The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Afterlife and the Wait

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When Jake was ‘pulled out’ by something he started remembering everything that happened in his life clearly. It was like everything he did in the world amounted to a single day.

After a while, Jake turned his head and ‘saw’ a lot of people. Some were ‘awake’ and moving weirdly as though they have gone insane. While others, with closed eyes and motionless. The surroundings were also strange. There was no sky nor land. Everything felt as if full of color even colors that he didn’t know existed.

Jake took a moment to process things and wanted to talk to someone about where he was. He wanted to speak but couldn’t, so he decided to walk but also couldn’t.

Just as Jake wanted to try different things to communicate with others, like sign language, he felt as though a force had pulled him.

Jake then ‘saw’ something that frightened him an ‘angel’. Jake started feeling fear. If angels existed did that mean ‘God’ existed? Then this also mean that an afterlife existed, and he was probably in it.

Jake then ‘heard’ the angel speak, “Speak and write your life.” Jake was handed a ‘paper’ and realized he couldn’t control himself. Jake started to ‘speak and write’ his entire life down, even to the smallest point, even his thoughts at that moment was written by him. The ‘paper’ felt endless and everything Jake did in his lifetime was written down. Jake felt fear as he wrote his life down, what was going to happen to him afterward?

The ‘angel’ then spoke, “Jake Slash according to what you have written and spoken, you did not believe in God, and this is a great sin. Yet, at the same time you have done a lot of good. You will await until judgment day with the rest. For all the good deeds you have done, your wait will be more enjoyable than the rest of the waiters.”

Before Jake could understand what, the angel meant by the wait, he found himself back in the same place before he was ‘pulled’ before the angel.

A moment later Jake felt ‘sleepy’ before falling ‘asleep’.

Jake the heard something strange,

“Non-believer, major crimes 0, minor crimes 20,174”

Karma Points: -201,740

Jake was confused. Where was he and what was he ‘seeing’? Karma points what is that? Though that was quickly answered as knowledge of what karma points was transmitted to his mind. They were the good (positive karma points) and bad (negative karma points) he did in the world.

Jake remembered that his inventions had hurt people when they malfunctioned sometimes. It felt somewhat unfair. He remembered he gave refunds and compensated to everyone that bought or have been hurt by the product. Jake felt like he was going to hell with this amount of negative karma points!”

Thankfully, a moment later the voice continued,

“Major good deeds 5,089,644, minor good deeds 973,558,733”

Karma Points: 1,024,253,433

Jake wanted to ‘breath out’ a sigh of relief but realized he couldn’t. Realizing something was wrong, He looked around and saw ‘nothing’. He couldn’t even feel his body.

Deciding it was not the time to care whether he had a body or not, Jake focused on the ‘karma points’ he had. It seemed that major deeds counted for 10 times the normal deeds and he also had a lot of normal minor good deeds. The good deeds came from his inventions as well as his money he donated throughout his life.

Though what he found strange was that crimes gave 10 times as much karma (negative) as good deeds.

“Poor wealth when born. Poor home when raised. No inheritance received.”

Karma Points: 16,400,333,300

It also seemed that how you were raised also effected the total points. At this point Jake felt that there was no way he was going to hell with these many points. He didn’t know what counted as minor or major, but at least he didn’t get any major crimes which wouldn’t affect his score much.

Jake heard the voice then say,

“Jake Slash final Karma Points 16,400,333,300.

Using points to construct a ‘dream’ of best fit until day of judgment day.

If Jake Slash is judged to go to heaven, he can choose to make the ‘dream’ into reality and enter and exit as he wishes.

  • Created system
  • Created learning space
  • Created fighting space
  • Created non-human body
  • Created ideal dream universe
  • Created ideal starting area

Additional starting skills given

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)


  • Full previous life memories
  • Maintained mind and soul attributes

All ‘Karma Points’ have been used.


Those were the last words Jake heard before darkness took over.



Jake slowly started gaining consciousness. He started thinking, is this the afterlife? The last thing he could remember was being buried.

