The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Arena

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A week and a little had passed since Jake spoke his first word. Him speaking when only a couple hours old went smoother than he expected. His mother didn’t consider him a freak, rather she was overjoyed.

From that moment on, his mother kept bringing him to the table to learn, except for when it was time to sleep or take nap of course. Jake obviously faked his tiredness when his ears were about to explode and took a nap.

Jake wasn’t sure how to feel about his situation. On one hand he was learning ogre language. On the other hand, he was forced to learn from day to night without any privacy, including when peeing and defecating. He felt shame like no other when that happened.

Thankfully, he started learning how to walk five and a half days ago when his physique touched 0.30. It felt liberating and even his mother was surprised.

When his physique touched 0.75, Jake completed body control (1/10), and as expected body control (2/10) was locked in and required 3 arena points. Body control (1/10) gave him the ability to control 50% of his muscle power.

Jake also learned that every hour he was gaining 0.005 in all attributes with the help of the tiger’s milk. What was strange was that no matter how much extra milk he drank, the attribute limit increase was capped at 0.005 every hour.

Though today was a big day because he was about to reach 1.00 in all attributes, meaning that the arena will unlock! Finally, he could gain arena points to unlock energy sense 2/10.

Every night Jake tried to sense energy outside of his body in the training space to no avail. Jake was worried that he might never be able to if he couldn’t sense it in time.


Hearing that loud voice, Jake turned to face his mother.


“Why are you not paying attention.”


Looking at his mother, Jake still couldn’t believe he can speak in the ogre language, even if it was the basics. After all, when he got frustrated in the training space because of not sensing energy outside his body for a long time, he practiced the ogre language. That happened quite frequently.

What was strange was that it seemed he was allowed to pick his own name, though only after he learned enough words of course. When he said his name 'Jake' his parents looked weirded out as if they never heard of that name or word before. Thankfully, it seemed they allowed him to keep his name.


“Fine, you look tired let’s take a break.”

The moment Jake was placed back inside the magic crib and saw his mother walk away; he wanted test if the time froze just like the training space.

Jake opened the system and saw as the 0.99 attributes all changed to 1.00.

He then spat upward and entered the arena.

The arena was like the training space, nothing but white space was there. Waiting for 10 seconds he quickly thought of leaving.

Do you wish to leave the arena? Remaining arena time today, 23 hours 59 minutes 58 seconds.

Well, that looked promising. He still chose to leave for now just in case time didn’t freeze. Returning he saw his spit in the same place in the air. Celebrating a little, he quickly returned to the arena.

Jake quickly said the key word he set for the fighting arena. Then a panel opened.


Fight (enter)

Shop (0 arena points)

Jake saw how simple it looked and decided to get into a fight first. There was no point in checking for something in a shop with 0 arena points. When he said enter another panel appeared.


Equal opponent (fight)

Stronger opponent (locked) – unlock - defeat 10 equal opponents

Jake saw that there were two options. From the system manual (1/3), Jake learned that the enemies he faces are all false and created from just energy. They are controlled by the system using basic characteristics of similar lifeforms. When they are killed, they would turn into arena points. So, the stronger the enemy, the more arena points he could earn.

Thankfully, Jake learned even if he dies no energy is extracted from him.

Jake saw that there was only one choice for the fight right now. Fighting someone equal to him, so he chose to fight an equal opponent.

The moment he chose to fight an equal opponent; Jake saw his surroundings change. The surroundings turned into a large forest.

Fight begins in 3, 2, 1

Before he could process his surroundings, he saw the system give a countdown for the fight.

Jake quickly calmed himself down and checked his surroundings. There was no enemy in sight. Deciding waiting was pointless and a waste of his 24 hours in this space, he walked around looking for his enemy.

After walking for a minute, Jake heard something, but wasn’t sure where it was from. That was until he felt a huge amount of pain on his back, and a rock that fell to the ground.

Jake was confused for a while until he heard another sound, and he quickly ducked, barely escaping a blow to the head.

Not wanting to be a sitting duck, Jake quickly ran to the nearest tree, but unfortunately, tripped on a tree root and fell. Suppressing his complaints, he tried to get up quickly, but was hit by another stone and this time on the back of his head.

