The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Shop and History

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Jake felt tried, he lost every fight badly. Though there was a benefit from the fights, he learned through his mistakes and improved.

In the 22 fights he fought, Jake summarized what he could improve, not counting the first fight.

One - walking towards the enemy is better than running when the enemy is close. This will allow him to understand his opponent and put up a good defense.

Two – never grapple, kick, or punch. This is because he is so weak compared to his opponents, using his physical body alone is pointless.

Three – grab a couple of weapons. Some weapons could be used as consumables, which he could throw and damage his opponent as much as possible while his opponent is far away. There were also a couple of times his weapon broke on the first hit because it was weak, so a backup weapon is required just in case.

Four – wait for his opponent and ambush them, best with a place above his opponent. This allows him to gather a lot of rocks and other weapons. It also allows him to have the element of surprise, and most of the time, not be ambushed by the enemy.

Jake could have summarized more, but those were the most important and the others didn’t work for some creatures he fought.

The arena also thankfully stuck to the five environments. Mountain, forest, grassy plains, icy plains, and desert.

Jake hated the icy plains and desert with passion. In those environments, Jake could barely find any weapons nor hide. Jake also didn’t really like the extreme weather, no matter if it was hot nor cold.

Jake loved the mountains. Throwing rocks is his most useful tool against his opponents and the mountain environment had tons of them. He could also hide and ambush easily because the mountains had a lot of cover.

The opponents he faced were all somewhat familiar. Some Jake knew from fantasy books, and others were just animals that were larger and stronger than normal. Thankfully, none of them had any special skills or abilities, or at least none he knew of.

Jake decided it was time to check out the arena store with his 0.23 arena points, using the last of his time left in the arena space. Jake was obviously saving 5.00 for the energy sense (2/10), but it was always a good idea to check on what he could purchase.

Arena store (0.23 arena points)

Skills – search

Knowledge – search

Looking at the search option, Jake was confused. Why were options not presented? Did he have to know the skill or knowledge to search?

Deciding to try it out, Jake pressed search for the skill, then wrote ‘teleport’.

Teleport (1/10) – the ability to bend spacetime energy to travel. Purchase 1,000 arena points. Recommended attributes - 10 physique, 15 mind, 5 soul.

Seeing teleport actually show up made Jake happy, could he return to Earth with this? Though that lasted only for a moment. How long it would take for him to get teleport enough for him to go home? He probably could not do anything drastic with teleport (1/10). 1,000 arena points just for level 1, how much would it cost for 2, 3, 4, etc.?

Deciding it was not worth thinking so much, Jake decided to search in the knowledge section. He wrote ‘giant balanced ogre’ and options numbering hundreds popped up.

Biology of the giant balanced ogre (1/5) – introductory biology of the creature ‘giant balanced ogre’. – Purchase 1 arena point.

History of the giant balanced ogre (1/2) – history about the race ‘giant balanced ogre’. Purchase 5 arena points.


Jake looked at the knowledges that showed and couldn’t believe how much there were. Did the system really have to show that much? Thankfully, the system organized the knowledges and put the most important ones first, or at least he thought so.

Seeing that they were all worth 1 or more points, Jake assumed that the system’s lowest purchase is 1 arena point.

While Jake was thinking, he saw a system message pop out.

Daily time in arena has finished, automatic exiting will commence in 3, 2, 1

Seeing himself back in the crib Jake decided to take a break from his thinking and sort out his thoughts later.



Nearly four days later, Jake just finished fighting in the arena. He gained 0.24 arena points a day, (0.23 in the first day was due to checking out the arena shop) which added up to 1.20 arena points in total.

It seemed that when in a fight even if there was only one second left in the arena, he would be able to finish the fight before being forced to leave.

Thinking of all his fights Jake felt a little annoyed. While he did make progress and could fight much longer and even inflict mild damage, he couldn’t defeat anyone.

Deciding not to dwell on it, he got ready for the day.

“I awake mother.”

Speaking in broken ogrish language, Jake waited for a couple of seconds then saw a massive wave approaching him. Jake looked at the wave with admiration rather than fear like the first time. As the wave crashed into him, Jake enjoyed every moment of it. All the filth was washed away, and it felt comfortable. A moment later it pushed him out of the crib.

“Today I will be teaching you about our world. Even if your language skills need improvement. Follow me.”

Turning Jake saw his mother. Today she looked more serious for some reason.

Following her, Jake reached where the mother tiger was and started drinking some milk. After finishing, Jake went to the teaching table. As usually his mother picked him up and put him on top of it.

“I will start from the beginning. The brute age, which is also known as the energy-less age. Not much is known about this age. Some records state that the strongest of the age, were the giant tribes.

Though what was known about this age was that there was fighting for land everywhere. There was no peace between tribes and blood flowed in every corner of the world.

Later in this age a genius appeared. He was part of the penguin tribe and was born with the ability to sense vitality. The genius then decided to see what he could do with vitality. After countless trials and errors, the genius was able to utilize and expand on the power of vitality.

Vitality allowed the genius penguin to strengthen its body until it became the strongest lifeform alive. Vitality also increased lifespan which made it even more valuable.

Unbelievably, the penguin genius decided to share knowledge about vitality to every lifeform. This brought some peace to the chaotic world, as everyone wanted to increase their lifespan using vitality, rather than kill each other.

