The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Magic? Entering the Training Space

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Jake decided to calm down and think logically, he couldn’t go home anytime soon even if there was a way since his body is just an infant.

Everything had changed after he saw the system. These giants were no longer just giants, but most likely his parents in this life and fellow giant ogres.

Jake looked down on the comfortable stone bed and had a question. Should he escape or not was no longer the question. He had to stay.

If he escapes, will they kill him? Probably not. Jake doubted that ogres killed their children. After all, according to what he knew, large creatures have a harder time getting children and it is taxing for the mother.

Furthermore, from what Jake saw, ‘his parents’ looked civilized somewhat with their silk robes. He doubted that intelligent creatures killed their babies just because they escaped, and if anything, they would do what they can so it wouldn’t happen again. That wasn’t what Jake wanted, if he was locked up and supervised for a long period of time because of that, it would be annoying.

Controlling his unstable emotions, which felt almost natural, he thought of what he should do next. Looking at the giant ogre near him, Jake decided to see what was around inside the cave. He knew he couldn’t walk with his body right now, so he crawled his way to check out the cave. It was somewhat tough with him just being born, and 0.1 in the physique was barely enough for him to crawl.

Just as he was about to reach the end of the stone bed, Jake was grabbed by something. Jake was confused, there was nothing around him how was he blocked. Looking down he saw the lettering on the stone bed glow, making him wonder if they were blocking his movement forward.

Jake wasn’t scared or annoyed with what happened, rather he was overjoyed. Magic! Or at least he thought it was magic. If it was super high level of technology maybe only then would it have the same effect.

Crawling back, the runes stopped glowing. Jake guessed it was a magical crib for children. He checked if there was another way it activated it’s blocking feature, like biting himself. After all babies commonly bite their finger and injure themselves.

Testing it on his tongue felt foolish, so Jake bit lightly on his fat thumb. Hold and behold he was right. When he tried to bite himself, something restricted him from doing so and the lettering below started to glow.

Looking upward around the cave, which was glowing a bit white, he now knew it wasn’t syenite rock with fluorescent, but the lettering on it which was also magic or something.

Guessing it was impossible to escape, Jake turned back to the system. It seemed the only thing he could do is enter the training space. Considering whether it would be dangerous was one matter, another would be what would happen if he suddenly disappeared then came back. Would the ogre near him go on a rampage, or would it consider him an anomaly and get rid of him?

Jake decided he wasn’t going to get a better chance to test it out though because the giant ogre near him looked tired and asleep likely from giving birth to him. The ogre was unlikely to wake anytime soon. He to enter and exit the training space within 5 seconds see what happens. Though he hoped there wouldn’t be some tutorial that trapped him there.

Jake mentally thought of entering.

Do you wish to enter the training space?

Well, that was easy and convenient. Jake then mentally said yes.

Jake felt his surroundings disappear and everything around him was white. Jake then quickly thought of leaving.

Do you wish to leave the training space? Remaining training time today – 9 days 23 hours 59 minutes 58 seconds

Jake quickly changed his mind and mentally said no for a moment. How was there almost 10 days remaining in a day? Quickly checking what was going on, Jake looked at the system again. There were two changes, one was obviously the exit rather than the enter on the training space. The other was surprising, it was the age, it was locked.

Jake decided that it wasn’t the time to think about what was happening with the time in the training space and decided to leave the training space.

Training space exited; time will resume back to normal.

Opening his eyes, Jake realized that he was back on the stone bed and didn’t even move from his area at all. He also read the message from the system. Time was resumed to normal what did that mean? Was time paused or changed while he was in the training space?

Jake looked at the giant ogre and saw it still sleeping. Deciding to do a test, Jake spat saliva upward as far as he could, and mentally said enter and returned to the training space. Then Jake checked around for saliva in the training space and saw none. Seems anything that wasn’t connected to his body directly wouldn’t transfer.

Then Jake counted to 30 seconds which according to the ratio of time of 10 days to 1 should be only 3 seconds. Jake hoped he wasn’t wrong, after all if the ogre woke up, he would most likely be in deep trouble. After 30 seconds of mentally counting, Jake returned to the cave.

Looking at the spit, it was in the same place before it fell to the ground a second or two later. Jake froze for a moment before he almost laughed out loud. Time froze! Well maybe not froze but slowed down to an extreme point. It wasn’t the 10 to 1 second ratio as he previously assumed.

Jake returned to the training space, and this time without any worry for the outside world. After all, if time was near frozen the ogres wouldn’t even know he disappeared so he could take his time.

Looking around Jake didn’t find anything near him. Assuming this was a training space should there be training material around? How was he supposed to train with -

The moment he said train (not training), a window interface like the system opened but much less information was in it.

Training Space

Name - Jack Slash

Knowledge space (Enter)

Skill space (Enter)

Jake was quiet for a moment before thinking to himself. Why are there so many hidden keywords. What if he never said system, would the system never appear before him in this life? Thankfully now Jake had an idea on what to expect from the system. If he enters the arena in the future, he probably will have to say fight, battle, or other simple key words to get started there.

After a bit of mental complaining Jake mentally said enter.

Enter knowledge or skill space

Jake mentally said skill space. Who wouldn’t want to learn skills maybe he can learn magic and later find his way back to Earth.