Feeling dizzy, he knew that was a bad sign. He had to get up and get reorganized. Getting up, Jake made it behind the tree for cover. Checking the back of his head, he found that it was bleeding. This pain reminded Jake of his brain cancer and he froze for a while. He couldn’t understand what he did to deserve this kind of suffering.

Getting distracted with his emotions was his final mistake, as he heard a sound above his head. Looking up, he saw a muscular monkey like creature holding a stone and about to hit his head. The monkey hit him bad, and before he could recover, he was hit and hit until he couldn’t muster up any resistance and died.

You have been defeated.

It took Jake quite a while to recover before he realized he was back in the arena space.

He wasn’t dead. He wasn’t dead!

Jake quickly realized he was losing control of his emotions and quickly used the mental stability skill to stabilize them.

Jake realized the arena wasn’t all fun and games. Every time he died; he would feel the pain of death. He didn’t even want to go back and fight, it was too painful and frightening.

Taking a deep breath, Jake started to think to himself. Was what he was doing worth it? Magic, it wasn’t even guaranteed to allow him to go back home. Also, who was to say this was the only way. Maybe he could ask his mother on how to sense the energy outside his body before it was too late.

Thousands of thoughts filled Jake’s mind before he realized something, why can’t he just use mental stability during a fight? Couldn’t he become an emotionless killing machine and rack up points?

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Deciding to do it, Jake opened the arena panel again, though this time, he found something that made him feel immense joy.


Fight (enter)

Shop (0.01 arena points)

It seemed he didn’t even need to win a fight. As long as he fought, Jake could earn 0.01 arena points.

Jake decided to check how much time the fight took him.

Do you wish to leave the arena? Remaining arena time today, 22 hours 45 minutes 48 seconds.

Jake saw the remaining time and realized something wrong. He obviously didn’t take an hour in that fight, yet more than an hour was removed from the time gone why?

Thinking of the last fight, Jake couldn’t help but think of how foolish he was. Why didn’t he grab a weapon of some sort. There were rocks and sticks that he could have used all over the floor.

Jake also thought of how he was foolishly out in the open. Why couldn’t he have stuck tree to tree while searching for his opponent.

After thinking of what he could have improved in the last fight, Jake decided to go for another fight.

This time Jake was placed in an area with large grass it was nearly his height. He could also see some trees from time to time.

Jake thinking of his last fight he quickly used mental stability and went into combat mode. This time he quickly looked for a weapon and quickly found one. A large stone fitting perfectly in his hand. The tall grass basically covered him and there was no need to find other covers.

Walking slowly in the large grass, Jake heard something on his left. He quickly stepped right and looked at his enemy.

It a large green creature with a large nose. Different from goblins, it filled with muscles and reminded Jake of a troll. Though this one was twice larger than him and held a large wooden staff

It wasted no time and quickly charged at him.

Jake quickly sidestepped its charge quite easily and tried to strike back, only to find that the troll had somehow twisted its body and was striking at him again.

Having no time to dodge, the wooden staff hit him straight in the face. Disoriented from the hit, was all the troll needed to beat him to death.

You have been defeated.

Thankfully this time, Jake didn’t feel that bad from the death because of the mental stability being active the entire fight.

This time Jake had a question to ask, why were all his enemies so strong! It took Jake a while, but he then realized his mind and soul attributes in parentheses were probably taken into account when balancing the fight.

While his mind and soul attributes could help somewhat in a fight, it was nothing compared to a stronger physique. It seemed that it would be a long time before he won a fight in the arena.

Getting slightly depressed he decided to check how much time was left.

Do you wish to leave the arena? Remaining arena time today, 21 hours 32 minutes 54 seconds.

That made him even more depressed, every fight, or at least every loss, made him lose an entire hour in the arena.

Then Jake wanted to check if at least his arena points went up, and thankfully they did again by 0.01. Knowing this Jake didn’t know whether to feel happy or not.

The painful journey to 5 arena points for energy sense (2/10) has just begun.


Useful information

Troll – a powerful creature with high regeneration, often has little to no intelligence often associated with ogres.


Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 7 days 12 hours (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 0 (Locked)

Physique – 1.00

Mind – 1.00 (8.4)

Soul – 1.00 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 1.00

Skills (4)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Enter)

Information End

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)
  • Energy sense (Level 1/10)
  • Body control (Level 1/10)


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