The Last Boss Live

Chapter 4: Chapter-4 The First to The Fifth.

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Mui and Liora sat silently in their fortress of stone and wood, a fortress that took Mui half a month to build. On wooden chairs the two ate fruit and vegetables that were available in the past month, a month that finally made Liora calm her nerves and steel her heart. "So, what then princess? what do we do now?" Mui asked as he took a bit from his apple.

"I... I don't know, I don't know what to do anymore..." Liora responded with sad response, "Oh come on, how about go on an adventure? we might still have a chance of returning home." Mui said confidently as he took another bite.

Liora smiled as she took an apple and started to eat it. "I didn't know that there were these many fruits in the forest princess." MUI said as he chewed on the piece of the apple in his mouth. "It's not like you could find these things lying around in a forest." Mui swallowed, "Plus, I expected them to be in a jungle rather than on a bunch of trees huddled together." Mui said with confusion and awe. "But first I think we should get some..." Mui was cut off by the sound of fighting outside and quickly went to take a look, however he did not expect this, it wasn't demons this time but undead. Lots and lots of them.

Mui looked down from the balcony, "If I'm correct, zombies can't exactly climb or swim." Mui unsheathed his sword before looking back towards Liora who stared at him, confused and concerned. "Liora, do you have experience with dealing with the undead?" Liora responded with a slight smirked and stood up before unsheathing her own sword. "Of course, Sir Mui."

Mui turned towards the horde of undead before finding the source of the sound, unlike the undead who made none. "Is anyone up there!? please! open the gates if you can hear me!" A man below screamed for help, but Mui couldn't keep it in, the sheer size of the fortress only made him laugh but inevitably he had to save the unfortunate man.

"Liora quick, teach me one basic necessity on how to use magic or something." Mui asked the princess who was already standing next to him, "Um... alright...? first, you have to channel your energy to you palm and release it. Secondly you need to direct your energy towards your target. Thirdly you need to imagine how much energy you are willing to release until you stop. That is one the most basic forms when casting magic, at least to my knowledge." Liora quickly taught Mui.

Mui nodded, "Alright, here goes." he then aimed his arm towards the horde of undead below as he imagined a beam of light come out of his palm. "Woah! I can feel it! THE POWER!" And just like that his imagination came true, a beam of light was released from his palm and towards the undead horde. Upon impact, the light burned everything in a hundred-meter radius, its light turned the night into day for only a second before dissipating. "Wait, that's it? really?" Mui said disappointedly.

"You need to focus when casting your spell Sir Mui, most of your attention must be focused on casting while the other is targeting." Liora reminded while Mui took his spell casting a bit further. "Alright how about this then?"

Mui's eyes glowed as he raised his hands towards the sky, the clouds parted, and the fires dispersed. Lightning lit the skies while thunder shook the land, cold winds poured the rain while fire burned the remains. At that very moment only one voice could be heard, and from high above his fortress the caster declared. "GOD CLASH!!!"

Mui clapped his arms. Everything in front of his as far as his eyes could see was reduced to an enormous cavern the size of an entire continent, and as if the world was moved twelve hours into the future the night became day in milliseconds.

"That... that was amazing Sir Mui..." Mui shrugged with a smile, "Please princess, call me Nomad." Liora smiled and quickly hugged Mui. "Alright, alright!" Mui said as he removed himself from Liora's embrace, "Let's go find our little visitor." Mui and Liora then walked towards the exit of the fortress and opened the massive gate of the walls that protected the inside from intruders. "Hello? is someone there?" Liora called out as two figures rose from the ground. "Haha! see big brother! I knew there were still good people!" a kid with brown eyes and brown hair spoke joyfully while the older teen remained calm and cautious.

Mui lowered his hood and watched as the two brothers approached them. Judging by the clothes they wore they were teenagers from Earth, but Mui felt like they weren't real in the first place, as if they weren't from the same Earth he was from. 

The kid wore a school uniform just like his older brother, black pants, white polo shirt, and black shoes. Both of them had scars though the teen had seen better days, Mui found it funny that these guys had nothing on them but the clothes on their back while he on the other hand had the power to kill gods and destroy worlds. "These guys are definitely not human..."

Mui said with a lowered voice, "Hello there miss! t-thank you for saving me and my brother, I wouldn't have thought anyone would actually save us from this tricky situation." the kid said with a happy face before introducing himself. "I'm Jack, and this my brother Chris. Pleased to meet you two!" Mui nodded in silence while Liora introduced herself and him. "Pleased to meet you too Jack and Chris. My name is Liora, and this is Sir Nomad my friend." Liora said with a calming smile.

"Let's get moving princess." Mui said with a cold voice as he turned around. "We don't want our visitors to die of starvation." Liora first closed the gates before following Mui and the two visitors inside the fortress.