Jake goal to return home was only part of the reason he wanted to be a mage though. It was also because it was his dream to be able to wield magic and be able to fly by his own power. He also wanted to survive and explore this new world and learn everything about it. A man can dream can’t he, Jake thought to himself.

Available skills for learning - 2

Jake mentally thought of checking what he could learn, and the two skills showed.

Body control (Level 1/10) – Gives the ability control the body more effectively and efficiently.

Energy sense (Level 1/10) – Gives the ability to sense energies in the body.

Unfortunately, his dreams were quickly dashed when he didn’t see magic. Though basic energy sense sounded like a skill a novice mage must learn. Afterall, there must be energy for magic to function and its usually mana. Maybe he can start magic training soon if he can sense energy. Maybe the next skill he can unlock will be gathering energy, then after that, using energy to cast spells like a mage.

Jake now knew how the system worked, just mentally say what you want, so Jake said energy sense.

You are reading story The Intelligent Ogre at

Beginning the energy sense (Level 1/10) training.

After the system finished speaking, Jake saw a thick book suddenly appear in front of him. The book was titled ‘Introduction to Energy Sense - Anthropoids or Similar Creatures Edition”.

Jake was confused. Did he really have to read the thick book to learn a skill? The mental stability and information concealment skills that were at the max level were just like an extra limb he always had. He could control them however he wanted, and he never had to learn how they worked step by step.

Deciding complaining was useless, Jake opened the book and started reading. It was a total of 200 pages full of small text and 30 of those pages were pictures.

Jake summarized the book into its main points.

Every living creature had energy in their bodies which was obvious since movement required energy, and even the heart beating was a movement of the body.

The next point was that the mind automatically uses energy and filters information on how it uses the energy on the body without consent. That was also obvious, after all would you just die if it wasn’t filtered. Imagine having to manually tell the heart to beat on every single heartbeat, you would die the moment you sleep.

The next point what that energy is gained by taking from the outside world, by eating, breathing, etc. This one was also obvious, there is a reason we eat food.

The next point was that you could control some energy in your body manually by increasing or slowing down blood flow. This was a little interesting to read about. It listed a few ways to control blood flow in the body. Strange breathing methods, eating certain foods, and even slapping parts of your body to gather blood there.

The last point was most important. It spoke of a strange energy that almost every living creature has but is hard to sense. Vital energy, or better known as vitality. Vitality is energy stored in the cells. It is usually the first energy most creatures’ sense and use. While it wasn’t mana like mages used, it was still a form of energy hopefully it can be used to cast spells later on.

What confused him for a bit was understanding which living creatures don’t have energy in the cells? Wouldn’t they be dead? Jake guessed that there might be some strange lifeforms out in this world or universe created differently and maybe even without cells.

The last 10 pages showed and explained how to sense vitality.

The first step is to close as many senses as possible. Going in a comfortable dark room with no air flow or sound is advised.

The second step is to gather energy quickly. According to the book, it is advised to have someone pour vitality into you as it would be very easy to sense it. Though it could be substituted with eating a high energy meal.

The third step is to slap or hit different parts of the body at different levels of force to increase blood flow to the area slapped or hit.

Lastly is to start breathing with a strange technique of quick breathing then no breathing then small breathing and then no breathing and then breathing quickly again, this breathing technique was supposed to be repeated until vital energies in the body were felt.

After sensing vitality once, the body will remember that sensation and it would be like second nature to feel vitality in the body again. Most creatures do not feel vitality on their first time. It usually takes 8 to 12 times on average.

Jake then pretended to exit the training space to check how much time he has left and saw he still had 8 days 11 hours 24 minutes and 22 seconds.

It seemed in the training space, sleeping and eating are not required. Jake also didn’t feel any aching, stiffness, or tiredness in the day and half it took to read the book.

While Jake wanted to test if he could sense vital energy, since according to the book even if not all the steps were followed, one could still have a chance, a very small chance, of sensing vital energy. Jake decided he was ready to - . The moment he said ready; darkness suddenly took over the entire training space. Jake was startled for a moment before realizing that the training space key word to start the next part of training is ‘ready’.

Jake then felt something enter his body it was strange it felt like nothing yet something at the same time. Jake guessed the training space started pouring vitality into him. Jake quickly started slapping and hitting himself in the places specified by the book. It felt a bit painful but nothing he couldn’t handle for a chance to become a mage.

Next Jake started the strange breathing technique and focused on trying to feel vitality. It was strange at the start, but slowly Jake felt weird as blood flowed to the slapped and hit areas.

Slowly but surely, Jake felt something else. The energy that was pouring from the training space into his body was felt by him. It entered his cells and sped them up in repairing the damage caused by the slaps and hits. Jake was enthralled by what he was feeling.

A while later the damage caused by the slaps and hits were repaired and the training space returned to its white color. Jake felt the vitality in his body clearly, it was strange yet beautiful. A moment later, Jake saw a message appear.

Energy sense (Level 1/10) has been learned

Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 10 minutes (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 0 (Locked)

Physique – 0.1

Mind – 0.1 (8.4)

Soul – 0.1 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 0.1

Skills (4)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Locked)

Information End

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)
  • Energy sense (Level 1/10)

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