The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Training and Knowledge

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Upon seeing that message Jake didn’t know how to feel. Didn’t the book say it would take 8 to 12 times on average to sense vital energy? Not that he is complaining it just felt so easy.

A moment later Jake focused on the vital energy in his body. It felt so complex and yet so perfect. A minute or so later Jake realized something strange. Why was the vital energy spread so evenly out. According to the book, it was stated that most people had errors in their bodies, and the vital energy should be imbalanced somewhat.

The heart and other organs should have more vitality flowing through them according to the book, yet his body wasn’t like this. Though it might be because he was still a baby. Jake decided to solve this ‘problem’ later, for now it was time to see if there was an energy control skill available for learning.

Jake mentally said train and the options for either knowledge or skills space available appeared again. Next, he said enter then and finally skill space.

Available skills for learning - 2

Jake held some hope in his heart and checked the skill that was available.

Body control (Level 1/10) – Gives the ability control the body more effectively and efficiently.

Energy sense (Level 2/10) – Gives the ability to sense energies outside body. (Locked – unlock requirements - 5 arena points)

Seeing no energy control skill, it seemed his dream of becoming a mage was dashed. What was even more annoying was why did learning higher level of energy sense require arena points, and furthermore, what in the world were arena points.

A moment later Jake remembered he had an arena and unfortunately it was locked in for some reason. He guessed arena points came from there since there was arena in its name.

Feelings ripped off Jake decided to check how much time was left.

7 days 18 hours 50 minutes and 9 seconds was the remaining time.

Deciding remaining angry and upset was worthless, Jake decided to learn body control.

Beginning the body control (Level 1/10) training.

Another thick book appeared for learning body control, called ‘Body Control Basics’.

Even if it sounds like a simple skill, it was still worth learning. Maybe it would allow him to get used to his new body much faster and maybe even learn something new. To be honest, Jake was only learning the skill because he wanted to walk rather than crawl.

It probably won’t take more than an hour or so to master it, unless it also gets locked behind a pay wall requiring arena points. Maybe the last few levels will be hard and different, but he doubted he would learn new knowledge for the first few levels of body control.

Opening the book, he started reading it and finished it quick since most of the pages were images. A total of 30 text pages and 150 pages of pictures.

What he found the most advanced in this book, even if he already knew it, was that most of the body contains a lot of random hidden mutations and while most are useless, some are very useful. Examples of good hidden mutations would include being able to change eyesight distance, hearing distance, and other senses at will. Examples of useless hidden mutations include being able to control your hair to stand on end and being able to move eyebrows.

The rest of the book just explained how to control your muscles more efficiently, which was useless for him right now. He just wants to walk.

Jake decided to start training realizing he had learned nothing new and wasted his time. He mentally said ready. This time items that help with walking appeared thankfully. Holding onto the wood Jake stood up.

Unfortunately, a moment later he let gone. Then Jake learned a sad truth he couldn’t stand without support. He was too weak; it was already a miracle he could already crawl. Deciding to learn body control when he was stronger. Jake mentally said exit and thankfully it was right key word, and the training tools disappeared.

Wasting that time reading body control made Jake feel annoyed. Hopefully, the knowledge space would teach him useful information.

Jake mentally said train and then knowledge.

Knowledge available for learning – 3

Fundamentals of energy (1/10) – Teaches basic knowledge about energy.

Fundamentals of the soul (1/10) – Teaches basic knowledge about the soul.

System manual (1/3) – A manual on how to use the system and tools within.

The moment Jake saw the last option, system manual, he ignored the other options. Finally, he could learn about the system and maybe even some hidden details within. Wasting no time, Jake said system manual.

Teaching knowledge – System manual (1/3)

Just after those words appeared, Jake saw a small manual booklet appear. It was named ‘Introduction System Manual’. Wasting no time Jake opened it and started reading.

After reading to the end, Jake summarized the information.

He has the ability to change the keywords of the system. Like changing the ways from entering the space, exiting the space, etc.

The arena opens when his physique, mind, and soul all reach 1.

Arena points can be gained by defeating enemies in the arena OR killing stronger creatures then oneself in the real world.

He cannot be killed in the arena or in the training space.

Any training done in the training space and arena will remain. Furthermore, any mistakes he does to his body in the arena and training space will also be reset if he wishes for it.

New skills and knowledge can be unlocked by buying them at the arena shop with arena points.

Levels can be unlocked when he reaches the age of 10 OR when all main attributes of physique, mind, and soul reach 5.

After summarizing the information, Jake was astounded by what he learned. The system and its tools were so impressive! While he hoped that the next part 2/3 of the manual was for free, he doubted it, though he checked anyways.

