Then, do I have a sixth sense" I questioned. She nods

"What kind? What kind of sense do I have" I exclaimed.

"Whoa! Slow down dear, my best guess is, instinct" she clarified

" Instinct? "

"Yes, you've told me that there are times that you know of something that you wanted to know suddenly. You told me as if you already knew, That is instinct."

"So, I have future vision now?"

"No, here is an example" Aunt saria pulled out her handbag and asked me what is inside her bag.

I looked at it and I felt as if it is... candy!

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"Its candy!" I replied, shocked.

"Yes! Its candy! But what kind?"

I looked back at the bag but this time I don't feel anything nor fo I feel new information entering me...

"I don't know"

"As I thought, your sixth sense allows you to gain information on something, place, event or person. It's very limited so you can only know something from something in a small amount and you can't gain anything further" she explained

"How do you know so much? Do you have a sixth sense too?" I Asked

"Hahahaha" she laughed "No dear, but I was born with natural spirit attunement. People who are born with atunements don't have fancy powers like you, we make it up with our tools! Candles, chalks, salt, cards, you name it! We are more adept in using tools"

"We are opposites dear. Sixth sensed or as we call them ASP, rely on themselves to deal with supernaturals while we Attunes are reliant on others like tools and chants"

"I think I get what yout saying"

"Good, now listen up. You need to stay by your friends at all times"

" Why? " I gulped

"They are in as much danger as you, only they have less chance of surviving since they are ordinary people"

" what! Cn't I just stay away from them? So they won't get embroiled with whatever I'm dealing with?"

" No dear, Ever since you contacted that spirit with them, they're fate has already been sealed. You are the only one who kind keep and eye on them"

" wha- If I had known... I-I wouldn't have done that! " I stammered as I try to ingest what she had said.

Because of me, my friends may get in danger. What about my parents? Will they be in danger too!?

"Don't worry, its okay, I'll try to find something like, you know... A ghost repellent or something..." she consoled

 " besides, I'll be helping too! Mona will be fine under my care since I'm here for a few month. Try to solve that case also, the sooner the supernatural related stuff is solved, the sooner we can cleanse it's stains off of your friends backs"

"Thanks aunt Saria, that means a lot to me really" I thanked her wholeheartedly.

" Your welcome dear, I will always be at Mona's if you need help okay"

I nodded

The heartfelt moment was cut short as we hear screams from downstairs.

"Ai Traci! What did you do this time! I'm sorry dear, we will talk later okay? Traci! Ven aquí, niña traviesa! OYE! detente ahí!" She bellows angrily

I laughed at their antica before I was submerged again in the painful realizations.

"Things just got bigger and messier huh?"

I got up and went home.

On my way, I got a phone call from Ferra.

"Hello braindead, good news! I'm deemed innocent. They didn't find anything that really relates me to his murder"

"So you don't need my help anymore? "

" No! idiot, I found something that may... Aid your investigation. There is this senior named Namguk Song, he behaved weirdly during the night from my release at the police station. When I was released I saw a lot of people outside the station, they were waiting to see me to be dragged to jail. Heh suckers!" She laughed

I rolled my eyes as I ask " what does that have to do with my "investigation" "

" Just listen idiot okay, so they were hurling curses at me and blocked my way saying I had no way to run. The police had to go outside and dispel the situation, see here is where it gets interesting. When the police told them I was free and innocent, they all grumbled but one just straight up got mad and said some interesting things. He said things like "this was not supposed to happen!", " That FAKE shaman " and most importantly, he said "You're the one who should be DEAD that day" she explained

"He then realised his outburst and lowered his hoodie before running away. So, what do you think braindead? Think we got any lead? "

I was lost for words as I proses the information. The case is related to supernaturals, and our senior may be involved. But what is his goal?...

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