While he was thinking, Jake heard something. It was a horrible sound. It felt like loud jargon. He then felt something wet touch him, it nearly covered his entire body.

Thinking of what was happening to him, Jake tried to open his eyes and barely succeeded, they felt heavy for some reason.

Upon opening his eyes Jake couldn’t believe what he saw. A giant red eyeball with a blue pupil. Almost getting a heart attack, he turned his head away from the eyeball and saw what appeared to be a head of a giant.

The giant head had no hair. The giant also had a rough skin that had a texture of yellow brown. With its red eyes, it was a frightening creature. It also strangely looked tired almost like going through a tough ordeal.

Looking down further, Jake saw the clothes the giant was wearing. It seemed like it was wearing some type of silk. The silk was blue had beautiful lettering on them as if they had meaning. He also saw what was under him, it was the giant’s hands.

Jake couldn’t understand what was happening one moment he was having his burial and the next moment he was on a giant’s hands.


Hearing that voice was unnerving a moment later another GARRRRH sounded. Looking behind, Jake saw another giant. This giant also had no hair. Its eyes were red, and it had black pupils. The giant also had the same skin as the other giant. The giant also had a silk rob covered with beautiful letting but it was green.

While Jake was getting even more confused on what was happening, the two giants ‘talked’ for a while one the black haired one left.

Jake then started looking at his body and became horrified. His skin was all wrinkly and rough. What happened to his body!

Before Jake could continue his train of thought, the giant moved and put Jake down on a stone bed. The stone bed was covered with strange writings and was flat. Weirdly the stone bed felt even more comfortable than any bed he felt before.

While Jake was getting comfortable and thinking about his situation on the stone bed, the giant said something, and Jake felt the ground shake. After a few seconds, Jake saw a tiger half the size of the giant appear. Though what was strange was that the tiger had red eyes.

Jake felt his entire body shake. Was he going to be fed to the tiger?

Thankfully, the tiger started rubbing on the giant and sat down. The giant then turned the tiger stomach towards Jake.

Jake then was grabbed again by the giant’s hand before being put on the tiger’s belly. While Jake was wondering on what to do, the giant grabbed a nipple from the tiger before shoving Jake towards it. After realizing trying to resist was impossible, Jake decided to suck on nipple.

After sucking on the tiger’s nipple, Jake couldn’t believe what he was tasting. A delicacy was the only way to describe it. Jake himself was a picky eater, he ate at the best of restaurants. Comparing the food at the highest levels of restaurants with the milk wouldn’t do the milk justice. Unfortunately, he felt full after just a moment for some reason.

It seemed that the giant also felt he had enough before grabbing Jake and placing him back onto the stone bed.

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The giant then said something else, and the tiger left. The giant also seemed tired and took a nap.

Having the time again Jake looked at his body again. He couldn’t believe his body could look so wrinkly it was also strangely wet. What happened to his body? Guessing wouldn’t do much in his situation so Jake decided to check his surroundings.

Looking around his surroundings the walls looked like stone but had beautiful lettering just like the silk robes the giants wore. The area also looked like a cave extending far back. What was strange was the cave was glowing white somewhat. Jake remembered that syenite rocks that were rich in fluorescent sodalite can glow white in the dark, but he was pretty sure they couldn’t be this bright.

Deciding he was going off track, Jake decided to escape before the other giant came back. Without knowing what these giants are planning he wasn’t going to take any risks with his life after just coming back to life, or assumed he came back to life. This wasn’t a game or a novel. There wasn’t going to be quests given by a ‘system’ or something.

Though before he could continue his train of thought, Jake saw something appear ‘in front’ of him and he froze. It was a system.

Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 10 minutes (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 0 (Locked)

Physique – 0.1

Mind – 0.1 (8.4)

Soul – 0.1 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 0.1

Skills (3)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Locked)

Information End

Jake had countless thoughts pass through his mind at that moment. A system?

The system then disappeared again; it seemed that the keyword to summon the system was ‘system’.

Jake summoned the system again and started thinking. This wasn’t an illusion or dream, was it? Strong emotions when he looked at the system.

A system just likes in the games and novels he liked to read and dreamed of.