System manual (2/3) – A more advanced manual on how to use the system and tools within. (Locked – unlock requirements - 1000 arena points)

Upon seeing the unlock requirements for just a manual Jake felt scammed.

These arena points better be easy to get. Now not only did he need them to gain skills but also knowledge.

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Complaining was a waste of time, Jake decided to learn the remaining available knowledge that was listed, starting with energy hoping he can become a mage sooner.

Teaching knowledge - Fundamentals of energy (1/10).

The moment Jake heard that he saw a small book called ‘Necessary Knowledge for Energy Users’.

What a weird name, but who cares about that. Hopefully the energy users’ part in the name includes mages.

Reading the book took a long to read. He learned too much new information. Just the beginning of the book gave him a headache. It had a total of 6 main points and he decided to summarize them.

Point 1, energy is everywhere. Even empty space itself is a form of energy. Jake knew this since even in space there would always be vacuum energy.

Point 2 was the confusing one. If one doesn’t sense the energy outside their body before a certain age, which depended on their race, means they will most likely never be able to. There had never been an example of this rule being broken. This made Jake feel a sense urgency to know what age that was for a balanced giant ogre. Hopefully he could get 5 arena points to learn how to sense the outside energy as soon as possible.

Point 3, absorbing energy from the outside world is dangerous before having a powerful enough endurance (a part of the physique). It seemed there were different options for people with weak physiques, such as having a great affinity for a certain energy or choosing a ‘soft’ energy, whatever that meant since it wasn’t explained. Thankfully, there was no age restriction on this just a physique restriction. As an ogre this is restriction was nothing to Jake. Any ogre he had read about is very strong, and he is a giant ogre which probably has a better physique.

Point 4, most of the time, energy absorption, will cause increased growth rate. This one Jake loved; he didn’t want to stay a baby for much longer. Hopefully, he could learn to sense the outside world’s energy and absorb it. Negative energy will cause the opposite effect, even though the book didn’t explain what negative energy was.

Point 5, most of the time, absorbing energy from the outside world will increase lifespan. This is because it repairs and sometimes adds to the DNA of the body somehow. Same as the other point, negative energy absorption will cause the opposite effects. Jake obviously didn’t want to die early by absorbing negative energy, he needed to check what it was.

Point 6, sensing energy in the body and controlling it to connect to the brain before the brain was completely formed, will cause a non-intelligent creature (often a beast or monster) to gain intelligence, and become as smart as a regular intelligent lifeform. The sooner the smarter the creature will be. Intelligent lifeforms already had vitality connected to their brains. This was the most confusing one, since when he feels the vital energy in his body though energy sense, it is already traveling to his brain.

It seemed his knowledge of ogres being monsters must be refreshed, after all he remembered that even his parents in this life wore clothes and even had magic crib.

A moment later Jake decided to learn about the fundamentals of the soul.

Teaching knowledge - Fundamentals of the soul (1/10)

A book or if you could call it that, appeared before him. It looked like it only had 7 pages.

Jake picked it up and started reading. The moment he read it, he realized he knew almost nothing about the soul. After finishing reading the book, he summarized the main points.

The soul is the most important part of a creature because it contains how a creature acts. Getting it slightly damaged will make one insane and fixing it is almost impossible. Thankfully, the main way people get the soul damaged is by losing control of one’s emotions, and he has a mental stability skill at max level for that.

The soul can be corrupted, which can affect the mind in turn. The most common way it can corrupted is by killing other creatures. When killing other creatures, it will slightly transfer the negative emotions of the killed creature onto the killer, making the killer slowly become insane and lose control of their mind, and later damage the killers soul. Another way is by practicing dark arts, which unfortunately wasn’t explained much. He had only learned necromancy was a dark art, bringing people back from the dead, was considered the easiest way to corrupt your soul.

The soul is located in another dimension within the body and mind. No one can directly touch the soul, or at least the author had never seen someone do it.

After finishing listing the main points of the book, Jake felt empty, he had nothing else to do.

Should he go back outside and wait until he unlocks the arena? How long will that take?

Jake decided sit in the space and think about what he had learned and see if he can sense energy outside his body without the system help.

But before that he decided to change some key words of the system it wouldn’t keep popping up whenever he says system. It was getting annoying.

Helpful information:

Affinity – having similar characteristics (often to a certain energy)

Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 10 minutes (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 0 (Locked)

Physique – 0.1

Mind – 0.1 (8.4)

Soul – 0.1 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 0.1

Skills (4)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Locked)

Information End

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)
  • Energy sense (Level 1/10)

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