The King of Spades

Chapter 6: Visitors (2)

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"Excuse me?" (Nun)


"Ah, I'm sorry for taking you by surprise, I know this might all seem so sudden but please bear with me. As I was saying, my name is Jake, and this is Ken, we are here to look for children who have either strong or useful gifts. For those that we deem to have those we will take, as for the others, they can remain within your care."


"… Wha..what makes you think we would just allow you to do that?"


Said the nun while stuttering, as she understood that against these men she couldn't do anything. The gift she received was called [Plant Growth Acceleration] a gift that came from her overflowing love for raising plants.


As its name suggests, it speeds up the growth rate of any plant or vegetable she raises herself. Although quite practical, it is useless when it comes to combat.


"Oh, we’re not asking for permission silly, we’re just letting you know so that no unnecessary fights occur. As you can guess by now, we are very very~ bad men. I mean if we weren't we wouldn't be kidnapping children now, would we? Anyway~, since you know the situation already, relay our message to whoever is in charge, we don't want to waste our time."


The nun was terrified, her legs were shaking uncontrollably, and as if by reflex she started running, probably to the direction where the Head nun was currently.


"Sigh*, I think we should come clean already? I feel sorry for the poor sister."


"bah! We’re just getting to the good part! Don’t spoil my fun. And besides, I wasn’t entirely lying now was I? It’s better to explain the situation now than to have her be delusional about the situation of the children."


"But couldn’t you have worded it better, letting her know in such a way and putting her in a situation where she is constantly worried makes it look like we’re the bad guys... (mumble)"


"hm, what was that?"


"It's nothing… you oaf (mumble)"


{This battle junkie just wants to fight; his intentions are way too obvious}


Tap tap tap*


While the two of them were conversing, the sounds of multiple footsteps coming their way sounded inside the orphanage.


Staring from a distance, the two men could see the nun they just talked to being accompanied by a group of nuns, one of which, who was at the forefront, had a different uniform than the others.


"Well well well, might you be the one in charge of this place?"




Silence...that was the only answer Jake received.


"Don't be such a foul sport, why don't we introduce ourselves once more? My name is-"






"I said leave, I will never hand over my children to the likes of you. Over my dead body."


"Likes of me? Now isn't that rude?"


"Enough chit chat, if it's a fight you want–


The head nun angrily glared at the two men and put on black gloves that completely covered her hands.


-then it's a fight you'll get!"

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The other nuns also took out weapons of their own, some carrying metal bats that the children played softball with, while some carried gardening tools such as rakes and scythes.


Although they were frail-looking nuns, it should be noted that most of them possessed the gift [Physical Enhancement], making those tools they carried as dangerous as actual weapons.


"hehe just as planned. I'm gonna start now, wanna join in?"


"Knock yourself out, hitting women, especially nuns... sigh* hell has a special place for you."


"It's not like I'm going to kill them, the boss strictly commanded us to not kill unless necessary so unless I wanna get my ass whooped after arriving at the base, I'm just gonna subdue them. Besides... after all the things we’ve done even before that ‘phenomenon’... it’s not like we have any other destination than hell in the first place."


Jake solemnly exclaimed as he stretched and warmed up his body.


After he was seemingly done with his stretches, without notice, he suddenly lunged toward the group.


The nuns startled by his sudden actions were taken by surprise. One nun on the right side of the group was the first target, Jack appeared in front of her and punched her stomach. Although she should possess twice her normal durability, one punch was all it took to knock her out.


"...That's one down huh? Come on now, if you guys are this weak you probably won't even trigger my gift. Never mind, beating me."




On that fateful day 3 months ago, Jake awakened a gift that fitted his personality perfectly, raising his combat level to several folds.


It was the perfect gift for a battle addict like him, allowing him to quickly gain an even higher position than what he had before. Combat-oriented gift [Battle Frenzy]


[Battle Frenzy:

When facing an "opponent", Stamina is increased by 10% while Speed and Strength are increased by 5%. The longer the battle continues the stronger the status effects, (For every second that passes 0.1% is added to the aforementioned effects.]


His gift specifically mentioned "opponent", making it so that it won't work against those significantly weaker than him, as they are not considered opponents ... but rather prey.


After 30 minutes of fighting, he had already subdued more than half of the remaining nuns, as expected of people who were able to receive gifts, although it was true that he was holding back, not many could last this long in a fight against him. But-


"Sigh~~*, if I knew it was only going to be this much I wouldn't have taken the effort to purposely taunt you guys."


it was still not enough


"I told you this was just a waste of time, Let’s stop this no-" (Kendrick)


Just as Kendrick was about to tell Jake to stop this fiasco, his mouth stopped when he felt a terrifying chill with every single strand of hair on his body suddenly standing up.


The same could be said for Jake as well as his entire body was suddenly bathed with fear and his gift was suddenly triggered, covering his entire body with a faint blood-red aura.


"...gulp* ... a-are you sure you’re a nun? that's quite the killing intent you've got there. "


Walking to him slowly, the beautiful figure of the head nun approached


For the two men, every single step she took felt as if death was coming nearer and nearer. The rhythm of her steps seemed to follow the beat of the two men’s hearts and the charming yet deadly smile on her face completely took their breaths away.




"Well... unfortunately it seems that even my well-trained subordinates were unable to satisfy your desire for battle huh? And I was so confident that I wouldn’t have to interfere too... Oh well, why not try your luck with this lady? I'm sure I won't disappoint."

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