Looking at his age, Jake came up with the conclusion that he had been reborn. After all there was no way, he was just 10 minutes old.

When Jake saw his race which wasn’t human, he knew this wasn’t Earth and meant he had transmigrated. After all, there were no real giants or ogres in Earth, at least he thought so. Jack had no idea what the rank 0 after his race name was for. Did it mean he was a low race or did everyone start from rank 0 in their race.

When Jake looked under the race name he was stunned. It was a level tag. While he had no idea if he could level up with the (locked) wording with it, Jake felt somewhat excited. This felt like a game where you can level up after killing monsters or creatures, maybe even doing some quests. There was probably a reason why its locked, but he was sure there had to be a way for it to unlock.

Looking at his attributes, Jake assumed that his race equalized his attributes since every attribute was at 0.1. Though what was strange was that he had an 8.4 after his mind and 9.1 after his soul. Jake assumed it to be because he had a human mind and soul beforehand and brought it here.

Though it was strange, Jake was sure he was very smart and creative, so why was his attributes for his mind and soul so low? In games and novels, 10 in each attribute was usually the average.

Thankfully, Jake didn’t feel more foolish and could think normally so it meant the number in parentheses were probably correct and took precedence over the base attributes. Jake also didn’t feel smarter, so he can assume that the number in parentheses didn’t add with the normal number unless it was too small to matter. What was strange was the ‘all hidden attributes’ portion. He decided to leave that alone for now.

He also had three skills. When he thought about what they were, the system opened a different space and showed their information.

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)

Thinking what these abilities meant the system opened another page that was too long and noted what each ability did in detail. Jake read what the three abilities did and summarized them.

Mental stability at max level made it impossible for him to go insane. It also allowed him to have perfect control his emotions. This ability sounded very useful in his situation. No wonder he hadn’t gone insane or freaked out too much, it was thanks to passively using this skill.

Information concealment made it impossible for him to be tracked by people with ill intentions, including higher level beings whatever that means. It will also allow him to hide any information about himself including his reincarnation and transmigration. Looking at this skill’s information, it most likely meant this place or world had magic or something similar that could see through a person. Jake doubted people could normally tell who reincarnated.

Infinite potential was the more abstract one. It just explained that he will not have any bottlenecks and his foundation will be perfect if he follows the system’s set path.

The training space and arena. Jake can assume the training space was a place for training, and the arena was a place where he could fight. Though it was locked for some reason.

Getting sidetracked with the system, Jake resumed his normal thoughts on where he was and what he is and started to get anxious. Where in the world was this place? Also, how could he get back?


Important information for people unfamiliar with this type of novel:

Attributes – are characteristics.

Extra information about attributes: I do not plan to have large attribute numbers such as 80,000 that would be hard to write about with how I plan to write about it.

Bottleneck – is a hard to pass physical, mental, or soul limit that is often due to inefficient or bad foundation. It could also be due to having no idea on how to progress.

Foundation – The building blocks of something. Such as not having a good grasp of Algebra will make it hard for you to pass the calculus series.

Hidden attributes – are attributes that can be connected to the main three attributes mind, physique, and soul, but also other attributes such as resistance, affinity, etc.

Mage – a person who can wield energy, often known as mana, to bend into what he wills it. There are many different types of mages some names for them include such as wizards, sorcerers, enchanters, and even necromancers. I like the word mage because it is short and because I like playing as a mage in World of Warcraft.

Magic – often used by a mage (or similar) and is energy that is used to create supernatural feats that are often known to bend the laws of physics and nature. I will try to make it somewhat scientific so more people will understand, but obviously it will contain unreasonable and unscientific parts.

Mind – contains the average attributes of intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and other mental categories. (Knowledge is very important in this novel had a hard time deciding if it should go to the mind or soul attribute, I chose the mind attribute)

Physique – contains the average attributes of strength, agility, constitution, and other body anatomy.

Soul – contains the average attributes of willpower, focus, creativity, and other formless and hard to measure attributes often confused with the mind. A computer has no soul (at least not yet and hopefully not in the near future)

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