Due to this genius the next age came, the vitality age.

During this age, power depended on strengthening the body with vitality.

Everyone strengthened their body beyond belief because the stronger the body the longer the lifespan. It also allowed them to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, while strengthening the body gave a lot of power and even increased lifespan, it consumed a lot of resources. Soon everyone started running out of resources.

This caused strong dissatisfaction with many. The strong started taking resources from the weak, and after a long period of time, the weak were cast aside.

Unable to gain any resources, the weak gathered together then started killing stronger lifeforms. This continued until the strong decided to gather and take out the weak lifeforms due to their rising threat.

A great war started. Forests turned into deserts, mountains crumbled, and even the great ocean split into 10.

The penguin tribe, which was still respected due to their contribution of spreading knowledge of vitality, decided to gather everyone together before it was too late. When everyone was gathered, a great meeting was held.

The meeting lasted for 3 years, before a solution was reached, to split the world. The strong were placed in the eastern part of the world, while the weak on the west. This thankfully brought some peace to the chaotic world.

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After a long period of ‘peace’, a new power was discovered.

It was discovered by a genius tree. The tree was born with ability to sense vitality, but also something else. The energy of the world!”

The moment Jake heard that he was stunned then became happy. He could finally ask his mother on how to sense the energy outside of his body.

Jake couldn’t ask this question directly before because it would have meant he learned that information elsewhere, but he had never been outside since the one time he was dragged to town. So, he needed a basis on where he got that information.

It wasn’t like he tried different ways of asking. Like after getting out of the arena, Jake asked his mother if he could cast water spells like her, which she responded with, when the time is right. So, Jake had to wait until she explained a bit more like now.

“Energy out body?”

“Yes, do not worry about it, I will tell you about that later for now let me continue.”


“The genius tree was puzzled. It questioned why no one saw the floating things all around. In the end because it kept questioning them about the strange things floating around, they called it crazy and even its tribe almost kicked it out.

Deciding it had enough, the tree tried its best to prove everyone wrong and show that there were really things floating around. It tried almost everything it could to move the strange things but failed. This went on until it decided to stare at them and will them to move with its mind. It realized it could move the strange things slightly.

Feeling ecstatic, the tree moved the strange things into a nearby object and realized it made the object stronger. Thinking if the objects could become stronger by having the strange things enter its body, didn’t that mean the same would apply to it?

That was the moment energy absorption was created.

The tree got powerful over time and defeated everyone that made fun of it. The giant tree then bragged about its achievements to almost everyone, which later almost caused a war to occur. This was because the tree didn’t want to hand over what it discovered, but ultimately was forced to by the entire world.

Weirdly enough most of the lifeforms couldn’t even perceive the energy in the outside world. Everyone thought the tree was hiding something. That was until they realized that most of the children who learned that there was energy outside their bodies were then able to perceive the energy.

This caused the vitality age to take a long time to transition to the energy age, and a lot of lifeforms still couldn’t even sense the world energy.

The vitality age, which lasted about 10,000 years ended, and the energy age began.

In the energy age, resources became less important. Energy in the world was abundant, and even felt limitless. Though later everyone realized it was because over time, the world’s energy was actually increasing.

More and more lifeforms adapted to the energy age, but some just couldn’t. Only about 1 in 10 lifeforms were able to sense energy before it was too late. The more intelligent the lifeform, the greater its chances of sensing the world’s energy.

Then even if they could sense the world’s energy, they couldn’t absorb it. This was because absorbing energy actually also required a strong body, meaning that resources were still required.

The west which had a large population realized it was running out of body strengthening resources as the population increased, so fewer and fewer lifeforms were able to use the energy absorption method.

The east which had less lifeforms but were stronger overall, almost all used the energy absorption method if they were talented enough because their physical body was strong enough.

Thankfully, the resources were replenished faster as the world’s energy increased.

After 20,000 years, the world’s energy replenished resources faster than the world’s population could consume it. Now what restricted the population was talent rather than resources.

While it looked like peace would arrive, land became an issue due to the increase in population.

Wars started for land, and this time weirdly enough even when the lifeforms became stronger overall, the lands were not damaged as much. Everyone slowly started to realize that the world was evolving as well.

This was a strange thing to imagine for most, the world alive, how could that be? Could they be hurting the world every time they damaged it? Though everyone still went to war for land, for greed knows no bound.

While the wars for land sounded bad, it kept the population of the world in check and allowed the world to gather more energy, which in turn allowed the lifeforms to strengthen themselves more.

All was going great until the first spell was cast.


Well that enough for today, time to return to studying language”

Jake wanted to learn more history of the world but knew his mother wouldn’t explain more.

Though he still had a question to ask her.

“Mother how feel energy out of body?”

“Later Jake when the time is right you will feel it yourself. Remember it requires high intelligence, it would be easy since you are so intelligent just like the genius tree.”

That didn’t sound good, it seemed he must rely on himself to get the energy sense (2/10).

Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 11 days 12 hours (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 0 (Locked)

Physique – 1.48

Mind – 1.48 (8.4)

Soul – 1.48 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 1.48

Skills (4)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Enter)

Information End

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)
  • Energy sense (Level 1/10)
  • Body control (Level 1/10)

Arena points (1.2)

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