Jack and Chris were eating fruits left and right like it was the end times, Mui noticed that Liora had much more of a white hair and emerald eyes. Liora almost looked more like holy prophet than a royal princess. "Princess I've just noticed, why don't we ever stink like those two? I haven't taken a bath in almost a month." Liora sighed and happily answered, "Sir Nomad unlike these two we are surrounded by mana and our auras. They recycle the impurities on our bodies and turn it into nourishment or fuel for our minds, also so that we do not smell and keep our bodies clean and fresh at all times, that is why we do not have need for air. But that ability is only available for stronger casters like you and I, do you not agree?" Liora smiled calmly.

Mui shook his head but heard yet another voice outside the fortress, this time it was on the other side. "Hello? is anybody inside?" Mui heard a man's voice this time and went down to take a look. "Yes?" Mui asked as he slowly opened the gate see a wounded man wrapped around in bandages and rags with half his face covered with a broken red mask.

Although the man's and Mui's eyes didn't meet directly, he saw the color of the man's eyes. "Golden..." Mui murmured as he opened the gate to let the man in. "Come inside, we don't have much time." The man nodded and entered the fortress, followed by Mui who closed the gate behind him once he entered and followed him towards main body of the fortress.

"Another man from another version of Earth. Great... just what I needed." Mui said to himself as quiet as he could as he watched the man flawlessly moved from hall to hall until he reached the room where Liora and the two brothers were in.

Once Mui and the unknown man were in the room Liora and the brothers looked at him, no not the man but rather Mui. This action actually confused the third guest as he looked at Mui with a confused face. "Is there a problem princess?" Mui asked in a cold tone, "No... not all, um... how should I put this..." Liora scratched her head as she nervously smiled. "Sir Nomad, do you happen to have met a god before? n-not that it concerns me, but we were just curious." Mui raised an eyebrow, "Define, curious." Mui said while Chris finally spoke. "Sir Mui, if you could please tell us your experiences when you were away from Liora it would be greatly appreciated." Mui eyed the teen for a moment before answering his stupid question.

"If you're asking that I met god then you're wrong, I met multiple gods. And they were very weak." Mui turned towards the man beside him. "And who're you? you don't look like you're with these two, explain yourself. NOW." Mui said with authority as the man suddenly dispersed into smoke before reappearing behind Mui in a new and stylish clothing. Now in a full black attire. "My name is Sullivan, and I come from Korea. Apologies for my late introduction, I hope you can forgive me."

"Try anything funny and I promise you Sullivan, you won't be reincarnating anymore." Mui coldly before walking towards Liora. "Princess, why exactly did you ask for my experience when I was away? care to tell?" 

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Liora laughed nervously before answering Mui. "Well, I think it is best you ask them yourself." Mui turned towards the brothers as the younger one smiled and quickly explained. "Well, you see Sir Nomad, we were sent to this world by a pretty lady who called herself the goddess or something, so that we have a second chance in living! she was so kind too! just like the princess!" Liora smiled while Jack continued, "But she didn't give us any powers or anything that could help us, so we were in a bit of a pickle when we arrived. So that's why we wanted to ask for your story! how did you get your powers?"

The curious child asked with sparkling eyes as Mui thought to himself for a moment before answering with a half-truth answer. "Hmm... to answer your questions simply, I beat the gods and goddesses until they were halfway to the afterlife. And you don't want to know how or why I did it... it's best not to try, lest you regret it." Mui said with a slightly aggressive tone.

"Pardon his temper." Liora interjected. "He is just as lost as you are, so he is quite protective about information and do not trust many people... unlike before." Mui crossed his arms, "I just want to go home, or find the cause of this... world hopping. And whatever's happening right now." Mui said in a calmer voice as he relaxed himself from stress.

"Then can we tag along?" Jack happily asked with a bright and childish smile. "Your brother ok with this?" Mui asked, "Wherever he's going, I'm going." Chris said and tapped his brother's shoulder. "And you Sullivan?"

"I Can't say I have a choice. I also want to return home." Sullivan answered as he also crossed his arms. "Princess?" Mui asked as he turned towards Liora. "An adventure sounds fun, but how about you Sir Nomad?"

Mui answered as he sighed, "I'm stuck with you now, so I'm coming. Also, remember what I said before? you're the only source of reliable information, so that means that you're only map I got." Mui lowered his arms and sat on one of the chairs next to Liora. "I've got plenty of skill to protect all of you at once, so until this is over you better follow my orders unless you can do something on your own." Mui took out his dagger and slammed it on his side of the table. "That means don't mess up, got it?"

Everyone except Mui nodded, "Alright then, we set out tomorrow. Just a reminder not to be a hero, we're not here to solve people's problems and save the world, anyone who wants to be a hero just leave." Mui paused for a moment then continued. "And if anything tries to kill you, well... kill them. Don't hesitate, that'll get you killed."

Everyone went to get some sleep, with the many rooms and weapons that Mui made along with the fortress they got their own rooms no problem. All except for one individual, Mui, who preferred to sleep where he sat. But was it really this easy?

Unexpectedly, a terrible storm brewed on the other side of the world, but not the type of storm that is usually expected. Heroes, so-called champions of the light, are they enemies? or are they allies? either way, they are merely side characters.













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